ITT give the person/people who you admire the most and whose gameplay you tend to emulate.
When I first started playing comp my first idol was turquoise. I thought she was absolutely incredible and I would sheep her every game.
Obviously, turq left after some time. I think I tried to pick up some of Shivv's game play but failed miserably. But I really did admire Shivv even though he was kind of a douche.
While Anthony was banned I would occasionally play games with him and his friends. I admired his love for the game and when he came back to main lobby, I picked up some of his scum-hunting techniques. I think Anthony was the one who inspired me to be less of a troll player. I think these days I'm like 10% troll and 90% serious in ranked mafia games.
One final idol I have from this site is none other than pranay. Everyone questions this player quite a bit. If a player like Anthony stuffs a game, everyone just goes "man Anthony you stuffed it but good try" mainly because he's less aggressive than pranay. When pranay loses a game everyone bashes him and makes fun of him. We're not all perfect, we're all gonna have bad games. Due to pranay's aggressive attitude in all games, his games where he absolutely dominates the game are undermined due to it being popular to bash him when he loses as opposed to applaud him when he wins. Regardless, over the years, I've acknowledged that pranay knows the game like the back of his hand. He knows how to adapt to every situation. He knows all the techniques. I noticed that when I played with him he was very smart about the game like me. And I highly respected that. So I emulated his game play quite a bit as well. Hence why I'm super aggressive in about 80% of my games. Players like turquoise and Sarah who played with me when I first started comp would say I was an easygoing player. Players today would say I'm a manipulative aggressive dominating player in most games I play. And that's because I've emulated pranay's playstyle because I mad respect him.
Also as of recently, I re-joined mafiascum which was the mafia site I used briefly before joining epicmafia. As of recently I've definitely emulated some of the playstyles of people there. It's irrelevant who though since most of you aren't on that site.
TL;DR: turquoise, Shivv, Anthony, pranay7744, various MSers
soda, pranay, EvilPyro, betmen, Bryan Wright - BriFlyGuy, Kevin, and beccaecca. I would add SuperNova, but I've never really idolized him, I am just amazing at how well he spins fancy pants.
soda: cause he is actually better than Shivv; in life as a person, and at epicmafia, probably the best player I know.
Pranay: cause I've actually learned the most from him and had to think outside the box to even understand his logic sometimes.
EvilPyro: cause despite popularity he was actually a badass at finding mafia.
betmen: cause he can go blind into any new setup and rule it.
Kevin: How many games did you lose against him? Enough said.
FlyBri: cause he taught me how to play when we came over from FBMafia.
beccaecca: cause of her dedication to mod stuff, even after she stopped playing. She was never wrong about anything she said or posted to help this site.
Close 2nds: JonSnow, GuyFawkes, innovatuer83, Antidote, Stiffy and xJade.
At the end I emulate my own game play though. At times it is a mix of Pranay, BriFly, and Evil's.
Honestly people who spend 24/7 on this website and know the everyone's meta and are also protected/helped by the 'cool kids' clique shouldn't get any credit.
turquoise is one of the very few who has natural abilities to read through any playstyle.
Premise: the following list is not a list of players I tried to EMULATE, but I did learn a lot from all of them :)
Answer to the OP:
Nice post :)
When I first joined EM I just used to play Training (wasn't Main lobby, at the time) and didn't have a "model player", or an idol. When I first got into comp (some 1000 or 2000 games after, probably) I started playing with players A LOT BETTER (than Training players of the time and than me) but I was impressed by some of them:
Supernova was the one that most impressed me, his scumhunting abilites left me with no words
Ucklar (at the time) impressed me because of how he could towntell and some moves (I remember in some game he double bussed his two partners out of the blue and then won the game alone)
Bronto was less impressive but was one of those who helped me more in the process of joining Comp and teaching me, and he did teach me a lot (was also my mentor for a short period of time)
MafiaGod called my attention for how much he knew about the site and the game and how much he loved it AND he was very good at it (vs my level of the time)
Something similar for Anthony (who was probably also better at the game)
Jazz*, EvilPyro, betmen, ape, Diabolik, Shivv, Soda, Pranay, Miloo7 and I'm probably forgetting someone... I learned a lot and enjoyed playing with MANY many great players.
Should I imagine a "dream table" (with idols), it would probably be something like this:
Basic Variant
SuperNova Jazz Soda Miloo7 MafiaGod Anthony betmen me
That would 99% be a town win :)
TL;DR: Supernova, Ucklar, Thebrontosaurus, MafiaGod, Anthony, TheOnlyJazznation1, EvilPyro, betmen, ape, Diabolik, Shivv, Soda, Pranay, Miloo7. - I also mention a "dream table" (a Basic Variant table with idols)
i suck and always have sucked at this stupid game, but anthony bless his heart was able to bring me from shít tier to slightly less shít tier so for that he gets a mention
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