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Moderator Applications

over 7 years

It's that time of year again.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?

Which timezone are you in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I feel like sandbox has been really lax on hc lately and I want to try to revert that. Throwing around hateful slurs has become commonplace and I don't think that's okay.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I am active in both games and chatbox, and I have a desire to uphold the rules.

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both?
I'm very active, at least a few hours each day, usually more. Both games and chatbox.

Which timezone are you in?

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox?
Like I've said earlier in my application. I really want to improve on moderating HC so it isn't as lax as it is now.

Fun fact about you?
I play bass guitar
deletedover 7 years
I want to be a moderator because I want to stop people from hurting my feelings online.

I would make a good moderator because as a former banned user, I am in the mindset of the deplorables of epicmafia, and it would encourage people to change their behavior : )

I am very active in sandbox because my bf works a lot, and i participate in every aspect of sandbox : )


Personally, i would like to improve moderator-user relations by hosting a mixer every Wednesday, i'll bring the snacks!

Fun fact about me: I trained my pet rats to throw away my trash for me
over 7 years
1) i want to keep scum out of sandbox
2) i am unbiased and have prior experience
3) 24/7, chat & forums
4) est
5) more community games & events
6) i have two cats
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? i don't

Why would you make a good moderator? i wouldn't

How active are you in Sandbox? Do you participate more in games, chatbox, forums, or a mix of both? yes

Which timezone are you in? a good one

What things would you like to improve on or add in Sandbox? i would ban everyone

Fun fact about you? i'm not fun
over 7 years
hell yea