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a honest thought

almost 8 years

i might seem like a hypocrite or even biased for some, which is understandable because i never had a problem with fnoof in the past and my username wasn't changed.

i definitely disliked him at some point because of many reasons. but recently, since the last sandbox drama , i noticed that he was genuinely changing and beoming a better person , he was friendlier and nicer, no one complained about him anymore, then he became a site mod and somehow people were b.itching about his ability to proprelly moderate but he proved them that they were wrong by trying harder, being listening and a person who want to learn and so far, he was a decent mod. he ended up winning my sympathy and we weren't even friends.

you guys aren't looking at it from both sides.i understand that he has done mistakes and acted badly with some users, but as soon as he made an error, everyone started complaining again. you guys were just waiting for it and you showed to him that no matter how hard he tried, the results will be still the same : hating on him.

fnoof isn't a perfect human being, none of us is in fact. all of us can make mistakes and we should be more forgiving, especially in a such important day where everyone is suposed to be happy and share happiness and love with others. but instead, you guys are just being irrespectful and showing no empathy.

epicmafia is our home, the place were we have fun and a hospital for the lost souls. many people just want to be appreciated by the community they care for, but they fail to get what they want no matter how much they try. you guys behaving this way won't make it better.

in the end, i want to say that everyone is good inside, im sure that no one is truly evil, we should just be more understanding and forgive each others, i just felt the need to say all of this because you guys kind of grossed me.

Happy holidays everyone!

dag is a
stupid n
almost 8 years

Neopetsaresokawaii says

This just in: People in positions of power abuse it

Abuse Of Power Comes As No Surpriseā„¢
almost 8 years
do you pronounce the h in honest?
almost 8 years
None of us hate error. We should just hate the potential held with such power in the hands of error. And with that hatred comes action to prevent access to such power. This "slip" was an opportunity for other mods to realize that change needed to be brought. Determining who should possess that power relies in the maximum potential that a person could improve upon the relations among individuals in our community.
almost 8 years
It was a comprehensible misunderstand.
good times tho
almost 8 years
hey dourada, remember when error teached us why is it "an sjw " instead of "a sjw"?
good times
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
nice edit, you lost this battle. now i want you to sit in the corner and think about the bad point that you tried to bring up.
almost 8 years

Dag says

lmao this kiddo is mad because i downvoted his last comment

i downvoted it because i think justifying what error did is dumb af and thats how i understood your OP.
almost 8 years

Dag says

you guys aren't looking at it from both sides.i understand that he has done mistakes and acted badly with some users, but as soon as he made an error, everyone started complaining again. you guys were just waiting for it and you showed to him that no matter how hard he tried, the results will be still the same : hating on him.

fnoof isn't a perfect human being, none of us is in fact. all of us can make mistakes and we should be more forgiving, especially in a such important day where everyone is suposed to be happy and share happiness and love with others. but instead, you guys are just being irrespectful and showing no empathy..

really really sounded like you were justifying it. guess not. my bad!
almost 8 years
lmao this kiddo is mad because i downvoted his last comment

almost 8 years
what are you saying amelio? no one is justifying what happened yesterday and no one's gonna do that. you're just trying to force a point but you're failling quite bad at it lad.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

Golbolco says

if he does come back

almost 8 years
also this site has hundred of users and he did everything the other day based on what? like, maybe 10 users that were sh'itting on him?

come on, dont even attempt to justify that.
almost 8 years
He was an and the only people that didn't see that part of him are the people he was intentionally nice to.
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm gonna say this simply:

I'm glad he tried to change for the better, although it didn't work out.
almost 8 years
error is not necessarily a bad person but he should have never been in a position of power when it was proven over and over that he was unstable and not good for the job.

as someone who was a mod with him i can say he did a great job as a mod most of the time, but those overreactions he had ocassionally made him unfit and he shouldnt have had as many chances as he had. less alone a fricking adminship on the site.
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

if he does come back

almost 8 years

Neopetsaresokawaii says

This just in: People in positions of power abuse it

I wasn't gonna comment on this thread but I had to.

10/10 name.
almost 8 years
This just in: People in positions of power abuse it
almost 8 years
My main concern with him was not his moderator skills or even abuse of power, it was the disparaging way he interacted with other people, and - correct me if I'm wrong - this side of his never changed. It was this superioristic attitude that, in essence, engendered people riling up against him (which lead to the mental breakdown).
almost 8 years
He never changed. His behavior never changed ever in his history on the site, it was just obscured. On the Error account he became more restrained and drier, and on Fnoof he became hip and cool. In private he was always the same, talking in the same manner about everyone he deemed beneath him.

Unless of course, they confronted him face-to-face.

I don't blame how you feel, but I've seen a lot of his behavior and that colors my perspective on things.

Was I waiting for him to slip up? Not most of the time beyond moments of anger, after the Error thread I mostly just ignored the situation. When the Ben drama happened I wasn't thinking to myself "oh boy Golby, we get to catch the big one today!" However, prior to the Error thread I definitely was not a fan and did hope that he'd be demodded. I thought it was laughable that he was ever made site mod in the first place, but I didn't care that much.

That being said, Error is not evil. I don't hate Error, and I wouldn't even say I passively dislike him. From what I have been told he's dealt with some personal issues and obviously he's demonstrated himself to be more than a little unstable from time to time. Being on a website like EM, where the name of the game is lying, manipulation and making people slip up probably isn't a good place for him at the moment.

I hope that if he does come back, he'll be at a much better state of mind.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
whilst i don't at all condone the actions of error there is a lot of truth in the fact that people were waiting for him to slip up so that they could complain about him.
almost 8 years
"in the end, i want to say that everyone is good inside, im sure that no one is truly evil, we should just be more understanding and forgive each others, i just felt the need to say all of this because you guys kind of grossed me."