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Change the Sandbox Rule for IC

deletedalmost 8 years

Hi so basically I'm tired of seeing people spam borderline x-rated/IC in chat, like I don't log onto EM to see you spam your jerk off material. I'm tired of seeing pr0n and then being told "oh it's just butts" "it's cropped" or "it doesnt show nipples".

Can we be stricter about this? We have minors in the community, and keep your pr0n to yourself. It's weird that certain users get off to other people seeing their pr0n.

Make the
13 signed
x-rated/IC rule in sandbox more strict, crack down on repeat offenders
What is it when certain users post their jerk off material?
A cry for attention
almost 8 years
Avada kecringe
deletedalmost 8 years
BTW since the emote is being allowed and you're uncomfortable with it, if you have adblock you can right-click it and block the image(make sure to block the specific image url itself, I've accidentally blocked every image from imgur before), and it won't show up for you.

Only problem is if more people upload it, but this is a good temporary solution to any emotes constantly spammed on chatbox or any lobby wall comments that gross you out
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

rockgirlnikki says

Good post. Also, seriously, I think that ninja turtles emoji is disgusting. If we're talking about minors, I think its an inappropriate emoji to have on the site, even if its just "making out". Its disturbing.

Bebop any comment on this?

i realize that i'm not bebop but i do have valid input here:
the case of mikeyru ( has been disputed time and time again and i believe it's been ruled that visual displays of men/women making out/kissing is acceptable. that is not to say i agree with it.
deletedalmost 8 years

rockgirlnikki says

Good post. Also, seriously, I think that ninja turtles emoji is disgusting. If we're talking about minors, I think its an inappropriate emoji to have on the site, even if its just "making out". Its disturbing.

Bebop any comment on this?
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

i actually agree like i don't wanna see gigantic wolf c0ck everywhere i go i feel violated

@ me
almost 8 years
Good post. Also, seriously, I think that ninja turtles emoji is disgusting. If we're talking about minors, I think its an inappropriate emoji to have on the site, even if its just "making out". Its disturbing.
deletedalmost 8 years

fnoof says

Viata says

the only thing i disagree with is why are we still using the word cringey in 2016

weed topic
deletedalmost 8 years

Viata says

the only thing i disagree with is why are we still using the word cringey in 2016

yeah that word should be vioworthy
almost 8 years
the only thing i disagree with is why are we still using the word cringey in 2016
almost 8 years
Avada kedavra
almost 8 years
well, i needn't amend the rule actually seeing as it already just about covers this, we're just going to be enforcing it slightly more strongly to prevent this kinda stuff from happening again. anyway, thank you for the feedback mac and everyone who posted, i'm glad to see members of the community making positive suggestions for the community's sake.
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

error says

i agree with mac out of the sheer frequency of images of that nature being linked in chat. i'm a grown man and the content doesn't offend nor disgust me, but it's highly evident that the users linking content like this do it out solely for the ability to go "hey everyone i'm going to link this highly questionable content and nobody can do anything about it because at best it's, well, highly questionable!"

You may be a grown man but we have a large number of minors on this site as well

not disagreeing with you there i just had to reaffirm my integrity as a manly man mannerson.
almost 8 years
anyway, the people have spoken and the mods have listened. i will be amending the IC rule to include things like this in the lobby as there's clearly no reason to post such things in the chat. i'll leave this thread open but there's not much else to talk about beyond this. thanks everyone :)
deletedalmost 8 years

error says

i agree with mac out of the sheer frequency of images of that nature being linked in chat. i'm a grown man and the content doesn't offend nor disgust me, but it's highly evident that the users linking content like this do it out solely for the ability to go "hey everyone i'm going to link this highly questionable content and nobody can do anything about it because at best it's, well, highly questionable!"

You may be a grown man but we have a large number of minors on this site as well
deletedalmost 8 years
i agree with mac out of the sheer frequency of images of that nature being linked in chat. i'm a grown man and the content doesn't offend nor disgust me, but it's highly evident that the users linking content like this do it out solely for the ability to go "hey everyone i'm going to link this highly questionable content and nobody can do anything about it because at best it's, well, highly questionable!"
almost 8 years

Mac says

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

so even if the community wants something changed, besides a few outliers, you wouldn't change it?

where did i say that? i simply said there was a difference between p*rnography and a picture of a butt
deletedalmost 8 years
That emote of the ninja turtles making out completely ruined my child hood. It might not be IC to you guys but it's for sure IC to me.

But that doesn't matter. Posting butts and anime hentai p0rn or whatever you want to call it, should be done somewhere else. Usually when someone posts it, it is off topic and a cry for attention. I know the mute button could fix this problem but I don't think the Sandbox Lobby Chat is the right place to be posting that stuff.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

so even if the community wants something changed, besides a few outliers, you wouldn't change it?

Edit- just saw report. Can we change the rule now?
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
i actually agree like i don't wanna see gigantic wolf c0ck everywhere i go i feel violated
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

Pr0nography: The representation in books, magazines, photographs, films, and other media of scenes of sexual behavior that are erotic or lewd and are designed to arouse sexual interest.

I think half of the scaley pics that we see in the chat box were definitely designed to get somebody off.

the oxford dictionary defines it as:

Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of s*xual organs or activity, intended to stimulate s*xual excitement.

it doesn't have explicit description or display of s*xual organs from what i've seen. that being said, there's currently a report against sishen that we're debating in the mod chat (the mod chat with only the mods, not the shitposting group that people claim is the mod chat).
almost 8 years

Ashe says

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

I got some screenshots if you want some prooferoni of da "spank bank"

the report system is there for a reason
almost 8 years

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

Pr0nography: The representation in books, magazines, photographs, films, and other media of scenes of sexual behavior that are erotic or lewd and are designed to arouse sexual interest.

I think half of the scaley pics that we see in the chat box were definitely designed to get somebody off.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt

I got some screenshots if you want some prooferoni of da "spank bank"
almost 8 years
there's also a difference between "pr0n" and a picture of a butt