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deletedalmost 8 years
  • during the day, can revive 1 person from 'purgatory' given they haven't left the game

  • dies in their place

  • if you die with resurrectionist in the game, you're notified that resurrectionist could revive you. You are in purgatory and can not see graveyard chat (but can see other people in purgatory) This lasts until resurrectionist has selected no one or used his power.

  • sided with the town

  • if you died as sherrif that had shot his gun, you come back as a 'pure' form of your role with a gun. This also applies to other roles.

If you think this role is OP let me remind you of santa who can give items and read reports.

The main reason why I think it should be added because it would be insanely fun and create some interesting moments


The resurrectionist is
Needs a bit of tweaking
No graveyard interacting roles
Needs a better name
Is perfect
Needs a lot of tweaking
almost 8 years
1. keyword "at the end," as in when the game is already over, not during the game. you can't see who leaves gy during the game.

2. thats not the exact same way at all, that requires a workaround to deconvert guiser which also reveals guiser

3. you said during the day, not night. and if someone gets shot by sniper, that's the WHOLE POINT of sniper. it's an overpowered amn that requires changing the entire base game while amn is balanced* and works

*amn is still pretty op, and this is even more op than that

4. you mean they will be autocleared and protected while having a postmortem advantage. now you're saying it's an amn+pathologist+celebrity+yak, effectively

and santa, again. you're comparing your role to an op role. that's every reason not to add your role. i would never add another santa. and how would this affect bride?

5. i dont know, why wolf+tree / wolf+celeb / wolf+orc in the same game? relying on one single role that likely won't roll isn't how balancing works

6. if you want to learn the game, how would you know to avoid this role in the first place? and how would this be implemented to only work with this role? that's a huge change for one role and discredits the argument that this could be used for other roles
deletedalmost 8 years
4. is this not extremely overpowered? it can create 2 doctors, 2 chefs, 2 cops, 2 dets, 2 everything to guarantee town victory

The person they revived now has their role revealed, so its probably guaranteed they will die the next night. Resurrectionist dies as well. Santa is OP but people still find a way to balance him into a setup. Setups would be balanced around this role. In closed setups even bride would be more powerful

5. even if you blinded people in graveyard, wouldnt they effectively have the power of pathologist as well as meta analysis of the game based on their death? saving reports would become the standard and town would never have to out because they can simply be ressed to spill the beans

You don't blind people in the graveyard its two separate meetings.. Why out in a game when you know werewolf will just eat you?

6. how needlessly complex would this make the graveyard for new players who use it as a means to study and learn the game?

The way I see it, it wouldn't be very complex.. Also if you want to learn the game from the graveyard just don't join a game with the role in it
deletedalmost 8 years
[quote=cub]@lucid you should probably consider the points i made in my post

1. How do you manage people who left the game?

Doesn't EMjack show who leaves the game at the end of the match? And if the purgatory is another meeting, all it needs to do is scan if they left that meeting or not, just like it does in the regular town meeting

2. how would this interact with disguiser?

It works the exact same way, except when you revive the guised person, they revert back to their original self, and so does the disguiser.

3. how is this role really any different than amnesiac which effectively revives a dead role? aside from requiring butchering the graveyard while amnesiac works fine already

It's really different as amnesiac takes a whole night meeting, meaning 2 days before you can actually be the role. Secondly, you're not bringing back the person as amnesiac, whereas as this role you are, and you're suiciding in the process (similar to yak). Imagine someone in sandbox claims they know who the mafia is, and get shot by sniper before they out it. Amnesiac can't revive them in front of the whole town
almost 8 years
its a terrible idea lucid, dont do it.

for the reasons said above by basically everyone
deletedalmost 8 years
We could always try it out and if no one likes it remove it from the game
almost 8 years
the reason you dont just add literally every role suggestion is because the game becomes convoluted, and this role would not only be convoluted itself but would force the entire base game to become more convoluted to accommodate it

roles that depend on altering the entire game for the purpose of that role alone are by far the worst ideas; mechanics should be thought of apart from roles and be implementable across role borders

im sure you knew when you made graveyard function the way that it does that it was to help new players learn the game. making the graveyard confusing on top of the game is just player-repellent
almost 8 years
I think the details of this new graveyard should be worked out before we discuss implementing roles that interact with it.

