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over 7 years

we're learning in anthropology right now about how race is social construct and it's super fascinating. (gender too but I haven't covered that yet)

Race was made by Europeans primarily during the Age of Imperialism and Age of Exploration and is an ever changing concept based on culture. This fact has been widely accepted by most anthropologists and historians to my knowledge. Its origin lies with justification for slavery, but now that that's gone (at least in a broad, western sense), it is used for forensics and biological determinism which is super interesting because even then, it's not totally correct. For example, there are blood pressure medications which don't work on some people, due to a gene that disables it. This is most commonly seen in people of African descent so it's automatically labeled as a "black" trait, when there are definitely "black" people without it and "white" "asian" "indian" "mixed" people with it. This specific example was on an episode of House, where a man with a blood pressure medication wanted to get the "white people medication", due to the fact that doctors would usually go to the secondary "black" medication for dark skinned people due to the increased likelyhood, even if it's less effective.

Idk I just really enjoy this topic since I'm learning about it in biological anthropology and it's so cool, I'll delete this if it causes controversy although healthy debate is ok hmu if you have questions or anything idk

please answer questions and be nice and no ad hominem

ye or na
deletedover 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says



>shiggy diggy

estonians are some of the last huwhites
over 7 years
I have all of those things but I'm irish, scottish, (southern) german.

Are irish and south german seperate races?

What about Finland where most people are also fit the stereotypes you listed?

What caused these areas to develop being "white" over others? (EX: Why not belgium or netherlands when they're locked in between the white sections of UK, Germany, and France)
over 7 years


>shiggy diggy
deletedover 7 years
I personally define someone as white if they originate from the circles above and have no line of race mixing

blonde hair
blue eyes
pale skin with rosy face
straight nose when viewed from a profile angle
over 7 years
Race is a huge range of things, I know this. I asked how you /personally/ would define someone as white. Because I just learned that I am not white by your geographical map even though I'm dirty blonde, blue eyed, pale af, and have many physical and cultural similarities to those who are considered white on your map.
deletedover 7 years
if you have to ask, you'll never know.

it's a shame that you're so simple-minded to think race is merely about skin-tone. shame on you.
over 7 years

(obviously it says predicted, but most skin color maps are exactly the same)
I mean a lot of those areas not circled look pretty white to me, but can I ask what you define as "white"? If light skinned people in these areas are not white, what are they?
deletedover 7 years
you're only white if you're circled in these categories
(and yes, i intentionally cut countries in half, southern germans are NOT white)

over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

>people still think jews, slavs, celts, italians are white

well they weren't cited as a different race in your diagrams
deletedover 7 years
cory makes me want to kms even more
deletedover 7 years
>people still think jews, slavs, celts, italians are white

over 7 years

Christopherzilla says

does this mean I can change my race

Tbh your race is something your society decides no you so u can say you're caublinasian like you're Tiger Woods but that doesn't mean anyone's going to take you seriously
over 7 years
This seems kind of like a Cory thread except without the thinly veiled racism tbh.
deletedover 7 years
If it didn't stop Kenny it shouldn't stop you either

Follow your dreams Chris
over 7 years
does this mean I can change my race
over 7 years
tl;dr: 100+ years ago white man said "oh! we can make things better by arresting immigrants and minorities who can work for us for profit!"

Pretty sure the "for profit" thing has stopped, but certainly the arresting hasn't, because that mindset that plagues americans of "POC tend to be bad people" hasn't been fixed.
over 7 years
In the industrial era (1890-1935) of american history, Italians, Poles, Jews, and Irishmen were also treated as minorities, as most were fresh off the boat during this time. They were basically all laborers working below the line of poverty. Along with POC, they lived in slums and were treated as below the common "white man" (english and french being the most "preferable" backgrounds, scottish and german were also accepted later on).

Due to segregation, most minorities who were not laborers, were still strong to to physically demanding jobs, or low-skilled in some sort. Minorities and immigrants who were incarcerated for their crimes either did public-works / service for the city, or their labor was sold to companies through a contract system. The government was obviously benefitting through beautification and payment from putting minorities in the system, so they as a result were more likely to put these people in. The ones who actually help the state instead of the ones who "own it".

This actually causes the Italian mafia because they lived below the poverty line (justifying breaking the law with inability to support family) and were targeted due to being an immigrant (if they're going to get arrested anyways, why not go out with a bang). Irish, black, etc gangs were already common(since the late 18th century) but never really had gotten into much trouble since that point, despite turf wars. If you have time, this article really describes how discrimination and racism caused street gangs in America:

I don't know if this actually makes any sense written out like this but I'm going to avoid writing any more of an essay
over 7 years
ok let's all be polite to each other pls. I am in no way an expert, but everything I say is based on facts widely supported by historians and anthropologists.
over 7 years

dooze says

This is most commonly seen in people of African descent so it's automatically labeled as a "black" trait,

over 7 years
I feel a shitstorm coming
Take cover boys
over 7 years

Jimbei says

I'll let an expert on the subject like dooze break down ur worldviews Cory but from a social issue perspective maybe being forced into hypersegregation is why people turn to crime.

I feel it would be fair to also bring up income/crime statistics on top of unfunded schools and well hypersegregated areas as an entirety

Social issue perspective

Go yourself rasclaart idiot
deletedover 7 years
why is the violent crime in one of the poorest parts of the country (aside from indian reservations) in WHITE Appalachia half as low as the national average?

deletedover 7 years
>Sympathy for thou neighbor
deletedover 7 years
>college freshman in intro to anthropology

deletedover 7 years
I'll let an expert on the subject like dooze break down ur worldviews Cory but from a social issue perspective maybe being forced into hypersegregation is why people turn to crime.

I feel it would be fair to also bring up income/crime statistics on top of unfunded schools and well hypersegregated areas as an entirety