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plissken: child predator

over 7 years

i'm not really into callout culture but as a technically legal adult in a site with minors can i just say how creepy plissken is being? like it was annoying but tolerable when he was just spamming and talking about how he made 200 setups-- but it's gone a little far.

first off- the ice thing. he tells everyone on this site that they'll get token if they pour ice on themselves AND that if "it's a girl in a bikini, they'll get double." while that may seem like a attempt at being creepy towards the adult women on this site, most adult women aren't going to send a random 18 year old a video of themselves in a bikini-- not for tokens at least. he's looking for a girl who can't afford to buy tokens for herself (young, if not a child).

secondly, he has special codes such as "blowjob" which is weird

third, the threesome thing? like he's baiting someone a live threesome with her for some random event he's throwing . i'm just going to throw the "BREAKING NEWS!! Plissken to Show his Balls at Plissken's 200th!!" in here too because it's weird af

fourth: "BREAKING NEWS!! anyone who actually constructs and wears pie panties will also win tokens!" i think we can all see why that's both creepy and predatory

i'm not going to go as far as to request a ban of plissken or anything-- i'm more interested in seeing if anyone has experiences with him that would lead you to believe this isn't just a one time thing. he creeps the heck out of me, and he isnt even predatory towards me. honestly i'm just worried that he's using his perceived status on this site as a way to bait underaged girls into doing things for him for tokens.

shame plissken
2 signed
sign this petition if you think plissken should take a good, long look at himself to see how his actions could be perceived by someone looking in (or just stop being a creep)
over 7 years
Are you kidding me?

I'm a promoter. I do what's necessary to draw people to what I'm promoting. Maybe if you stop reading so much into things and just see what happens that week.... at least first before you start to slander people.

I have sponsors!
over 7 years
oh man