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The mentor system

deletedalmost 8 years

Hiya, tl;dr at the bottom.

so I've recently thrown around the idea of revamping the mentor system and fnoof said he would be interested in a more "solid, accessible, and expansive mentor program.", so I would like to suggest a few ideas here as well as get any additional discussion or feedback on how to improve it.

Because as the current state of it is, the mentor system is misused. People have to actively seek out to become a mentee or be a friend with the mentor and want to be listed off on the page. Either way, by the time either of those happen users are experienced enough that they don't need mentors.

First, I would like to bring up the necessities

  1. Mentors can add their own mentees
  2. Anyone over 10,000 points will be considered to become a mentor(Unless for sandbox), and encourage people to be mentors(or even offer incentives.)
  3. Make the mod/mentor page one of the main buttons(Either next to rules on the lobby page, or in the header make it a button next to round), or just focus on #4
  4. Main lobby bio and welcome message should include the mentor system*

*(Thanks for joining Epicmafia, the best place on the web to play online Mafia! appears when you create an account. Suggestion: Make it say "Make sure to read up on the rules(link to the rules), and get a mentor to show you the ropes!(Link to the mentor page)"

Second, the actual mentor page. When new users click on the mentor page, it can give a short blurb titled "Welcome to the mentor page! If you would like someone to advise you while playing games and help get you started, click on their username below."

Clicking on their username will be like if you hit the PM button on their profile. Any new users who join and see this will get a mentor, and that mentor will be able to assist them by answering any questions as well as helping them out in games.

Issues that may come up with this, and solutions:

  • Listing all the mentees will spam the page up. Solution: Add a number next to them(Example: Ballsy, who's a mentor, will have the number 13 next to his username, clicking that will lead to a page listing all of his mentees).
  • People will be added as mentees when they don't want to be. Solution: When you become a mentor, you promise to only add people who ask. Anyone found abusing the system will have mentor privileges revoked. Same for any other forms of manipulation through the system.
  • Mentees/Mentors will be inactive. Solution: Automatically remove any mentees that have not been on a sufficient amount of time(I suggest a month). Also, let mentors list their timezone next to their username on the mentor page, so users can get an idea on who would be on during their timezone.

This way, any new users can receive help. The biggest issue is getting Lucid on board, as well as getting enough mentors to make this an efficient force. I think that if enough people are interested in helping new users, this would give new users the best introduction to the site, and instead of being faced with some hostile games, would help them correctly understand the game so they can play.

Tl;dr: The mentor system needs a serious revamp, and any of your opinions/suggestions below is appreciated.

Sign here if
23 signed
You agree with this idea, or agree with most of it and will suggest any additional things in the topic itself.
deletedalmost 8 years
hey new old admin

wanna take a shot at this
almost 8 years
:U idk the meme but she gave me good tips
almost 8 years
did poser teach you her ultimate strategy... ; )

I know this gets old but for some reason it just keeps amusing me
almost 8 years
as someone who has 3 mentors and 3 unofficial ones. the mentor system is flawed and always will be. my better mentors were the unofficial ones who mentored me cause we were friends and actually wanted to see me grow as a player and not just cause i was assign to them.

Best mentors were rooo and linker. Roo for strats and gameplay linker as a coach for support. Nathan for giving me a good doc on towntelling :^)

my official mentors:

nathan, gerry and cjn104 (for survivor)


linker roo and poser
almost 8 years

Pinche says

The moderators put personal feelings ahead of who actually has the skills to mentor, thus the mentors are underqualified or not very good, all because an admin is "upset" with someone so they won't let them mentor, even if said persons would help bring skills to users who want to learn and improve the site overall. Pretty dam'n stupid.

When did this happen? Yikes
deletedalmost 8 years
bump lmfao
deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
^Maybe the issue is more complex then I thought...
deletedalmost 8 years
The moderators put personal feelings ahead of who actually has the skills to mentor, thus the mentors are underqualified or not very good, all because an admin is "upset" with someone so they won't let them mentor, even if said persons would help bring skills to users who want to learn and improve the site overall. Pretty dam'n stupid.
almost 8 years
the mentor system is dope and yall keep revamping it cus each time you do at least 1 new person learns something from it & lord knows this site needs it
deletedalmost 8 years
i like all of this
deletedalmost 8 years
Basically, this is to spread awareness to actual new players who actually want to play. As I said in opening post those who actively seek out the mentor system are probably already experienced, and really just may be looking to have their avatar on the page or get some advanced tactics(the ladder is fine.)

So having it pop up when people join, as well as other ways to easily see the mentor page, any users who actually want to learn will visit the page(having it under the learn tab as I think coolkidrox might have mentioned is a good idea.)

Then mentors can help explain any rules they may be breaking, any simple mistakes, and help use playstyles so the user may eventually form their own.

(As it was said in the other topic peoples first 5 unranked games could be literally any experience, but usually probably isn't learning. If they're encouraged to get a mentor, then that can fix the problem with immediately inexperienced players joining ranked games.)
deletedalmost 8 years
wah wah wah making an additional post here to reach page 2
deletedalmost 8 years

Sulfur says

Make it so that mentors can not have their friends as mentees. I see mentors circlejerking everywhere

If taken seriously under the new system mentors can still have their friends but if it's used for just circlejerking then the mentee will be removed

(Of course, I'm waiting for further discussion with fnoof, whenever he has the time for this.)
deletedalmost 8 years
Make it so that mentors can not have their friends as mentees. I see mentors circlejerking everywhere
almost 8 years
i agree with whatever voidzz is preaching
almost 8 years
Shut the f*ck up
deletedalmost 8 years
I want mentor
deletedalmost 8 years
real tl;dr:

Revamp the entire site Lucid.
almost 8 years

arials92 says

This may be a nit-picky thing. But I feel it would be best to move the mentors into their own tab under the Learn section for easier access to new users as well. Chances are they're going to look at the learn tab for answers. And if they didn't get a mentor at first but learn they want one, they can find the page easily.

Learn tab also needs a big revamp in my opinion, especially if the Role Patrol or the on-site wiki were added. That might be for another thread later, though.
deletedalmost 8 years
I actually changed my mind a little bit. I think users should request a mentor, rather than a mentor request a mentee. Or it can be the other way, or even both.
deletedalmost 8 years
This may be a nit-picky thing. But I feel it would be best to move the mentors into their own tab under the Learn section for easier access to new users as well. Chances are they're going to look at the learn tab for answers. And if they didn't get a mentor at first but learn they want one, they can find the page easily.
deletedalmost 8 years

Venus says

Anyone over 10,000 points. Ya know mafiagod has over 10,000 points right ?

I happen to think mafiagod would be a great mentor along with xerox :)
deletedalmost 8 years
Okay so a lot of this seems pretty good. Assuming mentors can add their own mentees, we would need to make sure they can accept or deny it. Also put a limit to how many people someone can mentor at a time, and add a feature where they can release someone. If I felt as if I was done mentoring someone to my full potential, I would release them. I like all of this and it seems great. Remove the majority of the main lobby mentors and make it brand new. Make sure more experienced players are the ones being mentors and helping others out, and SET RULES to what mentors can or cant do for a person.Also I say do not let people who troll in a large number of games be mentors, such as a majority of the mods honestly.
deletedalmost 8 years
will dive into this soon