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Moderator Applications

over 7 years

It's that time of year again.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?

Which timezone are you in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?

deletedover 7 years
make me sandbox owner lmfao
deletedover 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

I want to be a moderator because I want to stop people from hurting my feelings online.

I would make a good moderator because as a former banned user, I am in the mindset of the deplorables of epicmafia, and it would encourage people to change their behavior : )

I am very active in sandbox because my bf works a lot, and i participate in every aspect of sandbox : )


Personally, i would like to improve moderator-user relations by hosting a mixer every Wednesday, i'll bring the snacks!

Fun fact about me: I trained my pet rats to throw away my trash for me

deletedover 7 years
Mod me so I can ban everyone I will do good job
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
cause im tired of the constant hate trolling and racism that goes on in the community and there are so many ban evaders

Why would you make a good moderator?
i can sniff out a ban evader from a mile away

also people like me and trust me

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
almost every day for at least six hours. mainly in games and the wall, occasionally in chatbox

Which timezone are you in?
eastern standard

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
get all the infighting to slow down and s t o p a l l t h e h a t e

also polls

Fun fact about you?
i breed pigeons
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
i dont
Why would you make a good moderator?
cause im yuuuuuuuuuge
How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
mix of fanta and syrup
Which timezone are you in?
beast coast
What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
delete it
Fun fact about you?
im a banned user, guess which one
over 7 years
How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
I participate in both, I enjoy the full experience of the lobby and therefore I would be able to moderate games in addition to moderating solely the chat.

Which timezone are you in?

I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone, yet I do not require much sleep so I do stay up very often later than many.

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
I would like to protect the community from harmful people that are deciding to chase our active userbase out of the lobby and off of the site, I would like to provide the alternative opinion on the moderate team that I spoke about in my manifesto, and I would push to implement the goldmine of ideas (some of which are included in the manifesto) to the lobby in order to make this a less toxic lobby and more fun lobby.

Fun fact about you?
I am a great leader and deserve the opportunity to implement my ideas for the community.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Aside from the lobby taking away from me when I was sitting on a goldmine of ideas to actually improve this lobby, I would enjoy being a moderator as I care very much about this community and I strive to make it a better place each and every day my presence is felt here. I have fought against real corruption and abuse by both lobby moderators and site moderators and I hope to get the opportunity to have the ability to be a fair moderator. I think wielding the power to better this community paired with my influence will allow this lobby to be a safe and fun environment. I am excited to bring fun activities for our people and truly unite us.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I am a leader -- it is that simple. People come to me for advice, they come to me if they are having issues with other players or with administration because they know that I am here to truly protect them all. I have done much for this lobby since the second coming in which I returned including the creation of new roles, the exposing of a certain abusive and corrupt group within Sandbox, I have located and reported countless bugs on the site, and I have created many unique setups for our delightful lobby. I have also created a community on Skype to further connect our great people. In addition to this, I've possessed many leadership positions online and in the real world being a member of my high school Student Council and my university Student Council. I have led a group of over 50,000 users on ROBLOX. I was a very respected leader there. I am known here to be very unbiased and very fair and I do think I can prove that with the reports I will be moderating when I become a moderator.
over 7 years

tigermom says


dw winnie's site mod application took 3 full posts
over 7 years
What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
I find the trolling, or circlejerk, culture particularly unsettling. You know, the one that turns every serious thread (whether related to politics or not) into a competition on who will make the funniest comment. I am making steps at improving the situation by encouraging others to not stray from the issues discussed i.e. moderating the discussion. There are so many talented and intellectual people on this website! Yet they are never given a platform to show their potential because immature virtues are promoted. This has to change.
Another one of my goals is to nurture hospitality to new people who wander to this lobby. As of now, Sandbox is very cliquey and people must use edgy methods to gain attention of others or enter the tight-knit groups that exist within the lobby. In consequence, many people either never fit in and leave or create these insane personas just to be noticed.
These are the main ideas I have on my mind right now.

Fun fact about you?
They say my eyes are nice...
over 7 years

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I feel like my current position/role in the Sandbox community does not satisfy me. I really like this community yet cannot say I consider myself to be a wholesome part of it. Becoming a moderator would allow me to interact with more people, which is both a good thing for me as a newbie (the idea that I am a noob is debatable) and establish myself as a member of a community which I love and would like to improve in many ways. Becoming mod would help me to be heard out.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I have had previous modding experience in a couple of forums, there the folk described me as just and rule enforcing. I did agree and actually liked those labels; I think one of the great things about me is that I do not engage in close relationships on this website so I would be completely unbiased.

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
I spend a couple of hours here daily. I used to spend all of my time in games but now I hang way more in the chatbox.

