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deletedalmost 8 years
  • during the day, can revive 1 person from 'purgatory' given they haven't left the game

  • dies in their place

  • if you die with resurrectionist in the game, you're notified that resurrectionist could revive you. You are in purgatory and can not see graveyard chat (but can see other people in purgatory) This lasts until resurrectionist has selected no one or used his power.

  • sided with the town

  • if you died as sherrif that had shot his gun, you come back as a 'pure' form of your role with a gun. This also applies to other roles.

If you think this role is OP let me remind you of santa who can give items and read reports.

The main reason why I think it should be added because it would be insanely fun and create some interesting moments


The resurrectionist is
Needs a bit of tweaking
No graveyard interacting roles
Needs a better name
Is perfect
Needs a lot of tweaking
almost 8 years
I don't think making purgatory is a viable solution. I think to make dead interacting roles like would have to completely rework the graveyard, something that I'm against.

Besides, instead of something like ToS's medium or some role that resurrects people, we have roles that work within the bounds of our game like Pathologist or Amenesiac.
almost 8 years
and town of salem sucks
almost 8 years

Cubotv1 says

@error It could also open up oppourtunities for many other roles, for example in Town of Salem there's a role which can communicate with the dead

bad mechanic
almost 8 years
in what way would this affect zombie
almost 8 years

error says

i really don't like the idea of introducing an entirely separate plane of existence for dead players for 1 role. what more, players in this hypothetical purgatory should have the same role displays as they would to players who are still alive. lastly, it would probably be difficult to code in a contingency in the event that this role vegges or suis.

it's frankly just a lot more effort than it's worth.

True, but it could also help us rethink some roles like zombie.
almost 8 years
I'd take out the sheriff portion of it, that in itself makes this role OP. You're basically saying have a town role that can bring back another town role, which of course evens out mathematically, but if its sheriff or deputy, then that also puts the mafia (who by that far in the game, in most scenarios lost a member or two) at a bigger disadvantage.

I'd also consider having it so that the resurrectionist cannot see what everyone in purgatory was and has to use either their memory or look back in past days/nights to figure it out.

Another suggestion, I'd change the name of the role. Other than that, I like your concept for this role and would be excited to see it in a game.
almost 8 years
You had such high an ego that posting in the main idea thread wasn't enough for you...

deletedalmost 8 years
i really don't like the idea of introducing an entirely separate plane of existence for dead players for 1 role. what more, players in this hypothetical purgatory should have the same role displays as they would to players who are still alive. lastly, it would probably be difficult to code in a contingency in the event that this role vegges or suis.

it's frankly just a lot more effort than it's worth.
almost 8 years
how do you know if they left the game or not?

how would this function with disguiser?

what's really the difference between this role and amnesiac/apprentice who take dead roles?

also santa is op no need to remind us, if you're comparing your role to santa you're calling it op
almost 8 years

Xspead says

Seems like a good role. It would also prolong a game it seems like. And is this role third party or town? It seems like it could be a good third party role.

Don't suggest a role be 3rd party unless you're willing to also offer a win condition.
almost 8 years
Seems like a good role. It would also prolong a game it seems like. And is this role third party or town? It seems like it could be a good third party role.
almost 8 years
there should be a maf sided one too, like Necromancer or smth, where whoever revived is maf-sided now. Maf needs more OP roles too.