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SimBB: The Big Screen

almost 8 years

In the upcoming 17th season of SimBB, production has decided to implement a new theme! One that involves characters who have managed to make it big not just in theaters but have had lasting impressions on audiences everywhere!

The Big Screen theme essentially has 16 characters leaving the movies and entering the Big Brother house to battle it out for the half million dollar prize! Dramatic will be an understatement surely with this cast! Sign up while you still can!

Need To Knows!

  • Due to Big Screen names making it, it only makes sense that production twist it up and add the MVP twist! Every week someone will be voted by America to be granted with the power to secretly nominate a third houseguest on the block!

  • This is NOT a returners season, only people never before entered will be accepted!

  • For the Applications, there will be four attributes- Physical, Endurance, Mental, and Social. Rank all four of them from best to worst attribute in a 1(worst) to 4(best) numbered scale!

  • Can send in a character every 24 hours


Physical: (1-4)
Endurance: (1-4)
Mental: (1-4)
Social: (1-4)


  • Max Rockatansky (jack)
  • Deadpool (Logan)
  • Devil (xSoniaNeverMindx)
  • Cher Horowitz (jessys)
  • Shinji Mimura (ISamEI)
  • Rocket Raccoon (N1ed)
  • Leo Fits (UltraAug)
  • Rey (Bgeas15)
  • Leo Marvin (OtherScott)
  • Seok-Woo (ShiroWhite)
  • Deadshot (Serpinator1317)
  • Meggie Folchart (coolkidrox123)
  • Heather Vandergeld (hotjacket)
  • Rose Parker (Lelmoo)
  • Gale Weathers (qrstuv)
  • Allison Reynolds (Jellofish)

Week #1:
MVP Poll:

Week #2:
MVP Poll:

Week #3:

Week #4:

Week #5:

Remainder of Season:

Think you're character will make it big?
Julie Chen will roast them
No, they suck at life
I don't know but your grammar won't
Yeah on that flashy screen!
almost 8 years

It's time to pack up boys because this is my winner pick.


He had a GREAT first night in my opinion. We see him involving himself with Shinji, Seok, and Rey to a lesser extent. The difference, his interaction with Shinji actually felt like a real connection.

It's not like most of these groups where it's just 2 or 3 people talking and "HEY MAKE AN ALLIANCE WITH ME". I think Max and Shinji are a duo to be scared of in this game, but Max has the edge because he comes across as less sneaky.

I fully expect Max to be invited into a bunch of alliances, and if he plays his cards right and throws some comps, I can even see him winning the game.

It's over. Max wins. End season.
almost 8 years


Where do we START with Heather? Normally, in a SimBB season, a Regina-esque character is bound to make it far.

...but looking at this group, I don't think they're going to put up with her. Like, seriously, I don't see who comes out of an interaction with Heather liking her.

Cher was the closest this she had to making a legit alliance and even that didn't REALLY work.

Gone Pre-Jury, absolutely no shot at winning.

Get her out of that house before she makes a fool of herself.
almost 8 years


Despite almost winning the first HoH competition, Rey was not involved in a whole lot of strategy in this episode.

The alliance Seok proposed had her included in the mix, but in the end, I'm not even sure that alliance is going to happen.

She doesn't seem to have any enemies yet, which is good, but with no solid alliance of her own, I'm worried about her long-term prospects.

This under-the-radar style of play usually works for getting to the jury, so we'll have to see what happens if Rey makes it that far.
almost 8 years


Love this guy, got the majority of my MVP votes, but there's no way in hell he makes it far.

Deadpool winning this first HoH is a BLESSING for Rocket, but his social game is HORRENDOUS.

Is there anyone outside of his alliance who even likes him at this point? Like, did he win any friends over with breakfast-gate? No, I don't think so.

But I still love it, he's going to be a very bombastic character for the 2 or 3 weeks he stays in the house.

I REALLY hope he proves me wrong, but I'm almost certain he's gone pre-jury.

almost 8 years
"I'll send you a copy"
almost 8 years

The Devil!

For once, I actually have high praise for one of Sonia's characters. Devil has made her decision to play under the radar known, to not just us, but to other players as well.

She's using this information EFFECTIVELY to form an alliance with Gale, which could help get them both farther in the game.

The part that worries me most about her is that she might not ever get involved in a big alliance, which can really hurt her if the males in the house pull something together.

I'm not going to ignore the seduction stuff either, she might be able to pull one of these guys to the dark side.

The arrow's pointing up for the Devil.
almost 8 years
"Rocket: Look lady, why don’t you go back to bed- and the nineties for that matter.
Gale gasps."
damn DRAG HA
almost 8 years


Seok has already expressed interest in forming a large alliance, including a wide array of people in the house. The issue is, alliances like these almost never succeed. I fully expect Shinji to throw Seok under the bus when the time comes. It's possible that he gets Devin'd right out the door early on.

However, the fact that he seems interested in making a bigger alliance IS a good thing. It is possible it can work if he picks the right allies, but Shinji has already said he's willing to betray so I'm honestly expecting that.

