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over 7 years

we're learning in anthropology right now about how race is social construct and it's super fascinating. (gender too but I haven't covered that yet)

Race was made by Europeans primarily during the Age of Imperialism and Age of Exploration and is an ever changing concept based on culture. This fact has been widely accepted by most anthropologists and historians to my knowledge. Its origin lies with justification for slavery, but now that that's gone (at least in a broad, western sense), it is used for forensics and biological determinism which is super interesting because even then, it's not totally correct. For example, there are blood pressure medications which don't work on some people, due to a gene that disables it. This is most commonly seen in people of African descent so it's automatically labeled as a "black" trait, when there are definitely "black" people without it and "white" "asian" "indian" "mixed" people with it. This specific example was on an episode of House, where a man with a blood pressure medication wanted to get the "white people medication", due to the fact that doctors would usually go to the secondary "black" medication for dark skinned people due to the increased likelyhood, even if it's less effective.

Idk I just really enjoy this topic since I'm learning about it in biological anthropology and it's so cool, I'll delete this if it causes controversy although healthy debate is ok hmu if you have questions or anything idk

please answer questions and be nice and no ad hominem

ye or na
over 7 years

MeetTerry says

Anthropology and gender studies are garbage disciplines

I'll post after playing league

meetterry is now a meme bot
over 7 years
I'm thinking about majoring in Feminist Studies
over 7 years
Anthropology and gender studies are garbage disciplines

I'll post after playing league
over 7 years
I understand what are races are really flexible.

Some people say white, black, Native American, Asian etc are races (seen here )

Others (especially forensic anthropologists) see four as mongoloid, Caucasian, negroid and Australoid
over 7 years
white and black dont refer to race
over 7 years

dooze says

CoryInConstantinople says

celts are NOT white
that's inarguable

Since the last time you pointed that out, I have not said that again. Are they black??? east asian??? hispanic???

Celts ARE white. I am a celt of welsh/irish decent. celts only come from wales, irish and scotland. unfortunately we are pale/fair skinned. Cory has got it completely wrong. But its not surprising really since she doesn't need to know actual facts about stuff when her lifes ambition is to be a stay at home mother and obey her husband lmao.
over 7 years
LMAO Cory has a huge chip on her shoulder about celts. Hello, celt here and I'm white. Im welsh/irish and we are white, normally with red hair and green or blue eyes. Celts are not dark skinned. Celts come from Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Get over it.
over 7 years
haha, yeah!!!
over 7 years
maybe it's "centimeters between head (flacid) and ground"
over 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

CoryInConstantinople says

another good social construct

For dumb-dumbs these are probability density functions and the X-axis is IQ.

looks like it's inversely related to peepee size
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

another good social construct

For dumb-dumbs these are probability density functions and the X-axis is IQ.
over 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

dooze says

BiIlyHerrington says

>highly renowned, respected 4 year university
>not an ivy

it's a public ivy

I laugh at you despite the fact I graduated from a public ivy.

over 7 years

dooze says

BiIlyHerrington says

>highly renowned, respected 4 year university
>not an ivy

it's a public ivy

I laugh at you despite the fact I graduated from a public ivy.
over 7 years
So long,
au revoir,
auf wiedersehen

I'd like
to stay
and taste my first champagne
deletedover 7 years
anywho my white boyfriend is ready to go to bed so i must oblige

so long,
auf wiedersehen,

to you and you and you
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

celts are NOT white
that's inarguable

Since the last time you pointed that out, I have not said that again. Are they black??? east asian??? hispanic???
over 7 years

ObitoSigma says

I disagree with the last part. Caring for animals does not require luxuries.

No luxury necessary, just understanding nutrition and animal health!
deletedover 7 years
celts are NOT white
that's inarguable
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

I've summed up Cory's entire argument:

over 7 years
I disagree with the last part. Caring for animals does not require luxuries.
over 7 years
Where's the title and units and y axis???? Where are Celts and Germans and Scandanavians?????
deletedover 7 years

another good social construct
over 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

im not going to bother trying to teach someone about something that they're being indoctrinated against--i'm above it.

like i said, the only anthropology lesson anyone needs is in the video above

and if you can't afford to feed an animal not food, then u probably shouldn't have an animal

I agree with your last part entirely. If you can tell me how I'm wrong or where, please do, I am seriously open minded to this and not treating this as a joke.
over 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

>highly renowned, respected 4 year university
>not an ivy

I'm not going to an ivy. :doge:
deletedover 7 years