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Influence bebop

deletedalmost 8 years

Here's a suggestion: Don't allow shadow mods be in mod chat. Don't call them ex-mods, they're still modding. From the shadows.

I don't care if my topics are constantly derailed into a clique-pandering circlejerk, seemingly hypocritical(if one person does something then it's alright for anyone else to do it, apparently), or being locked for not being influential enough, this is wrong.

Regardless of your opinion on me or the current moderation of sandbox, please voice your opinion on this poll if you think shadow mods are okay.

regarding this situation
Remove all shadow mods
Allow shadow mods to continue
almost 8 years

Bebop says

that's a ridiculous claim, precisely why i don't take you seriously.

It's not a ridiculous claim. You use scare tactics to keep your moderators in line. You removed Terry as a moderator for having a different opinion than the rest of you because you didn't want a moderator having that type of opinion about something you had a different opinion about.

You used Terry as an example and now moderators tip toe around and watch what they say. Other moderators in the past have been victims to your scare tactics as well.

You don't take me seriously because you know you are wrong and you like to dismiss me as I stated earlier by saying "lol clique xd" to try to invalidate the facts I am stating in order for you to avoid replying.
almost 8 years

Christopherzilla says


Now that we have site mods on the Sandbox moderation team there should be no more banning at a Sandbox lobby level. If a user violates an Epic Mafia site rule let them be given the appropriate violation an punishment through the report system. This allows appeals to be made in cases of poor judgement and prevents lobby mods from using their power frivolously.

appeals can already be made for sandbox lobby decisions and i also feel like that would lead to people trying to abuse the report system to get people much harsher punishments than would normally be given in sandbox. i highly doubt the community want harsher punishments.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

Bebop says

if you feel harassed by the things i have said (note: i never called you a pedophile) feel free to report me for harassment, although it'll never get a violation because i have never harassed you. if you feel that other users are harassing you, you're also very welcome to report them too.

You have called me a pedophile many times in the chat, both you and Merlot have encouraged others to do the same because you find it fun to target me. It'll never get a violation because you have you, Merlot, error, and the rest of your friends as site mods/shadow mods/lobby mods and no one can get you a violation on this site because of that. You saw other users harassing me but you still allow it. You give no warnings. You don't care.
almost 8 years

Now that we have site mods on the Sandbox moderation team there should be no more banning at a Sandbox lobby level. If a user violates an Epic Mafia site rule let them be given the appropriate violation an punishment through the report system. This allows appeals to be made in cases of poor judgement and prevents lobby mods from using their power frivolously.
almost 8 years
that's a ridiculous claim, precisely why i don't take you seriously.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

i think you should know that amelio agreed to banning you for 7 days. you do not need to give your consent for me to add someone to a skype group i'm the owner of and to echo your rhetoric in that very group "if you didn't like it, why didn't you block them?"

Amelio agreed to it because he is scared to lose his moderator position because you use scare tactics to keep your moderators from publicly sharing opinions you don't agree with.

You should be smart enough to know that error's behaviour was completely unacceptable in that chat and he should not have been allowed in it yet you allowed him to stay and continue acting the way he was because you have a grudge against me and you like to see other users bully me.
almost 8 years
if you feel harassed by the things i have said (note: i never called you a pedophile) feel free to report me for harassment, although it'll never get a violation because i have never harassed you. if you feel that other users are harassing you, you're also very welcome to report them too.
almost 8 years
Honestly, I don't think Jamal is a troll. I truly believe he is like this in real life. Not a bad person, but he lacks tact.
almost 8 years
i think you should know that amelio agreed to banning you for 7 days. you do not need to give your consent for me to add someone to a skype group i'm the owner of and to echo your rhetoric in that very group "if you didn't like it, why didn't you block them?"
almost 8 years

Bebop says

i suggested we bring merlot into the chat for discussing jamal (DISCLAIMER: she was never added to that group) because the only people who were around to discuss at the point i said it were me and amelio and i wanted more opinions than just one extra. that's all there is to it. i'm less inclined to give jamal serious replies because he's a troll who only hops on the bandwagon you so readily prepared for him because for some reason he dislikes me.

You suggested she be brought into the chat so you have another one of your shadow mods belittle me and make me feel helpless in the chat. You know Merlot would side with you completely and you'd have a 2:1 majority at worst if she were in the chat. Then you brought error into the chat without my consent (knowing that he is incapable of actually being apart of any decision making process) and you allowed him to belittle me and attack me and you still allowed him to make the unjustified decision to ban me. Amelio was fair, you seemed to be fair until Merlot and Error got into your ear.

I am not a troll, you people need to stop mistaking confidence for trolling. I am not hopping on a bandwagon, I am putting my 2 cents in this discussion post as the original poster requested for us all to do.

