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Moderator Applications

over 8 years

It's about that time to get some new mods in here.

  • Why do you want to be a moderator?
  • Why would you make a good moderator?
  • How active are you in Sandbox?
  • Which timezone are you in?
  • How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Everyone will be considered, so please apply if you have any interest in moderating Sandbox.

Answer the above questions and send them to me via PM or post them in this thread.

deletedover 8 years
About 24 hours until the mod apps close. Make sure to get them in by then!
over 8 years
Oh sh*t he got me good, mod this guy
over 8 years

sl0nderman says

Three chatbox mall cops are enough

mad because ur bronze 5 in league of legends lOL!
over 8 years
Three chatbox mall cops are enough
over 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

i just want to bring my shitposts to a whole new level and ban anyone who posts bad stuff

Why would you make a good moderator?
im here everyday all day and i do it for free

How active are you in Sandbox?
disgustingly active

Which timezone are you in?
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
im a sandbox god
over 8 years
Why do I want to be a moderator?

- i have an interest in keeping this community organized and open to all people who would like to join it; while it's more relaxed than main, i want to make sure it's conducted and organized properly among the users so that everyone can enjoy it to the full potential that it can offer. as well as that, i want to be able to aid other users whenever possible, and hopefully having status as moderator would help give some credence to advice i could give to users, over being the average member.

Why would I make a good moderator?

- i interact with the community in a pleasant and compassionate way, being able to approach users whenever need be in order to speak with them or just to interact in a casual manner. i have been in sandbox long enough now to understand how the community acts and how users engage each other, meaning i would know when to be more on guard for any possible violations. i know how to act in a fair manner with regard to rule-breaking and would not hesitate to issue judgement whenever necessary. finally, i believe that i have an ability to word perhaps more formal writing and announcements to the community that would help improve communications between the moderator team and sandbox users.

How active am I in Sandbox?

- fairly active; i have my laptop or phone around with me most of the time and sandbox is generally opened as a tab, even if i'm not playing games. i'm around later at night as well, due to having a fairly poor sleeping schedule.

Which timezone?

- central time zone (UTC -5)

How do I consider public opinion of myself in Sandbox?

- i consider myself on good and friendly terms with most users within the sandbox, having several people that i would consider friends here. the only people i believe i disagree with are those that i kick from my games, in order to create a more positive game environment for those who join my games. otherwise, i am polite with most users.
over 8 years

PuertoPrincesa says

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I already spend all my time on Sandbox, so why not help? I also live in a timezone where mods are usually asleep (assuming from the lack of online mods while I'm on.)

Why would you make a good moderator?
Well, first and foremost, I'll figure out what mods actually do. Second, I'll tell everyone what mods do. I am confident though that I would be able to fulfill any duties a mod may have.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Very active. I'd say I spend at the least 6 hours here daily (Unhealthy, I know.)

Which timezone are you in?
UTC+8 (Singapore, Hong Kong, China)

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'd say people are generally tolerant of my presence. I'd be surprised if even half the people here would have an opinion or recognize me though.

i recongnise u bby
over 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I already spend all my time on Sandbox, so why not help? I also live in a timezone where mods are usually asleep (assuming from the lack of online mods while I'm on.)

Why would you make a good moderator?
Well, first and foremost, I'll figure out what mods actually do. Second, I'll tell everyone what mods do. I am confident though that I would be able to fulfill any duties a mod may have.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Very active. I'd say I spend at the least 6 hours here daily (Unhealthy, I know.)

Which timezone are you in?
UTC+8 (Singapore, Hong Kong, China)

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'd say people are generally tolerant of my presence. I'd be surprised if even half the people here would have an opinion or recognize me though.
over 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

To feel as if im wasting my life on em but i am important still

Why would you make a good moderator?

Im chilled and will bring about chilledness

How active are you in Sandbox?

Too active FML

Which timezone are you in?

aussie NSW w/e that is 10+ or something

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I think pll view me as weird, sexual, chilled, fun, annoying (only the virgins) and generally a weird person but theyll get used to me eventually (by force or not ;) ;) )
over 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I guess I've been here for 2 years? I want to contribute something other than screwing up at Sandbox.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been in a couple of groups before and I'm confident in moderating things, like reports and arguments and so on. Plus I tend to be concise about reports so I won't waste too much time for people to read them.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm usually active during late night, 8pm-2am(it's actually morning to afternoon in Hong Kong, but it would be more convenient if I just said the time period.)
Unfortunately I'll be somewhat inactive next year if I did become moderator, since I'll be sitting for university qualification exams during March-May 2017.
Which timezone are you in?
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Probably pretty quirky, since I either swear a lot or talk really formally, or both at a time. Also that person from Hong Kong who's really academic. And a noavi hater.
deletedover 8 years

DrPeePee says

How active are you in Sandbox?

Very. I'm always in the chatbox, in game, or in the forums. Anyone can testify to this. For some reason, I have fun here, and I want to make sure this place stays fun for a long time.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I think people have mixed feelings of me. Sometimes I cross the line, with spamming, opinions, jokes. But I think the majority of people like or at least tolerate me. It's important to note that I feel I would have a strong approval rating as mod, since I would not over step any boundaries (handing out bans like candy). This is sandbox people, a lobby for trolls run by trolls. Let's all have a little fun.

deletedover 8 years

DrPeePee says

DrPeePee says

- To Make This Lobby Great Again

- I'd ban all the gay people

- Every time I'm on I see you so


- Hated or Tolerated

I'll make a real one since I want this place run efficiently, and correctly.

