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plissken: child predator

over 7 years

i'm not really into callout culture but as a technically legal adult in a site with minors can i just say how creepy plissken is being? like it was annoying but tolerable when he was just spamming and talking about how he made 200 setups-- but it's gone a little far.

first off- the ice thing. he tells everyone on this site that they'll get token if they pour ice on themselves AND that if "it's a girl in a bikini, they'll get double." while that may seem like a attempt at being creepy towards the adult women on this site, most adult women aren't going to send a random 18 year old a video of themselves in a bikini-- not for tokens at least. he's looking for a girl who can't afford to buy tokens for herself (young, if not a child).

secondly, he has special codes such as "blowjob" which is weird

third, the threesome thing? like he's baiting someone a live threesome with her for some random event he's throwing . i'm just going to throw the "BREAKING NEWS!! Plissken to Show his Balls at Plissken's 200th!!" in here too because it's weird af

fourth: "BREAKING NEWS!! anyone who actually constructs and wears pie panties will also win tokens!" i think we can all see why that's both creepy and predatory

i'm not going to go as far as to request a ban of plissken or anything-- i'm more interested in seeing if anyone has experiences with him that would lead you to believe this isn't just a one time thing. he creeps the heck out of me, and he isnt even predatory towards me. honestly i'm just worried that he's using his perceived status on this site as a way to bait underaged girls into doing things for him for tokens.

shame plissken
2 signed
sign this petition if you think plissken should take a good, long look at himself to see how his actions could be perceived by someone looking in (or just stop being a creep)
over 7 years
Yeah, no.

This crap may be getting annoying and weird but from there to actually calling someone a child predator without proof, nope nope nope.
over 7 years
Daddy plissken please violate my tiny underage assholle
over 7 years

fishswim says

i am only 3 years old and plissken was very gentle when he had sex with me actually. not rough or abusing. 8.5/10 would bang again

Thats not even funny. That is sick.
over 7 years
plissken i trust that the """token bonus """ for female in a bikini was a joke then?
deletedover 7 years
Bring back spookynoodle
over 7 years
Honestly? I don't give two f.cks about plissken's 200, but plissken is getting to the point of being aggravating as hell with the constant spam. Just give him a ban just so sandbox can have days where there is no plissken's 200 fake news.
over 7 years
i am only 3 years old and plissken was very gentle when he had sex with me actually. not rough or abusing. 8.5/10 would bang again
deletedover 7 years
bulla ur a creep ...
deletedover 7 years
also "creepy" is thrown around way too liberally in today's society especially on this website and other associated hivemind trash like tumblr

make an innocuous sexual reference or joke that obviously isn't meant to be taken seriously and suddenly you're labelled a child predator
deletedover 7 years
he's just using the donald trump model of success
over 7 years
creepy's fine
over 7 years
i dont have to think about what i say. a f#cking comedian doesnt either. there will always be ppl like you who have to be offended by everything or have to find something to b#tch about

I dont owe you anything. I wont feed into your picture that you're painting. You are sounding like an idiot. No one asked anyone for inappropriate pictures. And no one is making anyone either. People are posting pics and vids for Plissken's 200th of their own free will.

I wont feed into your b#llshit because you are bringing up things that arent there. I could argue you on every point, but this is just pure slander. You couldve been created this thread, but you waited until 16 days before my event to let ppl get a chance to see it to manipulate the public. it's not about me... my event, but this thread is all about me and my event. You make this happen. You see? You dont want anything, but the perception to be, it's about me.

