deletedalmost 8 years

TL;DR at bottom.

Hello, I would like to once again bring light to the life of noavis. I will be rehashing a few ideas here, as I feel that we need to bring light to this subject once again.

As Cub's post in another thread got me thinking, we won't be around forever. Most of us, anyways, as much as we joke that it's a place that can never be left. The people who actually quit did not go out with a bang; but in dreaded silence because of what the site has become.

Policy has been a fundamental value of Epic Mafia tradition. It likely got started due to new players being, well, new. Not knowing how the game works, sui'ing, vegging, hammering wrong, throwing the game. All are factorial enough to hate noavis.

But are we bringing our own demise? While sandbox still gets a hearty amount of new players, we chase off a plethora more due to our distaste for them. Policy, not offering help, and a general negative attitude befuddles me. Shouldn't we be trying to grow the community, instead of trying to destroy it?

So, I would like to bring a few ideas back into the table, and hopefully generate more, and hopefully we can either stop policy, or better yet take steps against the reasoning to policy in the first place, but would most likely require lucid to do quite a bit of work.

  1. Make more default avatars. I really liked this idea, having a giant pool of default avatars would make new players not get stuck with the ugly noavi, and would go unnoticed by most live by policy players.

  2. Revamp the entire mentor system. The fact of the matter is that the mentor system does not get much attention, and you either have to actively seek out being a mentee, or be in a close relationship with your mentor, and at either point of time you'd likely have enough experience to not necessarily need one. My suggestion for this is rapidly increase the amount of mentors, but moreso let mentors add mentees without needing a mod to do it. That way, if new players are on the site, we can encourage people to link them to the mentor page to PM any of them to become a mentee, instead of constantly policy'ing them, reporting them, and publicly shaming them for not having experience.

  3. Try to help noavis yourself. Woah, big one right. Answer their questions, refuse to policy, and don't be a butt to them. This is probably the most difficult one, but I hope EMers will be able to see where I'm coming from.

TL;DR: Don't harass noavis and cause our community to shrink, not grow.

almost 8 years
I was just in a game where I refused to policy, and then I was randomly shot the next day because I didn't. This is a terrorism
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Yesterday I saw a policy succeed again

When will this madness end

When you are confident enough to present your solution to the ruler of Sandbox -- me. If you want something done in this lobby then you come to me as I am the top dog. Until you come to me, policy will remain.
deletedalmost 8 years

LeftSharky says

It's not like we aren't welcoming to new people. I tell every noavi I see to get an avi.

That's, uh, exactly what I want people to be doing.
almost 8 years
It is I, the Matron. Sacrifice me 1 epicmafia user (error) by forcing him to self-delete and the killings shall end.
deletedalmost 8 years
It's not like we aren't welcoming to new people. I tell every noavi I see to get an avi. I'm still going to policy them if they don't have an avi though. Just get an avi, it's not hard. This isn't an epicmafia specific concept that you need to learn, its relevant to most Web 2.0 sites
almost 8 years
Jimbei, as long as sandbox existed, discrimination will exist :/

Support our noavis!
deletedalmost 8 years
Yesterday I saw a policy succeed again

When will this madness end
almost 8 years

cub says

your account is less than a month old

called an alt, sweetheart
almost 8 years
I appreciate noavis. They're always polite in pre-game and are happy to hold a conversation with anyone, unlike certain stuck-up small fries who only come here to circlejerk with their friends. Noavis and their unbiased curious attitude are a blessing for this website. Crackhead15 approved
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

if someone is a noavi by choice good for them

Read my post about the downsides. If there are new users they don't stay long

What evidence do you have that that's the reason they leave, and not just because it's a boring game?
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Respond to my other message Jamal

I get plenty of fan mail. You'll have to be patient and wait like the rest of my fans. Remember, though, I cannot respond to all my fan mail.
deletedalmost 8 years
That one pm I sent you titled hate mail
deletedalmost 8 years
Respond to my other message Jamal
almost 8 years
Very sad that you made this thread. If you do not want policy to be a thing then you come to me and ask me to stop it from happening. You needn't put the topic up for discussion.
deletedalmost 8 years
if someone is a noavi by choice good for them

Read my post about the downsides. If there are new users they don't stay long
deletedalmost 8 years
Stop trying to fix things that arent broken
almost 8 years
Can't wait to policy people with default avis

Policy hasn't been a problem in years. Most of the noavis have no avatar by choice. If it was that big a problem they'd probably upload an avatar.
And those that are new noavis can work out how to upload an avatar in a matter of seconds.

tl;dr: Who cares?
almost 8 years
your account is less than a month old
almost 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

owlhatgirl says

ive been here for over a year and still get policied

its been a year and you still dont know how to upload an avatar?!?! man it literally took me 1 day lmfao

maybe..... im choosing not too?

wH aT I know who DOESNT UplOAD AVIS?!?!>>!!?!?11!?!?
almost 8 years

owlhatgirl says

ive been here for over a year and still get policied

its been a year and you still dont know how to upload an avatar?!?! man it literally took me 1 day lmfao
almost 8 years
ive been here for over a year and still get policied
deletedalmost 8 years
If a noavi vegges N1 how could you policy lynch them
almost 8 years
get rid of noavis except for like keldran. let this site slowly die out
almost 8 years
Also wasn't someone trying to make a new noavi category called "neveravis" where they were just people on for a year+ who just refuse to get an avi (like keldran over here (but keldran had an avi at one point))?
deletedalmost 8 years
im always mafia