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Lobby Moderators: Do we need them?

almost 8 years

I've been thinking about this for a while and have been wanting to make this thread so here goes:

I'm not sure that I need lobby mods anymore. Back when the rules were enforced much more heavily I can understand the need, but nowadays there just isn't a lot to do for lobby mods and I personally believe that I could handle it myself. This would also mean no people abusing lobby mod or doing things that aren't appropriate with their powers and just generally causing less drama in that department. However, since I'm on the BST timezone rather than a US timezone, there will be times when I'm not around in the lobby to handle things, which is personally the only downside I can see to just scrapping the whole thing. Of course, I'd still be the owner and whilst I'm sure some people don't like me, I think most can agree that I do a decent job as owner of the lobby.

Please discuss this here, as I'm eager to hear the opinions of the community on this (keep it civil and on-topic or you'll be muted).

Lobby Moderators:
almost 8 years