deletedover 8 years

hi everybody!! so after the poll that went up today, i figured roughly 20 people would be enough to start a book club, yes? (i know a lot of people said no, but we don't need a lot of people to start a book club)

so obviously there's a few questions here, we need to decide how we're doing this, what book we're reading, when we discuss it/meet, etc.

so pitch me your ideas here for books/timing, and vote in the poll for where we host it! <3

where will the book club be hosted?
skype group chat
epicmafia forums
other (explain in comment)
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
We should all read the Aeneid, no dumb translation unless we'll be the ones doing the translating.
over 8 years
over 8 years
we should read the stand by stephen king
deletedover 8 years

Dawn says

would manga be accepted?

if other people are interested, i don't see why not!
deletedover 8 years
everyone please give me your skype username so i can add you to the group!
over 8 years

izzy says

Charon says

i'm ignoring literally everything you suggest

I'm the best read person on this site so when I say this is a classic..

well it's cuz I'm trolling.
over 8 years
would manga be accepted?
over 8 years
Gone girl
deletedover 8 years
Im not even a sandboxxer but book clubs are dope
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
shakespeare ain't so bad. i'm having real trouble with milton atm tho

i'll have to give it a go soon then
deletedover 8 years

Merlot says

i mean idk if people would prefer something more literary or something i guess "casual" it's a broad field i feel as though the group should be made and then we decide a book together.

okie dokie, that's probably a good plan. since most people seem to want a skype group, i think we'll go with that.

so if i don't already have you on skype, please PM me with your username so i can add you!!
deletedover 8 years
we should start off with something short
deletedover 8 years

veryniceboy says

is the language difficult in it?

i mean, it's right up there with say, Shakespeare. if you have trouble with it you can probably find something similar to No Fear Shakespeare online that will translate it into a more modern form of English. but i was able to understand it alright when i was 14.
over 8 years
i mean idk if people would prefer something more literary or something i guess "casual" it's a broad field i feel as though the group should be made and then we decide a book together.
deletedover 8 years
is the language difficult in it?
deletedover 8 years

Merlot says

what kind of book would you like; book length, genre, what things are the limit here.

i'm not looking for a specific genre, it's more what's going to appeal to the group. in terms of length, i guess that also depends on how much time everyone wants to put into this. but probably not something terribly long.
over 8 years
what kind of book would you like; book length, genre, what things are the limit here.
deletedover 8 years

veryniceboy says

have u read the odyssey izzy

yes, we actually read bits of it as part of my 9th grade english class
deletedover 8 years
have u read the odyssey izzy
deletedover 8 years

Japter says a classic

so so so good but would take forever to get through haha
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
does anyone have any (serious) book suggestions? i might be able to think of something if you guys want but i would like to hear from you guys if there's anything you want to read or something you have read and would like to see discussed
deletedover 8 years

Charon says

i'm ignoring literally everything you suggest