Only after they say I'm funny
deletedabout 8 years
Please stop bullying my friend mist :(
If I went to school I would probably understand that non-gender-binary is a completely legitimate condition observed in medical journals and textbooks
deletedabout 8 years
My favorite video game is Sink in EpicMafia
deletedabout 8 years
"I Am Too Simple Minded To Understand This Thing Therefore It Dont Real"
What do you go to school for rare?
I don't go to school I live with my dad dad and play video games
i dont know thats why i asked you
What do you think I go to school for
what do you go to school for thecolonel
i thought this was going to be a harodihg thread
and u dont got it, pal.
Is it like how some people just don't have an accurate sense of reality
deletedabout 8 years
and u dont got it, pal.
deletedabout 8 years
kid, some people just got it.
deletedabout 8 years
Hey thecolonel, I'm so glad you're here for us to share our twisted and deranged sense of humor that most people probably just think is strange.
Incorrect. Non-gender-binary you sick regressive fuc.k
deletedabout 8 years
Actually Hitchens already answered that, don't bother.
deletedabout 8 years
Why are girls not funny?
you only have to be funny if you're ugly and therefore need a personality
if you still want to become funnier, i will help you sincerely
Will being nice to people make me funny
this has been tested by you and it doesn't worką²
next post:
deletedabout 8 years
The real way to be funny is to wear a plastered
Please don't put words in my mouth you bitc.h as.s punk