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RolePatrol Comprehensive Suggestion

over 7 years

We currently have three special usergroups on Epicmafia:

  • Mentors , who help introduce new players to the game
  • Moderators , who handle reports and general moderation
  • Role Mods , who usually manage cheating investigations

The Role Patrol is a fourth usergroup specializing in role and setup development and quality assurance. Aside from designating users who might be able to help with role revision similar to mentor designation, users would have some of the following abilities to assist the site...


Recommending Roles

Similar to favoriting roles, the Role Patrol can mark suggested roles as "Recommended" like such:

Recommended roles can then be viewed through a filter in the Suggested role list for you (Lucy) to read through and implement or request clarification as you see fit the next time you feel like creating new roles.

Most recommended roles will be jointly agreed upon and thoroughly dissected by the role patrol, saving you the work and making sure an "interesting" role isn't mistaken for a "practical" one.


Setup Verification

Taking advantage of another new feature, the Role Patrol would have the ability to verify and unverify setups. This allows the group to leverage some of the moderators' tasks of weeding out pointfarm setups and verifying recently updated setups.


Role Wiki

In lieu of the beloved onsite wiki, a new feature which would greatly help new players understand and learn about roles and their interactions with other roles would be the Role Wiki, a section of each official role page formatted in markdown and editable by role patrol members detailing role function, interactions, and bugs like so:

Favorite Role Patrol feature
Role wiki
generally helping the community
Recommending roles
Setup verification
over 7 years
I do it for her
over 7 years
I have an obligation
over 7 years
its almost been a whole work week lucid where's the work
over 7 years
ok i hear you i hear you
over 7 years
this is a good suggestion
over 7 years
lucid get over here dammit
over 7 years
Delightful! Another excellent idea from this user. I would very much like to see this in play!
over 7 years
its time lucid, make it happen
over 7 years
As a Admin of the defunctive wikia, I agree we need a In-Website wikia
over 7 years
also i hope lucid doesnt just look at the poll and add the most voted option that would totally blow
over 7 years
the mentor program could use a revamp to make it easier for new users and mentors to unite; as far as im aware users have to contact mentors first and that's counter-intuitive if the mentor is supposed to teach the user about the site

we could try to revamp the mentor program to help new users find mentors should they desire it and possibly improve the mentor system in-game but id rather wait for lucid to digest this whole thread before getting into that
deletedover 7 years
Do mentors even mentor new users for years it's always just been list your circlejerk here

Shoutout to any mods who do add a ton of new users as mentees, though.
over 7 years
This should be kept in view :)
over 7 years
If possible, it would be helpful if the Role Patrol badge appeared next to your name when you comment on roles and setups.
deletedover 7 years
This user has many delightful ideas.
over 7 years
Amazing thread, foxie does it again.
over 7 years

cub says

Bebop says

give me more icons to have next to my username on the forums

ill make sure the role patrol doesnt become mentor/rolemod where mods just give it to themselves for the icon

i would be willing to put money on edark giving himself role patrol just for the icon
over 7 years

Bebop says

give me more icons to have next to my username on the forums

ill make sure the role patrol doesnt become mentor/rolemod where mods just give it to themselves for the icon
over 7 years
give me more icons to have next to my username on the forums