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Rules of Sandbox

about 8 years

Game violations do not apply in Sandbox.

Hateful Comments

Any form of severe or excessive hate speech or hateful language based on race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, mental capabilities, and other personal circumstances. Homophobic and/or racist views or slurs will however result in automatic violation.

Making Light of Serious Topics

Joking about sexual assault, suicide, or self-harm will result in a warning. Repeated offense will result in suspension from chat, forum and lobby wall.


Making repeated/severe personal attacks toward or slandering another Epicmafia user when the user has shown the harasser that he is offended.

Bypassing Suspensions

Using an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind. Helping someone bypass by posting for them on the forums can also lead to this violation.

Exploit Abuse

Abusing code exploits including, but not limited to, using scripts or posting hidden links anywhere on the site. Site ban will be given immediately for serious offenses.


When a player pretends to be another player, excluding disguising. The player being impersonated must file against their impersonator.

Inappropriate Avatar

Avatar has pornographic content or is highly offensive. We will clear these whenever seen.

Inappropriate Biography

Bio has pornographic content or is highly offensive. We will remove these whenever seen. Covers backgrounds. Using code to change other users status, love status or other personal settings will also be considered inappropriate.

Inappropriate Content

Posting content anywhere on the site that could be considered derogatory, vulgar, or slanderous, including, but not limited to, the forums and comments. This includes, but is not limited to: swearing, off-site links, and inappropriate images. Inappropriate content that is found on the site will be deleted with or without prior notice. Bypassing the forum censor is moderated for Inappropriate Content, albeit follows a different scheme than shown here. Inappropriate Content is NOT moderated in games.

Inappropriate Name

Name has pornographic content or is highly offensive. Users found to have inappropriate names will be banned and they will be requested to change their name. Once the name has been changed to something appropriate, they can message a moderator to be unbanned and have the violation reduced to Inappropriate Content. The Inappropriate Content violation will expire 2 months after the name is changed.

X-rated Material

Posting links, images, or descriptions that moderators consider to be x-rated, including links and descriptions on the forums. If in game, in comments, or on the lobby walls, change to 24 hour game suspension and then total ban

Outing of Personal Information

ZERO TOLERANCE. Outing personal or privileged information without permission.

Sharing Account with Banned Users

Self explanatory. You have a grace period of a week in which to change your password if your friend is banned and they had access. This includes allowing use of your account to bypass suspensions. Also includes giving your password to a friend and them giving it to a banned user. Your account is your responsibility.


Spoiling a TV show, book, video game or film within 3 days of the release of said episode or film without [spoiler][/spoiler] tags will result in the post being deleted. Please do not post spoilers.

Moderator Abuse

ZERO TOLERANCE. Use of moderator privileges for personal gain including but not limited to being selectively harsh on certain disliked players, or selectively lenient on favored players. Moderators being rude to the player base will not be tolerated either.

Mod Code of Conduct

You are not above the rules. You will not use your mod powers unilaterally unless you are the only present moderator. You will not delete or lock forum threads without reason, if at all. You will always get an opinion from the other present moderators to use your powers. You will always use the report function if a user is breaking the rules. You will not threaten users just because of your perceived higher status. You will act in the same way a normal user is expected to act. You agree to having your moderator status revoked at any time should the present owner see it fit.

Additional mod guidelines

If a user creates a thread indicating that they intend for it to be a serious discussion (whether they put it in the thread title or the opening post) then they reserve the right to have the mods delete joke/meme posts if they request. This does not mean the mods can delete whatever they want or delete posts the OP disagrees with, just keep serious discussions serious.

Mod actions thread found here:

about 8 years
Added spoilers and joking about serious topics rules.
about 8 years
Moderator code of conduct added.