In real life, I'm a Libertarian. Libertarian's stand not only for personal freedom, but for a limited AND efficient government.

I believe that the best way this lobby can continue to grow and run smoothly, is through very limited interaction with mods and the owner.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

I spend a lot of my time here, and I'd like to see this place do well. I have fun playing games, posting pictures on the wall comments, posting in forums, and occasionally spamming the chatbox. Sometimes this fun is lessened but people either breaking the rules, or enforcing them. A quick word on both, some of the rules are great for Sandbox. Keep pornographic material out of the lobby, keep doxxing out, basically anything that goes against my rights as an user. However, some rules are not meant for Sandbox. Spamming is fine in chat and in games, and even adds to the fine. Zero tolerance isn't even a thing in Main Lobby anymore, and shouldn't be a thing here. From what I've seen and said to you, you seem to be on board with all this, which is why I'd like to be added to your team to work with you.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I keep my personal life out of sandbox. Sure I've made friendships here, but I'm not in any skype groups, I don't play LoL with everyone, I keep my private life private. I'm not going to drag private matters into my moderation. I'm also not going to overstep any boundaries, like I said I prefer a small government with a limited role. If something needs to be done (x-rated removed from lobby, doxxer banned) then I'll act. But if it's something large that needs to be put up for discussion, then I'll have to go to you and the other mods to see what should be done.

over 8 years
I used to mod some anime forums. I ended up sleeping with two of the members. I don't want to be a mod, I can't be trusted.
deletedover 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

:0 I've spent a lot of time here over the past year and I think this place honestly isn't half bad. I would like to try to contribute something to the community (besides the wonderful constant use of " :0 ") and I feel maybe a new face in the mod list would be helpful to keeping sandbox from becoming a little stale.

Why would you make a good moderator?

:0 Regardless of how flighty I might act in-game sometimes, I'm still pretty level-headed. I'm a person who has relatively neutral opinions about everyone; I won't have bias towards anyone, and will be constant in implementation of anything. (also if this counts for ANYTHING, which I doubt it will, I'm a mod for the barren wasteland of a lobby called Fredbox. No one has visited in like eighty years. Send help please.)

How active are you in Sandbox?

:0 I only visit sandbox. I'm very active in games, although I think the most I've ever done in chatbox is say ":0" and then leave immediately...

Which timezone are you in?

:0 EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

:0 I think a lot of people look kindly on me, and I am a user who leaves a very lasting impression on people. I haven't made any lasting enemies and I try to be kind to people until they've done something that goes against my morals.
over 8 years

dubs decides what i respond with.
over 8 years
mod me

over 8 years

SirAmelio says

Why do you want to be a moderator? yes
Why would you make a good moderator? yes
How active are you in Sandbox? yes
Which timezone are you in? yes
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? yes

i'd like to add that im a dolphin irl
deletedover 8 years

Golbolco says

I request that mod apps are extended to the end of next month to allow Equity to apply when he is R E L E A S E D. He's the moderator we deserve.

gore and pron as the background
over 8 years
I request that mod apps are extended to the end of next month to allow Equity to apply when he is R E L E A S E D. He's the moderator we deserve.
over 8 years
mod me, it'll spice things up
over 8 years
dont mod furry she doesnt even go here
over 8 years
1. justice
2. i know when and how to act ND I HAVE EXPERIENCE MODER8NG
4. atm im in atlantic
5. awesome
over 8 years
[Why do you want to be a moderator?]

To be honest, I'm on Epicmafia all day everyday, and do nothing but sit there either knitting; or chatting to other people; I find it I guess a hobby for now until my life landslides into something, like Christopherzilla.
I've been here for 6 years and I know, despite being the youngest here that I could do well and improve this site community wise. I'm very laid back at times, just inserting my 2 cents in Terry's threads, and participating in other forum activities but also when the time comes I can be very assertive and open-minded to the task at hand.
I think I sync very well with Epicmafia users, and what they want us to hear; also I just learnt C++/CSS sort of hoping to apply these skills soon~

[How Active Are You?]

I am online everyday from 8AM-11PM, usually sitting in chat just conversing or regretting knitting requested projects by you guys! [Which is a blessing and a curse at the same time.]

**Which Time Zone Are you In?**
Eastern Time Zone UTC-5:00

[How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?]

Though I do not get along with two users, most Epicmafia users are fine with me; I know I am **notorious** for vegging out in quite a few games, now that I notice it; it is embarrassing. I believe I am unbiased due to the lack of bonds I have socially with Epicmafia Users through [Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Facetime, Snapchat.]

[Note: I only have Skype now, due to issues occurring with privacy]

Though I do lack bonds, I'd love to create some; most of the Epicmafia Community knows each others names, favorite hobbies, and so forth; and I'd like to make some more connections with the community!
over 8 years
all of your mods are american and im british so mod me i am in the best timezone and i am power hugngry
over 8 years
As Japter has been given a lot of things to do over the summer and is unlikely to be able to come onsite much if at all, he has decided to step down from his role as lobby moderator. As such, I will be opening moderator applications again until 11:59pm GMT on 25th June. Previous applicants will still be considered but are welcome to make any amendments to their applications. Good luck to all applicants.