This is about the community having fun. F#ck you for trying to turn
it into something else
deletedover 7 years
predate me i will bear the predation so others don't have to
over 7 years
Floor, I don't agree. I stated I don't like calling people out, but this is something that has to be established in public. the users of sandbox must stand up against the predators in our ranks, and that is why i created this post. this directly affects every single user of sandbox. I, for one, will not allow this kind of behavior and I encourage you to do the same.
over 7 years
I don't give two hecks about plissken's 200th, I don't care if it happens or not-- I wouldn't be attending either way. take a look at what you've said and if you can honestly tell me it doesn't seem predatory (removing it from the context of what others have said) I'll forward you some literature about the progression of child predators so you can learn about what you're doing.
over 7 years
I downvoted everything you posted after I realized the predatory nature of it. Don't accuse me of projecting "my issues" (which are what exactly? not wanting underage girls to be taken advantage of by creeps on the internet?) when YOU are the one who asked girls to send you videos of them in bikinis. I've seen this before, it starts with something innocent, moves to something borderline inappropriate (bikini videos), and then progresses to something completely inappropriate. let's pretend you haven't said anything creepy, or that I didn't mention it. how can you justify asking a site that has a large portion of minors on it for them to send you borderline inappropriate pictures? are you ever going to answer that question, or are you going to keep digging yourself a bigger hole. all I want is for you to realize how those things come off. all i want is for you to think next time you post something, about how it might seem predatory.
over 7 years
at the end of the day you are still mentioning Plissken's 200th and ppl will come so if you wanna try and say that about me, what about you wanting pics of ppl's animals?

what if someone accused you of being into bestiality?

you see how easy things can be tweaked?

That's what you're doing. If you don't want to go don't go cause I'm not making anybody attend Plissken's 200th either, but it will be everywhere that entire week, so if you dont log in... you dont log in....
over 7 years
this should be a private affair..
over 7 years
you're acting like one of those ppl who everything upsets and disgusts them. you have issues, not me and you're projecting your issues onto me personally. chat is all i need to point to. you're just picking with me personally
over 7 years
you are the one saying these things. not me. you are the ones specifically talking about these things. not me. I am simply offering promotions and ppl can accept it or not just like others that you wont bring up because they dont fit in with the image you are trying to create around me, like The RiskitfortheBiscuit At-Your-Own-Risk Trials. ppl can say that's taking things too far as well, but it's not like anyone's making you perform a risk-taking stunt.

I have never asked or condoned anything illegal. You are the one thinking this way and I dont owe you a damn thing, Screw you. You are just doing the last thing you can think of to sour my name and my event. You are one of the few that downvote anything I post, I wont take anything you say seriously because you are bias. You just dont like me or what I stand for.

I cant take seriously anyone who can sit in that chatbox with all the conversations that should break hundreds of rules but dont, but i said this and thats too far.... gtfo seriously. have you seen the things talked about in chat?

it's funny actually i get a kick out of it. i can say something and its just so disgusting then ten minutes later everyones talking about something similar. i've seen it.
over 7 years
I have personal experience dealing with online predators (not to mention that I've watched every episode of "To Catch a Predator" at least 3 times), so i feel like i have an obligation to call you out.

you are clearly trying to dodge the incredibly creepy (and harder to fight) points, focus on the weaker ones to try to discredit me. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, i just want you to admit that maybe asking for pictures of girls in bikinis on a site that's probably around half minors is not okay.
over 7 years
"It's alright that I'm creepy, because I am promoting something"

yeah that's not how that works. it is undeniably creepy that you want videos of (underage) girls in bikinis. it is undeniably creepy that you want pictures of girls wearing "pie panties". you aren't even trying to deny that, you're just deflecting it to other issues. prove to us that it's not creepy, don't just say "it's justified because im promoting"
over 7 years
You are just one of those people that you find something wrong with everything. If blowjobs offend you gtfo.... seriously. grow up. as dirty as chat gets you have some nerve... i say things and it's creepy, but when other people ask me to pee on them or the c#m inside them that's fine. screw you
over 7 years
over 7 years
btw you forgot the Sex Tape that's being leaked only at Plissken's 200th. that's creepy too, right?

the only thing creepy I have been involved in was The Grave Yard Shift Special on 3/16 with the special code "SpookyNoodle"