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SimBB: The Big Screen

almost 8 years

In the upcoming 17th season of SimBB, production has decided to implement a new theme! One that involves characters who have managed to make it big not just in theaters but have had lasting impressions on audiences everywhere!

The Big Screen theme essentially has 16 characters leaving the movies and entering the Big Brother house to battle it out for the half million dollar prize! Dramatic will be an understatement surely with this cast! Sign up while you still can!

Need To Knows!

  • Due to Big Screen names making it, it only makes sense that production twist it up and add the MVP twist! Every week someone will be voted by America to be granted with the power to secretly nominate a third houseguest on the block!

  • This is NOT a returners season, only people never before entered will be accepted!

  • For the Applications, there will be four attributes- Physical, Endurance, Mental, and Social. Rank all four of them from best to worst attribute in a 1(worst) to 4(best) numbered scale!

  • Can send in a character every 24 hours


Physical: (1-4)
Endurance: (1-4)
Mental: (1-4)
Social: (1-4)


  • Max Rockatansky (jack)
  • Deadpool (Logan)
  • Devil (xSoniaNeverMindx)
  • Cher Horowitz (jessys)
  • Shinji Mimura (ISamEI)
  • Rocket Raccoon (N1ed)
  • Leo Fits (UltraAug)
  • Rey (Bgeas15)
  • Leo Marvin (OtherScott)
  • Seok-Woo (ShiroWhite)
  • Deadshot (Serpinator1317)
  • Meggie Folchart (coolkidrox123)
  • Heather Vandergeld (hotjacket)
  • Rose Parker (Lelmoo)
  • Gale Weathers (qrstuv)
  • Allison Reynolds (Jellofish)

Week #1:
MVP Poll:

Week #2:
MVP Poll:

Week #3:

Week #4:

Week #5:

Remainder of Season:

Think you're character will make it big?
Julie Chen will roast them
No, they suck at life
I don't know but your grammar won't
Yeah on that flashy screen!
deletedalmost 8 years
how do you do the black things over the text?
deletedalmost 8 years

Rocket <3
Deadpool (rip this biased list)
Leo Marvin
Cher Horowitz
Max Rockatansky
Heather Vandergal
Maggie Folchart
Leo Fitz
Allison (ngl I forgot who this was LOL)

deletedalmost 8 years
woot woot Allison floater!!
almost 8 years
RANKINGS after Sunday episode


almost 8 years

cher/heather <33 heather will be targeted before her and i love how cher is werking her social game @ fitz and allison!! legend.
almost 8 years

It's all fun and games until the Devil lay claims <3
deletedalmost 8 years

my boy rocket does me a solid and calls out gale the ackey brakey snake, hopefully that blows up her game. my boy deadpool makes sort of bland nominations, but that's okay too, because now there's plenty of bigger fish to fry, and I'm sure when the time comes, he'll make his move.

if I haven't said it before, rocket/deadpool/deadshot needs to win it!! my favorite 3 edits being in an alliance together is muy bueno

hey you heather voters I'm onto u and I know your tricks, good luck next week when the rest of us don't split the votes :^)

seok should leave, max is keeping a cool head and I like it, but he will be a threat later on
deletedalmost 8 years
DR-Voice: Congratulations, you have won the first MVP. As winner, you get to secretly nominate a third houseguest for eviction. If they win the POV, you will be forced to name the replacement nominee. Perfect!

wow this sim is so good you even got tucker involved :o
almost 8 years
Pre-Nom Stuff

OKAY WHEN I SAID "MAKE AN ALLIANCE" I DID NOT MEAN JUST MEET IN THE BACKYARD AND SCREAM "HEY WE'RE ALLIES NOW HURR DURR". Everything that follows involving these 4 is fekking obvious. Devil begins seducing Rose and now Rose is gonna cheat on Meggie #ShortestShowmanceEver. Gale takes control of Deadpool's HoH which is REALLY dumb on his part. I was convinced an All-Guys alliance would happen here but HEY WTF DO I KNOW? HMMM??? Also love me some Milk-Gate. Rooting for you Meggie.


Seok and Max deserved it for being so sketchy and MAX WAS MY EFFING WINNER PICK DAMN IT! It looks like Deadpool is letting other people control his HoH which is okay in week 1, but I hope it doesn't set a precedent for how he plays later on.


WHERE DO I BEGIN WITH THIS? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! WHO VOTED FOR HEATHER! The worst part about this is that Shinji or Rey who I both like are very likely to be the re-noms if things fall through with the PoV. The best case scenario for me is if Meggie wins this PoV and pulls herself down. I can see Heather nominating someone like Rocket or Fitz in this situation but they would likely survive.

