I was dating this girl in like November, and I would have a bunch of free time so I would spend it with her. Then in like March, Lacrosse season started, so I would have to go to school, go to APUSH after school, and then go to practice, so when I would get home, I would be exhausted and couldn't facetime her or whatever.
She said I wouldn't be giving her enough attention, she would be jealous that I hung out with my friends, and even went lengths in trying to make me not friends them anymore, so I can spend more time with her. Her friends then told her that if she got me jealous, I would pay her more attention.
Then, during my game against one of the best schools in the city, she brings another guy to my lacrosse game, I was on defense so I was just looking at her. Then she leaves the field and goes in the direction towards her house with the guy.
As soon as the game was over, I texted her and said we were a snack wrap. She tried to argue about it with me, but due to my immense epicmafia skills, I deathtunneled her and she ended up admitting that she did it on purpose.
Being dumped by my first girlfriend for being too perfect that I couldn't have been for real
Which, if you think about it, is probably just a cover up for the real reason, especially since I caught her cheating on me with her ex right before she dumped me