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50p B-Day Bash! (Tues. Jan 10th)

over 7 years

Hello, all.

This Tuesday is my birthday and as such, I'm hosting a (kind of) special edition of Tuesday Night Absolute Clusterfuck. As always, the game starts at 5pm PST. RSVP by either signing the petition or commenting below. I hope to see you all there!

Sign up for Tuesday's 50p game
10 signed
By signing this, I promise not to veg, suicide, or spam at any point in the game, including pre-game.
Best current Sandbox owner/mod?
over 7 years
groshu, the lyncher, and plantclub, the sidekick, win in Day 3 of Absolute Clusterfuck! Good game, y'all.

over 7 years
Happy birthday.
over 7 years
way to go, good job
over 7 years
sorry senpai I vegged while I was charging my laptop charger ;~;

EDIT: wtf did I type y know what I'm not even going to fix it