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The Everyrole Game

almost 8 years

Game will be this Saturday, check >>

Specifically, 120 roles out of the 164 we currently have. 100 if turnout looks low.

Roles that will not be included: Villager, Civilian, Suspect, Sleepwalker, Miller, Mortician, Leader, President, Templar, Siren, Monk, Cyborg, Fool, Lyncher, Gambler, Anarchist, Creepy Girl, Mafia (Vanilla), Blinder, Quack

The above roles will not be included either because they end the game prematurely or really, really suck.

In addition to the above 20 roles, 24 other roles will be excluded. Post below which roles should be included or excluded.

I'll probably join
38 signed
I'm not sure this is a good idea - it probably isn't - but I'll do my due diligence as a Sandbox player who loves chaos to attend this travesty.
almost 8 years
actually i shouldve considered before that im having too much computer trouble to do this again

losing internet every 5-10 minutes and touchpad randomly and constantly going unresponsive

not worth the stress when people dont even really care for big games anymore
deletedalmost 8 years
Blinder is a good role
almost 8 years
I love turncoat please don't scrap it
almost 8 years
What do you mean cyborg suck? Cyborg with negative charge makes the best role.
almost 8 years
i think it'd be boring if we removed stalker/det, quack/doc, tracker/scout, ceptor/trapper, etc.

just need to eliminate some roles that aren't particularly useful. most of sandbox will think useful roles aren't useful just because they aren't superduper powerroles, like bulletproof which is a good role but people don't like it because it doesn't get to kill someone
almost 8 years

cub says

confused, naive, and paranoid cops can all go (-3)

i also overlooked baker warlock and clockmaker (-3)

and host (-1)

traitor, turncoat, politician, bleeder, gallis, and bulletproof aren't bad roles. mafia is also going to have huge numbers by default so removing a bunch of town roles isn't the best idea. i actually miss when people put turncoats in setups because turncoat is a fun role, you get to effectively switch sides

maybe judge and prosecutor wouldn't serve any purpose, even though i do love judge. eliminating a mafia role helps with balance though so (-2)

thats 9/20 roles to exclude (9/40 if turnout is low)

Multiple mafias might be wise. If we're looking to nerf mafia also, we should probably just get rid of roles that have the same mechanics as existing villager roles, excepting the fact that they're sided with the mafia.
almost 8 years
confused, naive, and paranoid cops can all go (-3)

i also overlooked baker warlock and clockmaker (-3)

and host (-1)

traitor, turncoat, politician, bleeder, gallis, and bulletproof aren't bad roles. mafia is also going to have huge numbers by default so removing a bunch of town roles isn't the best idea. i actually miss when people put turncoats in setups because turncoat is a fun role, you get to effectively switch sides

maybe judge and prosecutor wouldn't serve any purpose, even though i do love judge. eliminating a mafia role helps with balance though so (-2)

thats 9/20 roles to exclude (9/40 if turnout is low)
deletedalmost 8 years
zombies will win
almost 8 years
If we're thinking of roles that could tend the game swiftly, baker could be a spoiler, though I love him. What happens with baker is that almost everyone ends up dying when he's toast.

Warlock wins with a "mere" two correct lynch guesses, so if we're not using Monk might as well not use Warlock too.

Clockmaker could also be a spoiler but since he's been nerfed I think he's okay to have.

Host doesn't function as a gameplay role. Also, when someone passes the host role, they turn blue, and that's boring.

Traitor/Turncoat/Politician/one of the cops/Bleeder/Gallis/Bulletproof are all fairly weak roles that might have to be removed since we're commiting role mass murder.

Judge/Prosecutor should also probably be removed because there's no point in having 2 votes in a 120 player game unless someone's lucky enough to survive to the end.