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Lobby Moderators: Do we need them?

almost 8 years

I've been thinking about this for a while and have been wanting to make this thread so here goes:

I'm not sure that I need lobby mods anymore. Back when the rules were enforced much more heavily I can understand the need, but nowadays there just isn't a lot to do for lobby mods and I personally believe that I could handle it myself. This would also mean no people abusing lobby mod or doing things that aren't appropriate with their powers and just generally causing less drama in that department. However, since I'm on the BST timezone rather than a US timezone, there will be times when I'm not around in the lobby to handle things, which is personally the only downside I can see to just scrapping the whole thing. Of course, I'd still be the owner and whilst I'm sure some people don't like me, I think most can agree that I do a decent job as owner of the lobby.

Please discuss this here, as I'm eager to hear the opinions of the community on this (keep it civil and on-topic or you'll be muted).

Lobby Moderators:
almost 8 years
thank you all for participating :)
deletedalmost 8 years
lobby mods are the lifeblood of drama. drama is the lifeblood of sandbox. kill lobby mods, you kill sandbox.

so my answer is yes pls demod all mods.
almost 8 years
The reason I think you need at least two mods:

Not just due to times but also it is ideal two have more than one person's opinions on different things. With different issues that might need different kins of ppl comming up with a solution, giving their opinions and ultimatley coming up with the best solution that suites sandbox.
If you think mods aren't needed then you are probably not using them to their full potential. In Australia there is a parliment and for a bill to be legelised or to be put through, its not up to only one person to say yes for it to go through. And if there is a bill needing to be put through, both sides must agree on the contents for anything to happen. And if not then its revised, updated and the process begins again. (this is roughly how the Australian Parliment works).
This system will also help with backlash. Currently all the blame will be put onto you, Bebop. But if the major desicions and actions were talked through with a one or two mods then it would be easier to accept desicions because they know more than one person has come to this desision and they know its been thought through and considered by different opinions.
almost 8 years
without mods people wouldn't have something to complain about 24/7. so yes 100% necessary
almost 8 years

Dag says

then allow him to touch sandbox lmao


thinking emoji
almost 8 years
then allow him to touch sandbox lmao
almost 8 years

Mac says

it's redundant to keep error as mod if he's sitemod.

also, this is untrue as no sitemods are allowed to touch sandbox unless i say so.
almost 8 years
i'm the site mod in charge of sandbox, actually. thought that'd be pretty evident what with me being the owner of sandbox and all.
deletedalmost 8 years
am i the only one who thinks things are fine as is
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

this is a discussion thread not a demod error thread, thanks.

I was just making a suggestion saying we should use 2 mods and it's redundant to keep error as mod if he's sitemod.

Also also,

we all know he'd be the site mod in charge of sandbox so it wouldn't matter
almost 8 years
Montesquieu made a valid point in his book The Spirit of Laws. He advocated for separation of powers. I prefer this not become an absolute monarchy. Mods are to balance the powers of the owner as to avoid decisions made by a sole individual.
almost 8 years
i agree with keeping two mods. in addition to timezone differences, if you are ever sick or busy or just want a break, you need somebody who can cover for you. and i do think having multiple viewpoints is essential not only for fairness but also for your own sanity. decision fatigue is real
almost 8 years
this is a discussion thread not a demod error thread, thanks.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
Well that doesn't really clarify much :[

I think that you need at least 2 mods in/close to the US timezones just to cover when you're not around, one for Sandbox chat and the other for games. 4 is a good number just to keep backups. I remember when banned users would slip into Sandbox at times when the mods were sleeping to OPI or post IC and there'd be nothing for anyone to do about it, so having people spread out over timezones is just a good contingency plan in my opinion.

The only unnecessary mod is Error.
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

De mod error then if you don't need mods, you said you kept him because he's the only mod that "does anything".

Keep Platy and Amelio

I mean he will gladly de mod error now that he got his best bud as a site mod which is above a lobby mod of sandbox power wise
deletedalmost 8 years
When this whole poo show started I constantly spoke and pushed for 4 lobby mods because of garden's failure to properly moderate the sandbox due to not caring and being extremely inactive as banned users could just keep making new accounts and go for sometimes up to hours without being stopped. This is not necessary if there is actually work being done and they are not attacking the website anymore.

2 moderators. One to fill in chatbox/forums while the owner is offline to sleep, and another for games since they make up a good portion of the lobby's population

So yeah what Mac said keep Platy and Amelio lol
almost 8 years
Yeah i agree with one or two... even for a short-while at least, so you are able to tell if you can actually handle it on your own or not.
deletedalmost 8 years
De mod error then if you don't need mods, you said you kept him because he's the only mod that "does anything".

Keep Platy and Amelio
almost 8 years

sl0nderman says

Now that the only mods Bebop cares about are site mods does he propose this idea. This is like when he advocated sandbox independence only after he became owner.

i advocated that both before and after i became owner
almost 8 years
one moderator to be around at times when you aren't would be good, mostly for spammers and stuff like that. but more than 2 mods would be completely unnecessary
almost 8 years
The workload isn't heavy, but I still think they are useful to have BUT only if they are truly fair and just. There are certain members of the moderation team that have proven time and time again they are not fit for duty and I don't understand how they are not held accountable for their actions.

I would like a complete reform of the moderation team and I'd like you to think carefully about how useful a moderator can be in the lobby, something more than just moderating. For example, I used to make discussion threads, I used to give many poll suggestions, I did more than just what was required. Terry makes discussion threads, he does more than what is required. Amelio makes setups and competitions, he does more than what is required. I would like a team that does not just do the bare minimum so they have the title and I would like a team that doesn't abuse their powers. Ideally, the moderation team should also have different ways at viewing things so that if a case comes up where Sandbox Supreme Court is needed, it isn't just belittling and bullying and shooting down.

We need change.
almost 8 years
Now that the only mods Bebop cares about are site mods does he propose this idea. This is like when he advocated sandbox independence only after he became owner.
almost 8 years
my only concern is to cover the times when you aren't around.

i agree 4 mods was a bit unnecessary but i think 2 or even 3 is a good number.

coming from me it'll just come off as "lol he just really wants to keep being mod" but i don't think you should be aiming to mod everything on your own
deletedalmost 8 years
am i allowed to ban people from sandbox chat if they are acting up