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What did you get for Christmas

about 8 years

I have just now unwrapped my gifts in the christmas of 2016, and I'm wondering what you all got for yourselves.

Hope you had great gifts!

Did you enjoy your christmas?
it was hella gucci
about 8 years
new snowboarding gear, a baseball bat, underwear, socks, shirts, and pants
about 8 years
Delightful items for my house and over 1000 dollars in cash.
about 8 years
as always a bunch of stuff i've already forgotten/didn't ask for so i'd much rather my parents just kept their money lol
deletedabout 8 years

Blister says

pain. regret. humiliation.

every day is christmas for blister
about 8 years
ooo i got a lot of clothes, makeup, and other stuff i wanted from my parents and siblings. im getting money from the rest of my family (:
about 8 years
i got a french press!!! and some cold weather accessories and some snacks and fallout new vegas
about 8 years
Posting this from a gear vr vr mafia very disappointing
about 8 years
Lots of books!
about 8 years
An I.O.U... this is the third time in a row.
deletedabout 8 years
enough new clothes to fill my suitcase back to seattle with. i'm a lucky girl.
deletedabout 8 years
a call telling me to get tested.
about 8 years
I got to work
about 8 years
I got a Trump shirt, the book "There's No such Thing as Overexposure" and a button that when pressed says Trump things.

why I got these things I have no idea
deletedabout 8 years
I got Terraria from a good friend :3
about 8 years
i get to open my presents in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 8 years
some money and boxers
deletedabout 8 years
pain. regret. humiliation.
about 8 years

Volley says

i never got anything for christmas so idk probably nothing this time again

deletedabout 8 years
i got a body scrubber thing, headphones, hot chocolate, and ff15 for my sister and I
about 8 years
i never got anything for christmas so idk probably nothing this time again
about 8 years
excuse me santa hasn't come to my house yet no spoilers
about 8 years
google play credit, some clothes and a manga. dunno what else i got so far tho
about 8 years
been 2 minutes since i opened my gift and got a frickung pair of socks and some gay tie parents are and they are getting zero gifts from me in the next 5 years
deletedabout 8 years
It's christmas eve but we celebrated christmas today this year.

So an external hard drive and a bunch of filters/a few lenses for my camera. and a spice rack for my apartment :D
about 8 years

baabaa says

I got a rice bag that's shaped like a sheep, cook book, and a few shirts

I was told by my Grandma and a certain someone that I need a cookbook, hopefully the boxes downstairs she mailed aren't cookbooks.. ://