If nominees stay the same

I think Seok leaves because he doesn't seem to have the same game-mind that Max has. Meggie won't be targeted if the house stays against this alliance. Though, I'm not sure how Gale being found out will turn out in the long-run.
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
I cry every time. Deadpool is already a king, as expected. Come through dad!
almost 8 years
Alright so it took a little while and its one of the longer parts I've had to write, but I hope you guys enjoy Sunday's part! It is updated!
deletedalmost 8 years
rocket is gonna join the "small furry animals that snaked their way to a win in a simulator game" club
almost 8 years
almost 8 years


Another one like Fitz who could be targeted very early for being perceived as scheme-y.

The main thing that separates these 2 is that Shinji has picked out a much better alliance. We also see based on the events of Breakfast-gate that he knows when to keep his mouth shut, but also when to defend himself.

I think he'll be targeted early, but I also think he has the alliances necessary to survive.

The issue is, he'll probably be cut early-jury for being a threat to win.


almost 8 years


I love Gale. I think she's going to do great. She's my second winner pick if that's allowed tbh.

The Devil would be in this spot but I think Gale is much more likely to actually bring people over to their side.

Her DR's are great and I will be heartbroken if she leaves early.

Her eagerness to betray and really play this game better show up at some point or another.

Nothing but good things to say about her, but I think Max has the edge in being more trustworthy.
almost 8 years


Fitz is going to be targeted and leave Pre-Jury, sorry to say.

He seems way too willing to say yes to what's said to him. That conversation with Leo is pretty indicative of this.

Unfortunately, I like him and think he could do well, but this is going to be a dramatic, non-strategic season.

His BEST chance is to get roped into a guys-alliance and be the obligatory "smart one" otherwise he's going to be targeted for being too close with too many people.

He'll be eliminated for playing the game too hard, whether he actually does it or not.

almost 8 years


The slightly less awkward Rose.

Once again, I enjoy their relationship but the writing is on the wall for these 2 to be nominated against each other.

Of the 2, I think Meggie has a better chance at survivor purely because her first interaction with someone isn't "SOCIAL ANXIETY LOL".

Unlike Rose, I think Meggie is capable of having a normal conversation and because of that, I think she's got a better chance than we might think.

But, like Cher, she needs to pick out better allies in the long-term.
almost 8 years


Hopefully once Heather is evicted at the end of this week, Cher will be able to pick out some better allies.

She seems a lot less AWFUL than Heather which definitely ups her stock in the game.

She's the only person in the game who already has a freaking human shield, that's pretty good. While I do think she had a good chance to make the jury, I can easily see the guys turning on her down the road.
almost 8 years


Out of that 3-man alliance, I think Deadshot has the best chance to go far.

Once the MVP twist becomes known, people could definitely turn on Deadpool for being a threat to win it week after week. Rocket has alienated people socially.

I think he's more than willing to throw the 2 under the bus if he has to, HOWEVER, he also knows when to just sit around and stick with a group.

His big issue is going to be making enemies if he actually does win a comp, which is bound to happen eventually.

There's more good than bad going for Deadshot after this premiere.
almost 8 years


Aside from the creepy vibes, Allison spent the premiere just kinda sitting there.

This isn't bad news because she didn't really have any terrible interactions with people in the house. In fact, the half-alliance she's in with Fitz and Leo could help her out if she finds herself on the block.

However, this laid back approach is good for making it far in the game, if she makes sure to keep her mouth shut in the right situations and not say any more creepy things, she could go deep.
almost 8 years

Bgeas15 says

It's over. Max wins. End season.

ayyyy we did it boys
deletedalmost 8 years

Bgeas15 says


Love this guy, got the majority of my MVP votes, but there's no way in hell he makes it far.

Deadpool winning this first HoH is a BLESSING for Rocket, but his social game is HORRENDOUS.

Is there anyone outside of his alliance who even likes him at this point? Like, did he win any friends over with breakfast-gate? No, I don't think so.

But I still love it, he's going to be a very bombastic character for the 2 or 3 weeks he stays in the house.

I REALLY hope he proves me wrong, but I'm almost certain he's gone pre-jury.


he'll win them over!!!
almost 8 years
I love these bgeas ty
almost 8 years

(I'll write more tomorrow)


I definitely see him as a bit of a comic relief type character. But what the other houseguests should be worried about is that he is going to be truly unpredictable in this game.

Yes, seriously.

Leo will be the most likely to flip on his alliance, the most likely to sell out his allies, and I think that works out great for him, early on.

He had a really awkward interaction with Fitz and Allison tonight, but that doesn't belittle the fact that he MADE that conversation happen.

Once everyone learns his tricks, he's done for, but it'll be fun while it lasts. He won't go Pre-Jury.