What should this new graveyard be able to see, and is it possible to retain a secondary graveyard (call it Afterlife or something) that can still see everything so that people can still use it to watch and learn as Foxie suggested?
almost 8 years

admin says

I think it could work well. Two rooms and a boom is literally like if we turned graveyard into another meeting.

I'd like to boom you in two rooms, Lucid. ;)
almost 8 years
Having two kinds of GYs solved the problem of adding the role, but it doesn't solve the other problems that come with the role. It would also remove GY as a learning tool.

A much easier way to achieve the same effect of this role is just to make a town-sided amnesiac.
almost 8 years
I think it could work well. Two rooms and a boom is literally like if we turned graveyard into another meeting.
almost 8 years
It doesn't matter 'cause it shouldn't exist.
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

tigermom says

Golbolco says

I'm not exactly for this role unless the graveyard is significantly revamped (was Lucid working on a no graveyard game option a while back? I feel like I remember something like that), but if it is added: call it a Miracle Worker or something similar, Resurrectionist is a mouthful and not a real word.

I think the term was always necromancer, no?

Necromancer is too evil-sounding for a town role.

Occultist then? I think occultist is good because occultism was really popular at the beginning of the 20th Century, which is the time when murder mysteries (hence mafia games "who dat merderer") were popular. Like if you read a an Agatha Christie novel or like watch a movie based on one there will be that 70 year old granny who believes in spirits and is always trying to connect with them. Basically someone who is harmless and just a fangirl of dead people and doesn't really have a negative connotation.
almost 8 years

tigermom says

Golbolco says

I'm not exactly for this role unless the graveyard is significantly revamped (was Lucid working on a no graveyard game option a while back? I feel like I remember something like that), but if it is added: call it a Miracle Worker or something similar, Resurrectionist is a mouthful and not a real word.

I think the term was always necromancer, no?

Necromancer is too evil-sounding for a town role.
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

I'm not exactly for this role unless the graveyard is significantly revamped (was Lucid working on a no graveyard game option a while back? I feel like I remember something like that), but if it is added: call it a Miracle Worker or something similar, Resurrectionist is a mouthful and not a real word.

I think the term was always necromancer, no?
almost 8 years
Doesn't work well in games with no reveal either, it ends up being a gamble.
almost 8 years
@lucid you should probably consider the points i made in my post

1. how do you manage people who left the game and are you supposed to know when people left the game (as far as im aware you arent)

2. how would this interact with disguiser? would the graveyard implode under the sheer inconsistency?

3. how is this role really any different than amnesiac which effectively revives a dead role? aside from requiring butchering the graveyard while amnesiac works fine already

4. is this not extremely overpowered? it can create 2 doctors, 2 chefs, 2 cops, 2 dets, 2 everything to guarantee town victory

5. even if you blinded people in graveyard, wouldnt they effectively have the power of pathologist as well as meta analysis of the game based on their death? saving reports would become the standard and town would never have to out because they can simply be ressed to spill the beans

6. how needlessly complex would this make the graveyard for new players who use it as a means to study and learn the game?
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
I'm not exactly for this role unless the graveyard is significantly revamped (was Lucid working on a no graveyard game option a while back? I feel like I remember something like that), but if it is added: call it a Miracle Worker or something similar, Resurrectionist is a mouthful and not a real word.
almost 8 years
We have SirAmelio :^)
almost 8 years

sl0nderman says

This is why we need role patrol

We also need Terry forum post patrol.
almost 8 years
This is why we need role patrol
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

dont, there are better roles ideas

almost 8 years
dont, there are better roles ideas
almost 8 years
Yeah I could build this, would probably take a while though
almost 8 years

cub says

in what way would this affect zombie

I don't know, but I think it allows users to reinvent roles that could perhaps be combined with a purgatory feature (like zombie).