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EM Players say the Darndest Things!

over 7 years


This thread is for posting funny things relating to Epicmafia. That could be a screenshot of lobby chat, a link to a report, a whole game to read or anything else! Bear in mind that just because this is the Sandbox Edition of the thread, it doesn't mean the things you post have to be Sandbox-related, just Epicmafia-related.

about 7 years
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over 7 years
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Ben says

over 7 years
over 7 years
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over 7 years

USA says


I knew I'd be in here somewhere.
over 7 years
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ahh yes... some fine posts by me... damn fine posts old boy... truly the peak of comedy, by me, right here in this thread
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collokey says

CoryInConstantinople says

collokey is a 27 year old man.

You finally acknowledge I'm a man :)

i never said you weren't a man, you're just an effeminate low-testosterone man that will never spread his seed.
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CoryInConstantinople says

collokey is a 27 year old man.

You finally acknowledge I'm a man :)
deletedover 7 years

collokey is a 27 year old man.
over 7 years
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over 7 years
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over 7 years