Which timezone are you in?
over 7 years
- Why do you want to be a moderator?

Like most people, just to help out. Whether it be doing reports (which aren't that many, but maybe because of my timezone some reports can be done more quickly), or just helping people out with questions they have.

- Why would you make a good moderator?

I cover a timezone that mods don't currently cover, I'm very active and in I know a lot of people in sandbox, both who are active in games and in the chatbox, and I'm (generally) on good terms with everyone, both newer players and people that have been here a while.

I've also been mod or a similar position in some other chats or websites in the past so I have some experience in dealing with issues that may arise in communities like this one (although this community seems to amplify every issue)

- How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?

I'm online pretty much every day and especially active during weekends. I play games about every day, I'm often in chatbox and I look at and participate in forum stuff too.

Which timezone are you in?


What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

Ideally I'd want to do stuff to make games in particular more fun, because it has gotten a bit stale for some players who've been doing it a long time.

Fun fact about you?

sometimes i just dont know
over 7 years

Merlot says

Reopened for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

That means she hated all the mod applications that were already posted.
deletedover 7 years
a video of me doing crowd control as my mod app:

over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Who doesn't?

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been forum banned before and I have a VPN so that I can cheat with my alts.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Depends on what you mean by active. Do I play games? Yeah. Do I troll the forums? Yeah. Do I troll the chat? Yeah.

Which timezone are you in?
The zone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Everybody hates me. This fits the public opinion or most mods, so I'll fit right in!

Fun fact about you?

I copied this from
deletedover 7 years

sweetnkind says


make it happen i'm in the mind of a banned user
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
Damn none of u must've been good candidates
over 7 years
Reopened for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
over 7 years
This thread will be closing in one hour.
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
more in chatbox, hmu!

also benis

Which timezone are you in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

So I can hold power on a site and feel good about myself and then when people try to talk me on here or person i can tell them I'm a mod on epicmafia and they better be careful

Why would you make a good moderator?

I'm good at adapting to things quickly so I can adapt to join your circlejerk and make you happy so that's all that matters in being a mod I believe

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?

I'm not really active on sandbox but that doesn't really matter in becoming a mod from what I observed before but I'll be a good mod so that's all that matters

Which timezone are you in?

Which timezone do you want me to be in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

nothing at all, sandbox is perfect is at it is right?

Fun fact about you?

I'm a fun person
over 7 years
- Why do you want to be a moderator? -

I feel like I would do well in a moderator position and I believe that I am the right person to make sure that any injustice in the Sandbox community is eradicated. Also, I feel like Sandbox moderation has been getting a bit of a bad rep recently and I want to help change that.

And it gives me an excuse to look over reports.

- Why would you make a good moderator? -

I've been on this site for four years and it's played an incredibly important role in shaping who I am as a person and has led to the formation of some great friendships with some fellow players. It's safe to say I care a lot about this site so I want to do everything in my power to make sure the people on it are protected and treated fairly. In my opinion we need moderators that are very actively involved in the community and behind the scenes to maintain and improve the lobby and I am extremely willing to dedicate a lot of time to moderate the Sandbox community.

- How active are you in Sandbox? Do you
participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a
mix of both? -

I come here most/in some cases all days of the week (and pretty much whenever I'm on EM which is almost all the time), and I would say I'm definitely more active in games.

- Which timezone are you in? -


What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

I think reports should be handled in a more neutral, case-by-case manner - equal treatment for equal users. Also more community events like the 50 player games and the Sandbox Big Brother would be very welcome and might help attract some new players to the lobby.

Fun fact about you?

Kitt is short for Kittens. I was introduced to this site through a Nintendo forum and that was my username on there, but it was taken. Hence KittKitt, and then Kitt.
deletedover 7 years
Ok we need to keep sin and degeneracy out of the mod team, as epicmafia's resident Orthodox Christian and traditionalist, I Fit This Bill
over 7 years
can we vote for mods :3
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
because i like this website and feel it would be better with me as a mod

Why would you make a good moderator?
i'm constantly active. i never ever close the epicmafia tab. i'm very impartial, even when ppl are actively harassing me i don't really get personally upset. also, no one (maybe like, 2 people) really dislikes me from what i can tell

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
like i said before, i'm constantly online. i play games every hour of the day that i am awake. i read chatbox when i'm not in a game, but i don't generally say words because that's not my style. i also read the forums very actively and comment regularly on topics

Which timezone are you in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
dog in the official sandbox setup
on a more serious note i'd like to improve the reaction speed of mods to reports, which would generally happen with more mods but also i'm very fast

Fun fact about you?
i have a fiancee And a girlfriend And a friend i make out with sometimes and they all know about each other and are cool with it