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over 7 years

we're learning in anthropology right now about how race is social construct and it's super fascinating. (gender too but I haven't covered that yet)

Race was made by Europeans primarily during the Age of Imperialism and Age of Exploration and is an ever changing concept based on culture. This fact has been widely accepted by most anthropologists and historians to my knowledge. Its origin lies with justification for slavery, but now that that's gone (at least in a broad, western sense), it is used for forensics and biological determinism which is super interesting because even then, it's not totally correct. For example, there are blood pressure medications which don't work on some people, due to a gene that disables it. This is most commonly seen in people of African descent so it's automatically labeled as a "black" trait, when there are definitely "black" people without it and "white" "asian" "indian" "mixed" people with it. This specific example was on an episode of House, where a man with a blood pressure medication wanted to get the "white people medication", due to the fact that doctors would usually go to the secondary "black" medication for dark skinned people due to the increased likelyhood, even if it's less effective.

Idk I just really enjoy this topic since I'm learning about it in biological anthropology and it's so cool, I'll delete this if it causes controversy although healthy debate is ok hmu if you have questions or anything idk

please answer questions and be nice and no ad hominem

ye or na
over 7 years
black people are cool because they know the most about dragonball z
deletedover 7 years
im not going to bother trying to teach someone about something that they're being indoctrinated against--i'm above it.

like i said, the only anthropology lesson anyone needs is in the video above

and if you can't afford to feed an animal not food, then u probably shouldn't have an animal
over 7 years
bmx bikie bikie boyz
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

dooze says

CoryInConstantinople says

sorry dooze, i dont take anyone that will eventually promote royal canin and science diet as optimal pet nutrition seriously.

I don't I'm sorry to disappoint

ya until u go to the Hills Specialty School where ur fed misinformation and prescribe people 60 dollar food full of by products and fillers calling it a "prescription" diet

I'm sorry cory but I really don't know why you feel the need to attempt to roast me instead of asking the simple questions that I'm asking regardless of my education status. If you must know, I support healthy diets, each which depend on the animals personal health and how much the owner can afford. These can be tested through simple owner trial and error. My personal choice of meal are those that are homemade by owners based on individual dietary needs as opposed to having to pay for unnecessary vet bills and expensive, repulsive brand names. I might try and sell a book or smth for dog meal recipes but it won't cost a lot of money. This is all very off topic, though. Do you want to answer my question?
deletedover 7 years
anywho, this is the only anthropology lesson anyone needs:

deletedover 7 years

dooze says

CoryInConstantinople says

sorry dooze, i dont take anyone that will eventually promote royal canin and science diet as optimal pet nutrition seriously.

I don't I'm sorry to disappoint

ya until u go to the Hills Specialty School where ur fed misinformation and prescribe people 60 dollar food full of by products and fillers calling it a "prescription" diet
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

sorry dooze, i dont take anyone that will eventually promote royal canin and science diet as optimal pet nutrition seriously.

I don't I'm sorry to disappoint
deletedover 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

sorry dooze, i dont take anyone that will eventually promote royal canin and science diet as optimal pet nutrition seriously.

over 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

>highly renowned, respected 4 year university
>not an ivy

it's a public ivy
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

dooze says

CoryInConstantinople says

if you're questioning why settled peoples in different locations aren't white but not why southern germans aren't white compared to northern germans then u obviously are fking re.tarded

I obviously am, enlighten me

because southern ANYTHING isn't white.

then why aren't belgians or dutch or Scandinavians white they're northern? Can you describe the gene flow or lack thereof that determined the difference between a blonde blue eyed freckled straight nosed rosy finnish girl and a blonde blue eyed freckled straight nosed rosy estonian?
over 7 years
shes asking u to inform her u dont have to be rude about it
I've summed up Cory's entire argument:
over 7 years
>highly renowned, respected 4 year university
>not an ivy
deletedover 7 years
sorry dooze, i dont take anyone that will eventually promote royal canin and science diet as optimal pet nutrition seriously.
deletedover 7 years

dooze says

CoryInConstantinople says

if you're questioning why settled peoples in different locations aren't white but not why southern germans aren't white compared to northern germans then u obviously are fking re.tarded

I obviously am, enlighten me

because southern ANYTHING isn't white.
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

if you're questioning why settled peoples in different locations aren't white but not why southern germans aren't white compared to northern germans then u obviously are fking re.tarded

I obviously am, enlighten me
over 7 years

glow says

are u gonna be a vet

frick yea im gonna save all the doggos
deletedover 7 years
if you're questioning why settled peoples in different locations aren't white but not why southern germans aren't white compared to northern germans then u obviously are fking re.tarded
over 7 years
are u gonna be a vet
over 7 years
Also danes settled modern norway why aren't they white?
deletedover 7 years
yeah, what's your highly renowned respected 4 year university where they don't even teach you that celts, italians, slavs, italians, and nords aren't truly white?

the true whites are the ancient indo-aryans
over 7 years
I don't understand, so why don't you explain to me?

I am an animal science major and only know the anthropology subjects that I have been taught by my highly renowned, respected 4 year university.
Iceland was settled mainly by Norwegians. Your logic makes no sense
deletedover 7 years

dooze says

I have all of those things but I'm irish, scottish, (southern) german.

Are irish and south german seperate races?

What about Finland where most people are also fit the stereotypes you listed?

What caused these areas to develop being "white" over others? (EX: Why not belgium or netherlands when they're locked in between the white sections of UK, Germany, and France)

>doesn't know the difference between germanic and celtic

>thinking nordic is white

what do they even teach you at your shi.tty 2 year college?
>Iceland but not norway