over 8 years

Post below the link to any game that was broken by the server, and it will be refunded.

Post it as follows: https://epicmafia.com/game/xxxxxxx/review

We do not refund suicides.

This thread is NOT for refunds that you've reported.

Refund requests due to game related actions should be filed as a report: https://epicmafia.com/topic/61693

Moderators: please leave a comment if you have refunded every request in the thread, thank you!

over 5 years
Would have hammered lawyer then Day 3 no idea what would have happened but I felt like town had a good chance
over 5 years
You would have lost that game anyway Giga xD
over 5 years
over 5 years


The weird thing about this one is that the game ended and we saw the end screen, completed as a ranked game. But nobody lost a heart and the game still says it's on Day 2. I've never seen a game break like this before
over 6 years
Broken, needs refund:

over 6 years
Broken + need refund.
over 6 years

bewildered says

arisuu was voted, gov OTed but arisuu didnt vote so they got vegged and then next day was 4 people alive, 2 being maf and arisuu had a vote in village meeting but was in the graveyard on the left.

it already vegged
over 6 years
arisuu was voted, gov OTed but arisuu didnt vote so they got vegged and then next day was 4 people alive, 2 being maf and arisuu had a vote in village meeting but was in the graveyard on the left.
over 6 years

I'm currently in a glitch where loading a game takes forever and in a while. Can't join another game and when I join this it will load like a long time.
over 6 years

I cannot join or leave this, it's eventually going to make me veg --- not my fault!! kick me from it or something before it starts
over 6 years
6,707,601 FFS
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
Game 6,707,539
over 6 years
get over it this is epicmafia dot com
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
and im stuck in another one gonna veg
over 6 years
Every single game I try and join wont let me load in
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years

I don't care about the heart, but I'd like to join other games :(
deletedover 6 years
can you help a broken heart
deletedover 6 years