Inspired by Bebop's thread, I wanted to make some sort of tier list to show how much I personally believe that players have contributed towards the community. To reiterate these are all facts, not my own opinion. This list is different to the other one as this is scoring based on positive contributions to the community and overall notability. I understand that this can very easily come off as a circlejerky popularity contest but I just wanted to give some of our best and brightest the recognition they deserve. Post below in the thread to be added to the list yourself, or suggest names of others for me to add (old or new users).
S >> Jimbei
A++ >> JamalMarley, sigh, Nynite, Bigpock, ChefCrackhead, SpookyNoodle, TepLep, Entil, Jampire, BaneofMafia, Wubat, keldran, rockgirlnikki, Ashe, yoyorlozer, Stove, TedTonate, meowmeulin, Platypops, Christopherzilla, cub, SirAmelio, Golbolco, Reamix, tricksterer, ballsy, ThoughtfulOlive, Fred, ThomasDuBois, arenaceous, bdog1321, sweetnkind, Herredy, sl0nderman, Chaika, Ace, aquarius, Nocturnul, Mac, izzy, PissProblems, bibty, Musume, Sishen, dia, ivy, Shwartz99, fantas, Art, peach, roadman, arianna, Turpentine / Ben, NekoMANRI, Ohdearmycatisgone, coolkidrox123, desta, OhLookACat, sammy, Furry, Japter, cute, ruiyang, AregVrt, littlewhitey, Ayd, Kyanite, butterpototo, carbink, meowmeulin, mist, baabaa, Mauschen, Nailpolishremover, quiche, Psy420, ryman, Volley, tigermom, fakechest, sestre, smishly, TealDreamer, Hateyon, Missingheart, XFire1994, zahhaks, Gyuri, aladrew, jimpl, Saika, theturningRAY, Tidus, nadaaver, goms, Hamchilla, Youubi, henryleelucas, Salah, JM123, kentarorox, drgkmg, Moomo, nightmarePhantom, Kenny, Hood, riskitforthebiscuit, Associate, Plissken, TheGameGuy
A+ >>
A >>
A- >>
B+ >>
B >>
B- >> Blister, error, MeetTerry
C+ >> Bebop
C >>
I'm not going to list players that are below C, as C is to be taken as an average user.
There is no reason for the order inside each category other than when I thought of them, everyone in each category is on roughly the same level.