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New Years Resolution

about 8 years

what's ur resolution(s) for 2017!!!

when are you giving up your resolution
January 1st
January 2nd
January 4th
deletedabout 8 years
my personal resolution is to stop being such a dweeb
deletedabout 8 years
Can't think of a resolution? Here's a few if you need to grab one!

-Be nice to cashiers, servers, retail workers etc. you don't have to leave a tip if you don't want too or can't, but not ruining their day goes a long way.

-Lots of famous people who are getting older did lots of drugs and alcohol and unprotected sex back in the day. Bad stuffs gonna happen! Let's stop blaming the current year and start encouraging each other to live healthy protected lives, so more people get to live to see 90!

-If you're going to lose weight this 2017, please PM Jamal. He will help you keep on track!

-People out there care for you, or will! While things may be down, make your resolution to write down one positive thing about yourself every single day, on a piece of paper or somewhere stored online. Whenever you're feeling down, try to make yourself read through the compliments. Any low self-esteem may try to counteract that; but if you in the past can see things you like about yourself, then you in the future certainly can!

-2017 will be filled with drama. There will be more people self-deleting, more daily drama reports and more tension between a ton of people. Try not to feel weighted down by other people's unhappiness, I've met some amazing people over the years that's convinced me to come back to EM time and again. And who knows, maybe you're someone that's the reason another user still comes on EM, to play or chat with you.

Stay fresh everyone! Have a happy 2017!

These aren't the most resolution resolutions but I do hope that everyone tries to take at least one of these into consideration.
about 8 years
i really do want to set goals because that's fun but because resolutions are so hard to keep up it eventually leads to the blue monday blues

i haven't had any new years resolutions in at least 5/6 years and generally i'm pretty okay with that because it helps me ease into the new year without all this pressure
about 8 years
My resolution is to turn 20. I can do that 3 days after the New Year begins.

I can't fail.
deletedabout 8 years
Resolution for resolutions to come true :P
about 8 years
reach 6 ft tall
about 8 years
about 8 years
my resolution is to take a Great Leap Forward :3
about 8 years
Resolution? Finally eliminate Nocturnul from this website.
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
to finally end it all
about 8 years
To finally leave Epicmafia...
about 8 years
you're just trying to take the spotlight away from my new years thread
about 8 years
my new years resolution is 460x820 lol