over 7 years


Based on trophies, win rates and most of all how you played your best in games. Including cheaters and trolls that i've seen play seriously. Everyone's rank is based on when they're trying their best and in their respective primes (for a few thats specified in brackets).

God tier: BigBadBoy (on any tryhard account), Regfan (before playing w/ Sachy)

A++: Crypto (circa 2011 when not playing in circlejerk tables), Girallon (as catbae), Fantastic (before returning as skeptical), Jaguar (before '11), Soben (after he stopped trolling in broken english and before '12)

A+: Brownpimp007 (when running or as immaculate), Chesskid4 (when he was a secret alt as Tatatmi), Effulgence (before '11), Prevail (during his time as Flex/Fix/Knuckleballer even tho he cheated), Strider (just before he started dating Kerry), theshiv (during his time as Nero),

A: Alcoway, Anthony642 (as SonOfZeus), Atikur (when she pretended to be a guy), Belthazar666, Blastoise87 (as Gay even tho he cheated on it), Cirno (as Nimara), CocaCola, Duckhunter (before '11), Fading (as False even tho he cheated on it), Joole, Radiohated, Rednose2 (as Mertens/Temper), RickKnight (before '10), Sonseray, SystemOverload (as TweIve), Tatsuya, ThirdAug, Turquoise, ubaldooo (as Despicable), Vestige, Vigoroth (as Steven), Zyklon

A-: Achieina, Angelfire, Apeescraper, Applecidersyo, Bearissoslow, Benjerman, Billstickers, Cajunjack, Chupps, Dag, Deborah, Dreamcatcher, ElijahMikaelson (as ChaosBlaze/Eatos), epiclulz, Erica, Eritas, Forbs, Forever, Goodbar, Grace, Haymon (as Cansilo), GerryOat (as Note), Giga13, Hedger, Insanoflex, JeffreyAaron, KindaIWantTo, Kittykeri, Kittenz73, LOLUMAD (before '11), Lmaobird (as Iridescent), MachiavellianGhost, Mangofruit (as yushchenko), Nanita (as Coldsummers or Polms), Pranay7744 (as Dessicate), Radar (as Lust), Rathwins1, Redfoo (as dsmith97), Riotkiller14, RoseOnPlayer, SaintsDynasty, Slyintine, soda17, speedofstupid (as original Shacky account), theeraser, Tomato, Veiexku (as kcinowai and before '10), Vilden, xxerox (as a secret alt like lucidsnows), Zekashis

B+: Account, Alexicon (as Pinacolada), Andrew (as Masterball), Arcbell, Bacde, Bernin, BGA, bubbasparXXX, Bubbles, Calvin, Cavsfan, DangeloD (as bazookaB), Dannyboy, Dared, Dennis, DLGn, doomsday, Dreamquakes, DrJackShephard, Drysc, eckstavo, Emperorschance, Endorphins, Error, Eshbd, Ferny, Gerksterr, h1n1flu, Harodihg, Heck, HoratioCaine, Implosion, Incarcerated, itg321 (as iceaac), Jeep, Jesusofnazareth, Jezebelalli, JM123, Junter, Karmaloop, Kelly, Kerry, Lamer, Ling, lolwot, lotus, lucidrains (during start of the site), Mapreduce, Matt12, Matt55, MaximillionPegasus, MilesPrower, Miloo7, Minie, Murica, Naegiri, Nagerous, Nahdia, Nevermaf, Okeas, OTB (as misselainey), Pereking, Petricigy (before sex change), Pogoster (before going mental), Projectmatt, Raven (as Phoenix), Riddler, Rondar, Roshiez, Sachy, Sammon (as Goatemis), SGR, Shamu, Shrub, Sineadiio, Sirius, Stiffy, Sunstorm, Super, Terra, thebrontosaurus, thejkb, theonlyjazznation, Thrillvy, TMjuke (as Tibbers), Trolleyz, vashthestampede (as Vexium), Vedarshi, Vifam, Voltron, willianGallis, wsteyer (during start of the site), xjuicy (as Juke), xsonianevermindx (as Ripple), yoyo200900, ZEEnon, Zovea (before '10)

