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Influence bebop

deletedalmost 8 years

Here's a suggestion: Don't allow shadow mods be in mod chat. Don't call them ex-mods, they're still modding. From the shadows.

I don't care if my topics are constantly derailed into a clique-pandering circlejerk, seemingly hypocritical(if one person does something then it's alright for anyone else to do it, apparently), or being locked for not being influential enough, this is wrong.

Regardless of your opinion on me or the current moderation of sandbox, please voice your opinion on this poll if you think shadow mods are okay.

regarding this situation
Remove all shadow mods
Allow shadow mods to continue
deletedalmost 8 years
I proposed it in a topic which presented my opinion and was locked for not being influential enough.

Jimbei says

my topics are constantly derailed into a clique-pandering circlejerk, seemingly hypocritical(if one person does something then it's alright for anyone else to do it, apparently), or being locked for not being influential enough

Even if I take my topic seriously it gets disregarded. Don't act like you'll magically listen to my opinion because I played nice. You don't listen to me.

When I made a topic because I was upset with shadow mods

bebop says

lol another one of these threads.

This is your immediate response. You don't care. Stop acting like you do. Don't call me childish when you said this less than an hour ago.
almost 8 years
Jimbei, I gotta say I'm kinda hurt by what you posted here. Yeah, I'm in the mod Skype chat, but all I do is post pictures of my dog and talk about movies and stuff like that. It's really the only Skype group I'm in where I interact with people. Is that such a terrible thing to do? Didn't know my husky had influence in what goes on in Sandbox.
almost 8 years
i'd like to apply to be a shadow moderator, i mean it just sounds way cooler. how do i apply?
almost 8 years
it's not bad blood based on the person suggesting it. it's the manipulative and denigratory way in which it was presented.
almost 8 years
Shouldn't the decision making be based on what is best for the community rather than bad blood based on the person suggesting it?
almost 8 years
also, if this were proposed in a more legitimate way rather than in piecemeal attempts to dismantle any credibility i have and defame me, perhaps i'd have actually done something about it. but you've handled this so childishly under the guise of altruism that i really have no intention of giving you your way.
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

what is your understanding of shadow mods

Go read the topic error locked unfairly
almost 8 years
what is your understanding of shadow mods
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

this is an entirely loaded poll as nobody who is not a mod in that group has any say whatsoever in the lobby. we have and continue to create separate groups to discuss important issues (like what to do in jamal's case) outside of the main group so that only mods can see. but i suppose you'll just opt not to believe that because it's more convenient for your defamation. i'm legitimately disappointed in how some people are conducting themselves in these types of threads.

I am sorry to have a different opinion/ view on things than you.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

this is an entirely loaded poll as nobody who is not a mod in that group has any say whatsoever in the lobby.

almost 8 years
what are we going to do on the bed
almost 8 years
amazing thread
almost 8 years
this is an entirely loaded poll as nobody who is not a mod in that group has any say whatsoever in the lobby. we have and continue to create separate groups to discuss important issues (like what to do in jamal's case) outside of the main group so that only mods can see. but i suppose you'll just opt not to believe that because it's more convenient for your defamation. i'm legitimately disappointed in how some people are conducting themselves in these types of threads.
deletedalmost 8 years
Just Demod The Scum Mods
almost 8 years
Shadow Mods are essential in sandbox (no legit who the fuc* even cares)
almost 8 years
did you know that neanderthals are the ancestors of gingers?