deletedover 8 years

hi everybody!! so after the poll that went up today, i figured roughly 20 people would be enough to start a book club, yes? (i know a lot of people said no, but we don't need a lot of people to start a book club)

so obviously there's a few questions here, we need to decide how we're doing this, what book we're reading, when we discuss it/meet, etc.

so pitch me your ideas here for books/timing, and vote in the poll for where we host it! <3

where will the book club be hosted?
skype group chat
epicmafia forums
other (explain in comment)
over 8 years

Blister says



smh wheres the white person
over 8 years

sweetnkind says

deadass thought the leg was a polio blanket

It does look like a polio blanket, and the wheel just looks like he has a gammyass stringy leg with a weird foot.
deletedover 8 years
OK i'm sold i wanna join the group just for sweetnkind's posts
deletedover 8 years
deadass thought the leg was a polio blanket
over 8 years
Blister is the colourful gay wheel.
deletedover 8 years
i'd like to describe myself as Differently-Abled
deletedover 8 years
i call being the black man
deletedover 8 years
blister which are u
deletedover 8 years

deletedover 8 years

sweetnkind says

how can we exclude people if its done here tho

exclusion is MEAN
deletedover 8 years

TepLep says

or lets do a movie club

a p.orn club
deletedover 8 years
stephen king is a hack
deletedover 8 years
how can we exclude people if its done here tho
deletedover 8 years
oh wow alright i didnt see the votes thats kinda peculiar guys
deletedover 8 years
just do the group here so whoever wants to can chip in
deletedover 8 years

izzy says

everyone please give me your skype username so i can add you to the group!

deletedover 8 years
Green Eggs and Ham
deletedover 8 years

TepLep says

or lets do a movie club

i mean we used to have movie nights, lol get on steph for that
over 8 years
or lets do a movie club
deletedover 8 years
hey lets read the pearl by steinbeck

kidding i hate steinbeck with a passion
over 8 years
im not kidding about stephen king though the stand is mad long but i legit suggest the shining
deletedover 8 years

martyr says


Animal Farm/1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

every1 already read these in hs tho
deletedover 8 years

Animal Farm/1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
deletedover 8 years

Dawn says

would manga be accepted?

deletedover 8 years
add me add me