Hey this is tigermom everyone!!! I support Bebop as the rightful owner of this lobby. He is lawful, just and in all ways a perfect man. Long live Bebop the Benevolent.
This is policy! This is an act to cover up our freedom of speech! Propaganda! Sandbox is run by a dictator! Expose the dictatorship! He wants to keep a perfect public image and silence all of his non-supporters! Not anymosdakljsdjasdpoc anunslducaluindAFSDSz!!!1!yuykuli(*)*^asdasdasdasASLKJLISLASKLKADSKLJADSKLJADSKLASKLADSHEEELPADHASKDHASDKHJASJKDHAJHKSDAHKSJDHJ HEEEEEEEELPE EME ASJASDLKSLKASD&(*%