deletedalmost 8 years

TL;DR at bottom.

Hello, I would like to once again bring light to the life of noavis. I will be rehashing a few ideas here, as I feel that we need to bring light to this subject once again.

As Cub's post in another thread got me thinking, we won't be around forever. Most of us, anyways, as much as we joke that it's a place that can never be left. The people who actually quit did not go out with a bang; but in dreaded silence because of what the site has become.

Policy has been a fundamental value of Epic Mafia tradition. It likely got started due to new players being, well, new. Not knowing how the game works, sui'ing, vegging, hammering wrong, throwing the game. All are factorial enough to hate noavis.

But are we bringing our own demise? While sandbox still gets a hearty amount of new players, we chase off a plethora more due to our distaste for them. Policy, not offering help, and a general negative attitude befuddles me. Shouldn't we be trying to grow the community, instead of trying to destroy it?

So, I would like to bring a few ideas back into the table, and hopefully generate more, and hopefully we can either stop policy, or better yet take steps against the reasoning to policy in the first place, but would most likely require lucid to do quite a bit of work.

  1. Make more default avatars. I really liked this idea, having a giant pool of default avatars would make new players not get stuck with the ugly noavi, and would go unnoticed by most live by policy players.

  2. Revamp the entire mentor system. The fact of the matter is that the mentor system does not get much attention, and you either have to actively seek out being a mentee, or be in a close relationship with your mentor, and at either point of time you'd likely have enough experience to not necessarily need one. My suggestion for this is rapidly increase the amount of mentors, but moreso let mentors add mentees without needing a mod to do it. That way, if new players are on the site, we can encourage people to link them to the mentor page to PM any of them to become a mentee, instead of constantly policy'ing them, reporting them, and publicly shaming them for not having experience.

  3. Try to help noavis yourself. Woah, big one right. Answer their questions, refuse to policy, and don't be a butt to them. This is probably the most difficult one, but I hope EMers will be able to see where I'm coming from.

TL;DR: Don't harass noavis and cause our community to shrink, not grow.

almost 8 years
Are people just forgetting the stereotype of noavis veging N1?
I'm not completely antinoavi but come on, it's annoying for anyone to veg N1 and doesn't help if they are already the stereotypical noob/scrub.
almost 8 years
im always mafia
almost 8 years
im always mafia
almost 8 years
Die Noavis
almost 8 years
On the contrary, I'd say it's better for new players to look up info and learn for themselves. Waiting for everyone to spoonfeed you shows you don't really care enough to do any research prior to jumping right in.

Of course, skill comes from experience too, so they'll have to play (and suck) at a few games before getting good, but it's like that for getting good at anything. As many of you know there are some noavis that aren't new and/or don''t suck, and they show this through how they play.
almost 8 years
im always mafia
almost 8 years

cub says

there are no pros to policy unless youre mafia

scrubs are an asset

noavis are always mafia
almost 8 years
Not everyone who is a noavi is new or sucks. not everyone can upload an avatar. yes we have to be welcome of new players so we can have good games and stuff. but alot of new players also get avatars immediatley so i dont think you are scaring THAT many people off it all depends on whether we are nice but also i dont think you are not gonna be here forever alot of us like this website and are still gonna be here a long time
almost 8 years
there are no pros to policy unless youre mafia

scrubs are an asset
deletedalmost 8 years
All I'm saying there's pros and cons to policy but we never take the time to consider the cons
almost 8 years
policy is a scumtell
deletedalmost 8 years

ballsy says

We teach them not to suck by telling them to get an avi. Getting an avi is not that hard to do.

I've told noavis numerous times how to get avis to avoid being policy'd. Sandbox doesn't teach them how not to suck, you punish them for something they didn't even know they were doing wrong.

As with my 3rd pitch, trying to help them instead of being aggressive towards them. I wouldn't have a problem if people walked them through the process of getting an avatar over completely ignoring everything they say and just lynching them for the sake of being a noavi.
almost 8 years

ballsy says

cub says

ballsy says

If you lynch them D1 while you have many ml's, you eliminate a terrible player that will most likely contribute nothing. OR you will lynch a scum role. Either way it's a win win.

says mafia when leading policy on a town

Either way you won't have to deal with them later in the game where it actually matters.

says mafia on lylo
almost 8 years

ballsy says

We teach them not to suck by telling them to get an avi. Getting an avi is not that hard to do.

having an avatar doesnt stop most sandbox players from sucking
deletedalmost 8 years

cub says

ballsy says

If you lynch them D1 while you have many ml's, you eliminate a terrible player that will most likely contribute nothing. OR you will lynch a scum role. Either way it's a win win.

says mafia when leading policy on a town

Either way you won't have to deal with them later in the game where it actually matters.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Cub I'm trying to make a point not trying to get an A on an English paper

i have an insatiable lust to correct people when they seem to be using words they dont understand or adding things to simple words to make bigger looking words
deletedalmost 8 years

Jimbei says

@Ballsy The site wasn't for them because we made it that way, it constantly builds upon itself.

I explained in my opening post why noavis get the negative stigma, and yes some do suck, but my crazy pitch here is maybe we can teach them *not* to suck, instead of chasing them off the site through aggressive behaviorisms game to game?

We teach them not to suck by telling them to get an avi. Getting an avi is not that hard to do.
almost 8 years

ballsy says

If you lynch them D1 while you have many ml's, you eliminate a terrible player that will most likely contribute nothing. OR you will lynch a scum role. Either way it's a win win.

says mafia when leading policy on a town
almost 8 years
I'm talking about more in a real life mafia setting. While that may be true in main lobby, if you're playing with a group of friends and someone joins for the first time, you might try and make it nice for them .
deletedalmost 8 years
Cub I'm trying to make a point not trying to get an A on an English paper
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

aggressive behaviorisms

im not familiar with this mannerism
almost 8 years

sl0nderman says

Policy is based of the real mafia tradition of always suspecting the new guy. When you play with someone new for the first time, you may feel tempted to give them a chance and not try to kill them because you want them to have a good time. This is their opportunity to beat everyone because they were mafia the whole time.

on the contrary, it's easy to fish new players for their roles, meaning if they towntell they're most likely to be genuine since being new means having less experience towntelling
deletedalmost 8 years
@Ballsy The site wasn't for them because we made it that way, it constantly builds upon itself.

I explained in my opening post why noavis get the negative stigma, and yes some do suck, but my crazy pitch here is maybe we can teach them *not* to suck, instead of chasing them off the site through aggressive behaviorisms game to game?
almost 8 years

All are factorial enough to hate noavis.

i dont think i can do a factorial on this integer
almost 8 years
Policy is based of the real mafia tradition of always suspecting the new guy. When you play with someone new for the first time, you may feel tempted to give them a chance and not try to kill them because you want them to have a good time. This is their opportunity to beat everyone because they were mafia the whole time.