Couple that with the fact that he's already getting involved with FIGHTS in the house, WEEK 1. Honestly, WHY? And it's pretty easy to see a situation where he gets targeted.

I wish him the best of luck, but at least 5 people gotta go Pre-Jury.

almost 8 years

Rose Parker!

I'm getting strange vibes from Rose. Her stats play out the way you'd imagine so not much to comment on there.

Her alliance with Meggie is cute, but the 2 are already being spotted, and targeted by another pair in the house. The lucky thing for Rose is that neither of these 2 won the HoH comp.

What worries me most is that Rose's anti-social behavior will win a lot more enemies than friends, and without impressive comp-stats to save her, it's hard to see how she avoids the block.

Based on her behavior in the premiere, I don't think Rose will last long in this game.

almost 8 years

It's a little different this time since we actually know a lot of game that has already happened, but we're still in Week 1, so it counts.

Let's start with...


The first HoH of the game, Deadpool actually has quite a bit going for him.

Even with low social/Mental stats, we've already seen him be a part of forming an alliance with Rocket and Deadshot. These 3 guys have a really solid chance of winning a few of these early comps, so that's a big deal.

However, if Deadpool was smart, he'd try and involve himself with other groups of more influential players. He's gonna need some brain power to keep him from being targeted!

If he wants to stick with an all-guys thing, he can pull in Fitz and Shinji and we have the second coming of the Brigade wrapped up for us.

Couple that with some pretty good likelihood of winning the MVP power at some point, and I think this guy, and his alliance, has a really good chance to succeed!
almost 8 years
I may it depends. I mean I would think perceptions will change and people's decision making when it comes to voting MVP will vary between weeks enough to where we don't have to worry about an Elissa situation (who essentially got the MVP like every week- but that had other contributions). There's a good chance I may just keep it as is but we can see
almost 8 years
Maybe make it more like BB18's Care Package, and each character only gets it once?
deletedalmost 8 years
that's a good question, eventually it's gonna get a bit redundant if the most popular/2 most popular players stay in for a while
almost 8 years

cjn104 says

Yeah, I figured why not give it a try, plus it makes this more interactive, you know? What I'll probably do is just have the voting last 24 hours after the following HoH is made. Technically being HoH doesn't stop a person from being MVP, but since its right after eviction, I figured it wouldn't be that bad

mmm. is there going to be a variation on the rule where a cast member can't be an mvp for two consecutive weeks in a row, like hoh to prevent them from steamrolling with votes every week? or is everyone eligible every week?
almost 8 years
Yeah, I figured why not give it a try, plus it makes this more interactive, you know? What I'll probably do is just have the voting last 24 hours after the following HoH is made. Technically being HoH doesn't stop a person from being MVP, but since its right after eviction, I figured it wouldn't be that bad
deletedalmost 8 years

cjn104 says

Si, even HoH can win it and tthis twist was actually the twist ofthe controversial BB15

o my bad, never watched bb15, that makes a lot more sense because you have to insert the winner before making a third nomination and being able to write the edit
almost 8 years
Si, even HoH can win it and tthis twist was actually the twist ofthe controversial BB15
almost 8 years

N1ed says

ISamEI says

curious about how the mvp power works
so the mvp can nom someone else, but are not immune from being nommed themselves?

if you watched bb18, it's a lot like the roadkill twist, but it's a vote

basically, the hoh makes 2 nominees, and then whoever wins the mvp power makes a third nominee that cannot be one of the 2 nominees, the hoh, or themselves. I believe that if pov is used on this third nominee, the mvp winner will also decide the renomination.

thanks for the explanation. can the mvp be one of the hoh's 2 nominees?
deletedalmost 8 years

ISamEI says

curious about how the mvp power works
so the mvp can nom someone else, but are not immune from being nommed themselves?

if you watched bb18, it's a lot like the roadkill twist, but it's a vote

basically, the hoh makes 2 nominees, and then whoever wins the mvp power makes a third nominee that cannot be one of the 2 nominees, the hoh, or themselves. I believe that if pov is used on this third nominee, the mvp winner will also decide the renomination.
almost 8 years
curious about how the mvp power works
so the mvp can nom someone else, but are not immune from being nommed themselves?
deletedalmost 8 years

ayy my fave edit won hoh

now he needs to keep rocket and deadshot safe, win the mvp power and this is an easy week
almost 8 years
You don't have to send in 10 votes, its just the max amount of votes someone can send, sort of like how they do for CBS's twists that lets people vote 10 times per day. Who you vote in those possible ten is up to your own discretion and choosing!
deletedalmost 8 years
question about the poll:
do we send in 10 times for our 10 votes? i don't wanna be wrong and just spam the heck outta it
almost 8 years
Alright, both parts of the premiere are up! I've got the MVP poll set to end tomorrow so be sure to vote by then!
deletedalmost 8 years
gonna actually try to keep up with this season

deadshot/deadpool are my initial faves, one of them needs to win pls

also liked gale, cher, rocket :^), and devil