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Golbamania is here.

about 8 years

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gather around the circus ring as I provoke and awaken the elder gods, I call upon the power of the cambion, I begin the Slagnarok and Ameliogeddon that we have all been waiting for!


Right, ladies! So Izzy says Jimbei told her what to write to Lucid to bring about yet another change to the moderator team! Jimbei used her friend to usurp power from Bebop, claiming the rest of the team is inactive! Well I don't know about you, but I saw every member of the team yesterday except for Error! Smells like treachery is afoot!

Now I am not a crook, despite what many of you suspect. I have learned and watched my friends and foes to formulate a superior Sandbox moderating technique. I will no longer ban users without reports, break games run by enemies, use my sultry voice and body to gain favor of the site mods, or lock topics without reason!

But do I propose that Golbolco be owner? Indeed yes, for the people of Sandbox do not deserve time after time again a great warrior betraying them and screwing around for hours and hours! No, we need a great warrior who BEGAN by screwing around for hours and hours! There is no traitor here! There is only GOLBAMANIA!

I propose, nay, DEMAND that the ownership of Sandbox return to its once and future queen, the rolemaker, the news scribe, she who enables the baiter and begs for that sweet, sweet R E L E A S E!

Return Sandbox to her, and you shall see a glory age not seen for years. I am educated, inundated, and have a thesaurus at my side at all times!


this never would have happened if golbolco was in
19 signed
Sign this if you wish for the return of the greatest hamburger joint in the world, Golbox.
Should Golbolco be owner?
Yes with conditions
Other (please reply)
Mod only
deletedabout 8 years
Poobolco > Bebop lmfao.
about 8 years
I can't remember either but it must have been really really bad
about 8 years

Sanctity says

A while back Golbolco was made lobby owner and quickly deownered.

Now I can't exactly remember why the dude was deownered but if you were deownered that quick then he must have done something bad. just saying dudes

Honestly, I'm still not sure what I did.
about 8 years
A while back Golbolco was made lobby owner and quickly deownered.

Now I can't exactly remember why the dude was deownered but if you were deownered that quick then he must have done something bad. just saying dudes
about 8 years
youre saying it like its a bad thing
about 8 years
Week 1: Official sandbox setup is sneakily replaced with Golbultima

Week 2: Crap roles are snuck into every setup one by one, starting with pathologist

Week 3: Roles which don't even function in the setup; Cthulhu, shrink and sumarai with no masons/cult, Templar in an 'every role is unique' setup, etc.

Week 4: Miller makes a comeback

Week 5: Golbolco edits everyone's role preferences to give everyone an 80% chance of being villager. Suicide rates go through the roof

Week 6: Can't go one game without a sui race. Sandboxers give up. The battle is won.

Week 7: Golbolco moves on to Main
about 8 years
about 8 years
Golbolco has won.
about 8 years
I feel it's important to say this:

No matter who you think should be Sandbox's owner, you should always feel that the candidate of your choice is genuinely both a good person and a good, unbiased moderator. Before today I probably would have said "Jimbei? Yeah, she could probably be a good owner." But when information like what's been presented today comes out, your whole world gets turned upside-down.

I'll say this: I never fed exaggerated information to SnowyB when I became owner the first time. I didn't feed any information, actually. I've watched every owner since me and learned their techniques, tactics, and I'm ready to put the best to work to try and figure out how to run Sandbox. I haven't lied about anything, I've told everybody straight up: This never would have happened if Golbolco was in charge.

So may the best meme win.
deletedabout 8 years
I'm at work but I will keep peeking in on events as they transpire. I uh, do apologize for being involved with this shitstorm if things were in fact hyperbolized, and it seems they were.

On the other hand I can't help but laugh a little at all the drama, this is like classic Eris dramaticism without the intent to be dramatic, weird.
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years

JamalMarley says

Conditions: My conditions isn't that I demand to be modded because that's unfair but I demand to have my application be taken seriously and I demand you realize that I am the best option for mod.

At least you're honest, Jamal.
about 8 years
Conditions: My conditions isn't that I demand to be modded because that's unfair but I demand to have my application be taken seriously and I demand you realize that I am the best option for mod.
deletedabout 8 years
Golbolco was a fine owner.
deletedabout 8 years
My conditions (pick 1 of 2): 1) Mod me 2) Mod abuse anyone I don't like
about 8 years
Oh by the way, if you voted "Yes with conditions" I ask that you reply and tell me exactly what you think those conditions should be.
about 8 years

DrPeePee says

Throwback to when I said Golbolco wasn't a bad owner and got harrassed by a bunch if users for "betraying" kenny

We're both reveling in sweet drama nectar, I tell you.
deletedabout 8 years
Throwback to when I said Golbolco wasn't a bad owner and got harrassed by a bunch if users for "betraying" kenny
about 8 years
Yes. If you get owner, mod me.
about 8 years

Sanctity says

does this mean you'll be shitposting twice as much as you already do? :OOOO


Quadruple as much as I already do.
about 8 years
does this mean you'll be shitposting twice as much as you already do? :OOOO
about 8 years

JamalMarley says

Would I be good as well Golbolco

Jamal, will you help me build the wall?
about 8 years
Would I be good as well Golbolco
about 8 years
i mean this would be better than both bebop or jimbei, or even other owners like garden
about 8 years
Oh by the way, Amelio would also be suitable as owner, I don't care which one of us gets it.