i still don't think there's any harm in trying to pick up good eating habits though which is why i focused on that more than anything else
I phrased it to sound absurd as possible but the bit about my diet is true, I really have been focusing on being better w/ my eating habits and have been pretty successful with it.
All you have to do is not worry about it. Fake confidence or talk yourself into being confident. You probably know what you do to make situations awkward. It doesn't have anything to do with your looks. Ugly people fit in if they're confident. Get yourself to see that the people you're trying to impress don't actually matter and you won't worry about trying to impress them. They're never going to be impressed. They're just going to accept you or reject you.
i thought you were a troll but this is perfect advice.
It's easy to understand the world when you see it's all an algorithm
Normally I'm really good about putting my phone away but once I slipped away for like 15 minutes to play B2NS Dawnstart just because the table was really good. I realized after that I shouldn't do that, though.
i hope this is true, the same way i hope starfuel isn't nat