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EMBB3 Trophy Game Application

almost 8 years

Hello everyone, welcome to the application process of EMBB Season 3!

If you are unfamiliar with what EMBB is exactly, please read this thread that helps explain it:

And if you haven't followed Season 1:

Or Season 2:



  • First Place: Gold Trophy and $30 Dollar Gift Card

  • Second Place: Silver Trophy

  • Third Place: Bronze Trophy

  • Winner of the Fantasy Draft: $20 Dollar Gift Card



Season 3 Start Date: Friday, September 16th

Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 14th

If you played in Season 1 or 2, you are NOT allowed to apply.

If you have already applied but haven't played, you must RE-APPLY for Season 3, as I have updated the application.


Application link:

Which person would you like to give a special power to out of the final 6 of EMBB2?
Spazmania Devil, Jessys
Mad Queen, Annajane
Spiteful Gay, Qrstuv
Slippery Pawn, Jack
Venomous Sheep, Deandean
Forgettable Comp Beast, AmericanScone
deletedalmost 8 years

UltraAug says

Tbh I'm just salty I didn't think of doing this myself

there's always next season, besides you're like 30/175 of the way there
almost 8 years
Tbh I'm just salty I didn't think of doing this myself
almost 8 years
so if i made 170 alts and put them all on dean, and then he won, that would be perfectly ok by these rules right?
almost 8 years

UltraAug says

jessys says

and created accounts to get more votes for me.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

almost 8 years
@VWXYZ it was open to the public so main lobby and anyone who can make an account could vote
deletedalmost 8 years
org communities, main lobby, and sandbox lobby all got involved m8s
deletedalmost 8 years
i just dont get cause this is for survivor commuinity and over like 300 people voted when t heir isnt even that many people that play
almost 8 years

jessys says

and created accounts to get more votes for me.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
almost 8 years
jessys cheated
almost 8 years
since it appears people STILL think that i cheated in the poll -

i didn't. those little noavis with no points? they're from the org community.

AlissaMarinxo? Alissa from Survivor: New Zealand! Dennistopaz? Topaz from Survivor: Indonesia! Kreia? Brendan from the Youtube Camp ORG Community! Toxicc? Jessie from the Tumblr Survivor Community!

i'd go on and on about who else voted but you can't see the rest of the voters! i campaigned in the survivor org wiki community and the tumblr survivor community to get those votes. moomo also campaigned in the sandbox lobby and created accounts to get more votes for me. i did not cheat. i'm also pretty sure that someone with 40 alternates voted for me.

so yes, i did NOT cheat.
almost 8 years
Congratulations to Jessys for winning the special power!
almost 8 years
sent it, sorry it gets formatted weird when i c/p it so its jumbled up lol
deletedalmost 8 years
uh is it weird to ask you guys to send me my application via pm or something so I can check to see if it's good or whatever
almost 8 years
I applied a while back and hopefully they're going to accept me. :3
deletedalmost 8 years
PLOT TWIST! it's actually going to go to the person with the least amount of votes.
almost 8 years

prcsmath says

qrstuv not on my draft, but give to qrstuv because it's the most random thing that can happen. :)

almost 8 years
but i am! and look how much help that was
almost 8 years

deandean says

That's what happens when a mod and a popular site player is two of them.

i'm not a mod
deletedalmost 8 years
I applied but I ain't gonna be arrogant
deletedalmost 8 years
That's what happens when a mod and a popular site player is two of them.
almost 8 years
for reference, last season when I did the final six voting thing, the results ended up 14-10-10-5-4-4 with cjn104 winning with 14 votes...

this season we're at 124-122-17-14-13-6

and the voting isnt even over yet..
deletedalmost 8 years
EMBB, welcome your Season 3 winner
deletedalmost 8 years
I know I can't play this season, but AlexKapranos has applied idk the dude seems chill.
almost 8 years

jessys says

goms says

jessys sounds like a freak

who r u lol

just a secret admirer
deletedalmost 8 years
why are so many good people applying this season ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh