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Sandbox Lore

almost 8 years

I'm working on a fun little project to chronicle, mythify, and order Sandbox lore and request help from users with access to resources, memory of drama past, and anything else that might contribute. All EpicMafia lore is welcome in general, but Sandbox lore is the main focus.

Lor San Tekka
8 signed
Lor San Tekka was a human male explorer and member of the Church of the Force who was born in the waning years of the Galactic Republic.
Favorite lore?
One of those other tumblr things idk
Star Wars
Steven Universe
Lord of the Rings
deletedalmost 8 years
That time Hood did something.
almost 8 years

shyest says

The arrival of the dangan mafia. some say this is the origin of aesthetic weeb avatars, canonical names, and the "im gay" meme. many can trace their roots back to the Dnagans. ever since the migration of dagnas, snudbox slowly turned away from its spam-ridden, non-pc feudal culture, at the cost of everyone becoming dead inside

Levity started the "I'm gay" thing. It was parroted by other gays and the rest is history.
deletedalmost 8 years
what came first the aesthetic weeb avi or the kodaka
almost 8 years

shyest says

The arrival of the dangan mafia. some say this is the origin of aesthetic weeb avatars, canonical names, and the "im gay" meme. many can trace their roots back to the Dnagans. ever since the migration of dagnas, snudbox slowly turned away from its spam-ridden, non-pc feudal culture, at the cost of everyone becoming dead inside

This lore is false. If anything, the aesthetic weeb avatars were the things that contributed to danganmafia, not the other way around.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

forreal though good lore was the old garden/sishen feud, the wave of corys, that time lucid almost shut the site down and everyone flooded to that facebook group, the first golbox, etc etc

wow this was a quick walk down memory lane.
deletedalmost 8 years
The arrival of the dangan mafia. some say this is the origin of aesthetic weeb avatars, canonical names, and the "im gay" meme. many can trace their roots back to the Dnagans. ever since the migration of dagnas, snudbox slowly turned away from its spam-ridden, non-pc feudal culture, at the cost of everyone becoming dead inside
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

when bebop disappeared for a year then came back and became lobby mod then lobby owner then site mod within like 3 months

lol'd at this one too
almost 8 years
I once somehow came in fourth for a sandbox popularity contest. Now tell me, who the hell am I?
almost 8 years
Lucid told me to make a poll to choose the Games lobby owner. Dapower didn't volunteer like the others in the poll, I threw his name in there as a joke and he won.
almost 8 years

Christopherzilla says

There was a great war to drive all the bronies out of Sandbox. I still see some of the old users from that era. They may have changed their avatars, but I still know they were bronies.

We also have the April fool pranks were me and Hood got kicked out of sandbox for a day.
deletedalmost 8 years

Christopherzilla says

There was a great war to drive all the bronies out of Sandbox. I still see some of the old users from that era. They may have changed their avatars, but I still know they were bronies.

lol'd at this one
almost 8 years
There was a great war to drive all the bronies out of Sandbox. I still see some of the old users from that era. They may have changed their avatars, but I still know they were bronies.
almost 8 years
The lore may not be as interesting when you get to the modern day as I have been running the lobby for a while now and ruling with an iron fist. The story is repetitive. A sad user tries to stand up to me and I push them back down to the bottom where they belong.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

iMafia says

Xspead says

That maybe....Jamal really is a god.

Jamal is actually a god. But no one takes him seriously.

They'll learn. I am only growing stronger.. These users better get on my side before they are wiped out.
almost 8 years
Negra. Please come back.
almost 8 years

Xspead says

That maybe....Jamal really is a god.

Jamal is actually a god. But no one takes him seriously.
deletedalmost 8 years
When lucid came back to Epicmafia :3
almost 8 years
forreal though good lore was the old garden/sishen feud, the wave of corys, that time lucid almost shut the site down and everyone flooded to that facebook group, the first golbox, etc etc
almost 8 years

sweetnkind says

the only thing bigger than bebops gaping as­shole is his ego

i think the gaping anus is slightly bigger
deletedalmost 8 years
"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
deletedalmost 8 years
the only thing bigger than bebops gaping as­shole is his ego
almost 8 years
[Post humble bragging about accomplishments that I apparently did but didn't actually happen]
almost 8 years
when bebop disappeared for a year then came back and became lobby mod then lobby owner then site mod within like 3 months
deletedalmost 8 years
i was gonna have a stab at remembering some things but all the events of the past year and a half are a blur to me