I dislike you because you harass me constantly, abuse your moderation powers on me, allow other users to bully me even if I tell them to stop, you dismiss everything I say as "oh he's trolling" or "lol clique xd" because you don't want to actually discuss the valid points I bring up, and you call me a pedophile and encourage others to do the same up until recently when you were caught in a lie and backtracked from there. You target me.
almost 8 years
i suggested we bring merlot into the chat for discussing jamal (DISCLAIMER: she was never added to that group) because the only people who were around to discuss at the point i said it were me and amelio and i wanted more opinions than just one extra. that's all there is to it. i'm less inclined to give jamal serious replies because he's a troll who only hops on the bandwagon you so readily prepared for him because for some reason he dislikes me.
almost 8 years

ThoughtfulOlive says

glow says

ThoughtfulOlive says

Jimbei, I gotta say I'm kinda hurt by what you posted here. Yeah, I'm in the mod Skype chat, but all I do is post pictures of my dog and talk about movies and stuff like that. It's really the only Skype group I'm in where I interact with people. Is that such a terrible thing to do? Didn't know my husky had influence in what goes on in Sandbox.

u can post pictures of ur husky here pls

Here's a baby picture just for you.

more!!!!!! love it
deletedalmost 8 years
If I'm given the time to get a wordy reply Jamal should too.
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

Does anybody remember if there are green togrutas? I vaguely remember some kind of olive or greenish-gold variety from their race.

don't even need to look it up to know you're talking about star wars
almost 8 years

Golbolco says

Does anybody remember if there are green togrutas? I vaguely remember some kind of olive or greenish-gold variety from their race.

I don't think so. There are blue ones though!
almost 8 years
Does anybody remember if there are green togrutas? I vaguely remember some kind of olive or greenish-gold variety from their race.
almost 8 years

glow says

ThoughtfulOlive says

Jimbei, I gotta say I'm kinda hurt by what you posted here. Yeah, I'm in the mod Skype chat, but all I do is post pictures of my dog and talk about movies and stuff like that. It's really the only Skype group I'm in where I interact with people. Is that such a terrible thing to do? Didn't know my husky had influence in what goes on in Sandbox.

u can post pictures of ur husky here pls

Here's a baby picture just for you.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

this is an entirely loaded poll as nobody who is not a mod in that group has any say whatsoever in the lobby. we have and continue to create separate groups to discuss important issues (like what to do in jamal's case) outside of the main group so that only mods can see. but i suppose you'll just opt not to believe that because it's more convenient for your defamation. i'm legitimately disappointed in how some people are conducting themselves in these types of threads.

You suggested that we bring your EpicMafia dot com girlfriend into the decision making process in my case because she's a shadow mod for you and you wanted another person to attack me personally in the chat like error did and you allowed it to happen. You allow your mods and shadow mods to bully and make a joke out of serious issues and you allow them to stop anyone from defending themselves as you bring them down to such a low level with your bullying.
almost 8 years
it's painfully obvious with what intent you're making them, no matter how much you claim the contrary. you never even tried to tell me these things that you told amelio, most likely because you know i'd actually listen and then what content would you have for these threads?
almost 8 years

ThoughtfulOlive says

Jimbei, I gotta say I'm kinda hurt by what you posted here. Yeah, I'm in the mod Skype chat, but all I do is post pictures of my dog and talk about movies and stuff like that. It's really the only Skype group I'm in where I interact with people. Is that such a terrible thing to do? Didn't know my husky had influence in what goes on in Sandbox.

u can post pictures of ur husky here pls
deletedalmost 8 years
I don't think you're the antichrist I think you don't properly moderate sandbox. I told Amelio a list of things I'd like to be considered because he's the only one who will listen to me and not write me off as a joke, I dunno if the message ever got relayed to you though.

If you don't like my topic don't post on them. They're to provoke discussion and are worded in a way that doesn't out any past personal situations that I was a part of. The people I am complaining about are not my enemies.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

this is an entirely loaded poll as nobody who is not a mod in that group has any say whatsoever in the lobby. we have and continue to create separate groups to discuss important issues (like what to do in jamal's case) outside of the main group so that only mods can see. but i suppose you'll just opt not to believe that because it's more convenient for your defamation. i'm legitimately disappointed in how some people are conducting themselves in these types of threads.

And I'm legitimately disappointed that the Sandbox owner resorts to IC.
almost 8 years
that was my immediate response because you've been pulling this type of thing all week. it's so thinly veiled and downright obvious that you're doing it with the intent of malice under the guise of altruism. why should i take it seriously when you only take it as seriously as you need to to convince others i'm the antichrist?
almost 8 years

Bebop says

it's not bad blood based on the person suggesting it. it's the manipulative and denigratory way in which it was presented.

I'll write up one for you once this drama blows over, mate.