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Is fearkill a legitimate strategy?

about 8 years

People often complain about getting "n1'ed" but it's usually a fearkill, often aimed at players of perceivably higher skill level. So is fearkilling a legit strat?

Is fearkill legit strat?
about 8 years
i fearkill after n1 but thats based on how close someone is to figuring me out not who they are
about 8 years
my personal strategy for deciding who to kill n1:

are they a new player?
yes: give them a chance

did they join the game early?
yes: let them play

did they die n1 in a previous game?
yes: give them a break

kill them
deletedabout 8 years
Golbo n1ed me because I called her a furry
about 8 years
We n1 Fred not because we fear him, but because he's Fred.. (":
deletedabout 8 years
I still n1 Golbolco
about 8 years
I used to n1 Golbolco (":
about 8 years

krosserdoge says

Fearkilling works. I kill Jamal n1 everytime because he just random FOS you and now it's up to you to defend yourself, even if you're a town. But hey, now the mafia knows your role.

I don't randomly FOS anyone. I say I locate the mafia and that is exactly what I do.

If I am a member of the town my goal is to locate the mafia. If the mafia is clear to me, why should I stay silent?

I do not FOS town unless they make themselves look suspicious. Do not make yourself look suspicious and I will not FOS you.
about 8 years
if the pie is based solely off of bakerswag wins then using it as a basis for killing might not be the best idea :^)
deletedabout 8 years

SirAmelio says

technically speaking its an OGI strat

since its sandbox tho, its a legit strat

u cant give me a vio for deciding to kill someone based on pie dude, how could u even prove it anyway
about 8 years
N1 me if you agree I am the best player. You can make up other excuses if you want.
about 8 years
Fearkilling works. I kill Jamal n1 everytime because he just random FOS you and now it's up to you to defend yourself, even if you're a town. But hey, now the mafia knows your role.
about 8 years
Town always loses when I get N1d, so it's pretty obvious mafia figured out that fearkilling works.
deletedabout 8 years

sl0nderman says

This is why deck games are really good to prevent OGI related starts but everyone writes them off as a role playing feature. 'Member color maf?

People still do this and when I played a color maf ranked it made me extremely happy because I didn't know which player had 100,000 points and which one had 2,000. If I did I would've fearkilled instantly.
deletedabout 8 years
i n1 ppl i dont like. fucc u
about 8 years
It is lame and mediocre as only lurkadurka can be, but still legit.
about 8 years
This is why deck games are really good to prevent OGI related starts but everyone writes them off as a role playing feature. 'Member color maf?
about 8 years

Ben says

(im not good).

You don't need to tell us that.
about 8 years
I get n1'd 50% of the time i play ranked

I think it's because I have a 3 letter username and people think im good (im not good).
about 8 years
I often get fearkilled, it's sad. I too am just trying to enjoy the game and win, so do not fearkill me.
about 8 years
In Sandbox? Everything's fair game.
In Main? Frowned upon but not illegal.
about 8 years
You weed out the people who have a history of taking sandbox games seriously by scumhunting mafia (which can lead to your death). I mean, you would kill a vigilante as mafia, wouldn't you? Well, this is no different - you just kill the people who are a threat to your winning. If you kill randomly how do you expect to win?
about 8 years

Jimbei says

Remember kids:

If you don't kill Golbolco, she WILL kill you if given the chance.

Only you, actually.
deletedabout 8 years
Remember kids:

If you don't kill Golbolco, she WILL kill you if given the chance.
deletedabout 8 years
You're more likely to win lylo against people who have never scumhunted before
about 8 years
technically speaking its an OGI strat

since its sandbox tho, its a legit strat