deletedabout 8 years

Game Over - Mafia Wins!

The Setup

The Rules


Day 1

  • Day Start: Page 1

  • Impoetic replaces Retti: Page 3

  • JeffreyAaron replaces caroline: Page 6

  • Day 1 Ends in No Lynch: Page 11

Day 2

  • Day Start: Page 11

  • JeffreyAaron is lynched: Page 11

Day 3

  • Day Start: Page 11
  • Vancyon is lynched: Page 18

Last Voting Log: Page 18 (Final)

deletedabout 8 years
Another night passes. No one dies, and you did just lynch an innocent man, but you're still hell bent on killing those damn love birds.

Voting Log 3.0

Not Voting - Impoetic, justdance666, Gerry, Vancyon, N1ed

With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch!
deletedabout 8 years
Voting Log 2.1

JeffreyAaron (4) - Impoetic, N1ed, Gerry, justdance666
N1ed (1) - JeffreyAaron

Not Voting - Vancyon

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

At last, you decide who to lynch. JeffreyAaron has a spring in his step and a certain joy in his voice. He must be in love. Kill him.

JeffreyAaron, the Vanilla Townie, has been lynched.

Oh well! Have another go at it tomorrow.
about 8 years
I wish you had waited for his reaction for that
deletedabout 8 years
vote jeffreyaaron
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
The night passes uneventfully.

It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and no one is dead. Naturally, you will need to fix this and kill someone. Because someone is in love and needs to pay, or something. Votes stay as they were, because having to all revote from the day before would just be silly.

Voting Log 2.0

JeffreyAaron (3) - Impoetic, N1ed, Gerry
Vancyon (1) - justdance666
N1ed (1) - JeffreyAaron

Not Voting - Vancyon

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

You cannot get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.
deletedabout 8 years
Voting Log 1.5

JeffreyAaron (3) - Impoetic, N1ed, Gerry
Vancyon (1) - justdance666
N1ed (1) - JeffreyAaron

Not Voting - Vancyon,

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Love is a menace.

Day 1 Ends in No Lynch
about 8 years
I'd be lovers with n1ed except he foses me ?????????
about 8 years
I have to say I'm not in LOVE with how this game is progressing.
about 8 years
I think we'll be fine but it would be nice if people would talk
deletedabout 8 years

i guess I'll vote: JeffreyAaron?

something feels off about all this lol
deletedabout 8 years
wait was deadline 9 PM EST or PDT?

either way i don't know if we're gonna make the deadline rip
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

alright i wanted to wait until i got a prod to post again but now i don't have anything to say except vancyon seems awkward so i'm ok keeping my vote on him


idk why you would do that but can you at least see my logic earlier in the game now lol
about 8 years
that's what I assumed. U could bother to elaborate and not look like scum pretending not to care about what people think bc town should care about waht people think too
about 8 years
when i said i was voting jeff i meant it was an error in the voting log. I'm actually voting jeff not justdance
about 8 years
You know what mafia's probably focusing on teamreads as much as town is so I'm tempted to not do that
about 8 years
unvote: vancyon
vote: jeffreyaaron

JeffreyAaron says

Sorry lad, I can't shake this thought. I scum read you before I even joined. I'll quote it later why when I'm not mobile.
Vote: N1ed

Go ahead. It's been 2 days. You/Gerry/N1ed aren't all town and this post sounds v fake.

lol watch vancyon/justdance be the team
deletedabout 8 years
alright i wanted to wait until i got a prod to post again but now i don't have anything to say except vancyon seems awkward so i'm ok keeping my vote on him
deletedabout 8 years
Since the game is moving slow right now I'll be lenient with prods becoming replacements. It's OK, this setup tends to have lulls in content on day 1.
deletedabout 8 years
o yeah the lynch is due today and we've had 4/6 in the last 24 hours and ian is like dead or something
rip in peace

also sorry mist for this being so slow lol
about 8 years
I think justdance is town right now. He explained himself fairly calmly without overreacting and didn't overdo the retaliatory push when he had an option to. I'm never gonna hard TR him because he's justdance, but I think it's safe to say I don't want to lynch him today.
about 8 years
try to explain your jeffrey fos please.
about 8 years
Yeah, I have no other reads rn lol
deletedabout 8 years
Omgusing justdance (I don't want to die)
deletedabout 8 years
mfw this game is kind of dead