B: lionel99, jesswhite, imthefool, Facebook, cubfan90, RedCoyote, FBG, RNB, RWF, kylehlp123, KatnissTheRebel, zach420, roughnightbro, bamfcallee, nown1111, LittleV, hungryhippo, kotw10, dle9999, Nbtnbt5, Skoffin, Retti, Schezo, Minxy, rektson, Scubasteve, user80, thegeneral2112, scumboodler, Papuito, Splinterfright, DropKickDiva, pafff, ichizon, icemynipz, Acrylics, Linker, zwink, elise, sonrio, reeses, shinigami, emily, EmmerrLouise, pamda, simplypam, dannie, garyoak, KHNM, innovateur83, shmeur, Markus, Himiko, Ucklar, papoy, Hurricane13, payamcf, Vendetta, mna3631, Nikysha, Heinous, foolonthehill, godofdarkness, mafiagod, supernova, laservp, scholsey, Mastercheif, shieldbearer, Shamzy, Devante, carolineeee, amishguy, RohiniN, Tactic, Hypersoft, Sincerely, schutzekatze, Pocky, thegatso, Pamda, Betmen, evilpyro, johnreid, johnbatman, jonsnow, guyfawkes, ladynemesis, PatrykSzczescie, ponylove, burtonx, adblock, shannonx, datguiser, sweeper, gennehfarrxD, kpcptmku, aquamermaid, usagichan49, charley, stayaway, Nicol, zoolander, RaMpUrI, perro, GotConverted, IAMRobik, Jaleb, utahraptor, coolkidrox123, bebop, jackhammer, FaZ, Soluciones, scumboodler, epicsean, chooksy, billclintonIRL, benmh92, dwightschrute, nightwolfx, madains, bowlinjim, 2gamis, tonkotsu, Rin, Kuno, MisterPresident, mtlve

C+ (slightly better than average) - Not gonna make a list cuz it'd be too long

Average players or below won't be included

Post if you think you're good enough to be ranked if not already on here.

Post if you disagree with a placing or think someone is missing.

For those who posted ITT:

Below B: Rutab, Samuel, Cozy, Mindful, thecolonel, Justrec, Juneau, female, Ark, Bennychaos, annabelle, Redino, shwartz99, LeMeJoe, Jesteroz, RowanJay, Grateful, Hiariej, S1337, evolpz, peach, GayLivesMatter (hes mikeyru??)

Haven't seen your play (probably Below B): k9trip, StevoJR, overcat, carmean, Lionel, miles54321, Player, CTFaithful, jester17, CarmenK72, maxxburn, WhiteMarauder, BeepBeepLettuce

over 7 years
Hello. I am offended.
deletedover 7 years
im #1 on hall of fame still didnt make it on the list
over 7 years

Zhuorb says

Damn, didn't make the list

over 7 years
Damn, didn't make the list
over 7 years
rank me :)
over 7 years
pls rank me
over 7 years
rank me pls
over 7 years
mfw awnyy and dzanek are tier 5 and they are 2 of the best players i know
over 7 years
over 7 years
@Tatami. WRONG. What a nasty poster. I have played outside of FP, but at the end of the day I find FP to be the most fun set up and I'm ultimately here for entertainment. I am elite, and if you ever bothered to play in a game with me, you would take notice.
over 7 years
I never saw this but you put me way too high and for sure quite a few people in B- as well. lol
deletedover 7 years
/me notices your bulge OwO
over 7 years
ITT People that can barely post 50% spamming FP whine about how they and their friends are clearly elite
over 7 years
I don't think I've ever played with OP so my exclusion here is understandable, but I'm clearly in a tier unto myself at the top. Golden God Tier, if you will.
over 7 years
Where do I fit on this list?
over 7 years

Stiffy says

Chicago says

Sulfur says

He was drunk when he made this

had to have been lol. i'm not sure how he could have played with all these players while they were playing at their best. i've been here 9 years and haven't seen 3/4 of these people play at their best. To put me, guyfawkes, antidote, STIFFY??, shini?? (years ago) etc. at their best below a lot of the other names listed is comical haha.

Are you really offended for me? :P

i am. don't get used to it!
over 7 years
i deserve something there
over 7 years
Interesting list but push betmen higher
deletedover 7 years

IAmNotABC says

Abc hasnt seen me play serious i suppose.

I seriously am quiet good when i actually change my entire attitude toward the game, change how i act, and play differently.

Abc is a
over 7 years
Abc hasnt seen me play serious i suppose.

I seriously am quiet good when i actually change my entire attitude toward the game, change how i act, and play differently.
over 7 years
How did abc recall all these mafia players?
deletedover 7 years
ok but am i not an A+++ player
over 7 years
i know a good 5% (ok, maybe a little less) of the names on this list and know about 2 of those well enough to understand why they'd be placed where they are as opposed to higher/lower compared to each other (taking into account that tatami said you were trolling him)

but mist is definitely better than me when they try, of that i am certain.

and i'm not just saying that out of policy/bias, I think
over 7 years
i'm flattered and confused but i know one thing: move mist up or move me down or both
over 7 years
Wait, we've never played OTL (and even then for me to be at my best I gotta roll maf or it's gotta be comp. Darn, amirite?).