deletedabout 8 years

Game Over - Mafia Wins!

The Setup

The Rules


Day 1

  • Day Start: Page 1

  • Impoetic replaces Retti: Page 3

  • JeffreyAaron replaces caroline: Page 6

  • Day 1 Ends in No Lynch: Page 11

Day 2

  • Day Start: Page 11

  • JeffreyAaron is lynched: Page 11

Day 3

  • Day Start: Page 11
  • Vancyon is lynched: Page 18

Last Voting Log: Page 18 (Final)

about 8 years
vote: justdance

not an omgus! I was between justdance and n1ed earlier.
about 8 years
I'm pretty sure votes transfer over through subs and I'll be extremely pissed if I get lynched today because you guys can't stand my attempting to actually get reads
about 8 years

justdance666 says

i think n1ed is sort of town for his read on retti and i sort of agree with it. impoetic did you believe retti was "blatant town" before you joined the game like you did with gerry?

I thought he was probably town yes.
about 8 years

N1ed says

no but like for srs impoetic is being more aggro than last game and like idk

rettis leave was SCUMMY to me too

idk EVIDENCE man


about 8 years
my internet went down for 2 days and it's horrible
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

N1ed says

i was gonna respond to ian but i guess i didnt hit send but it doesnt really matter i guess lol

anyway, if caroline were to post like right now, would you retract the replacement thing? because if not we're probably about to get a whole new set of people lol

caroline requested a replacement.

How VERY suspicious....
deletedabout 8 years
you might want to consider shortening the days
deletedabout 8 years

N1ed says

i was gonna respond to ian but i guess i didnt hit send but it doesnt really matter i guess lol

anyway, if caroline were to post like right now, would you retract the replacement thing? because if not we're probably about to get a whole new set of people lol

caroline requested a replacement.
deletedabout 8 years
i was gonna respond to ian but i guess i didnt hit send but it doesnt really matter i guess lol

anyway, if caroline were to post like right now, would you retract the replacement thing? because if not we're probably about to get a whole new set of people lol
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

mod could you give a sample prod pm

Prod PMs aren't 100% consistent because they don't need to be. I send them out a bit after 24 hours has passed and you haven't made a post and let you know that if your inactivity reaches 48 hours, I may start looking for a replacement. Speaking of which...

Seeking a replacement for caroline.
deletedabout 8 years
okay, lemme do it like this:
a. You don't post for 24 hours.
b. You get a prod.
c. You know what the prod pm looks like.
d. You know when other people will get a prod.

if a, then b.
If you don't post for 24 hours, you get a prod.

If a and b, then c.
If you don't post for 24 hours and you get a prod, you know what the prod pm looks like.

If c, then d.
If you know what the prod pm looks like, you can know when other people will get a prod.

idk does that make more sense? it's supposed to be more connected but that's the logic of this pretty much
deletedabout 8 years
vote impoetic
deletedabout 8 years
like it makes sense to be prodded for 24 but now I have to wait for mist in order to show that this is irrelevant

idk rip

WAIT A SECOND didn't you get a prod pm?

was about to say you know what it's like but you're the only person who wouldn't have a prod at this point

uGH gerry come back here
deletedabout 8 years

N1ed says

idk dude just explain to me how a prod is related to being mafia at all, i really fail to see your point here

justdance666 says

how would he know that half the players got a game message if he wasn't in communication with one of those players

deletedabout 8 years
UGH in the rules it says 48 hours, but I was prodded for 24

i had something else to say that I'll probably think of but that pisses me off tbh
deletedabout 8 years
also id like to think that's towny on your part, but this is the first action we've seen in circa 2-3 days so idk ill make that a light read

not sure if play style change or different atmosphere IDK
deletedabout 8 years
mod could you give a sample prod pm
deletedabout 8 years
idk dude just explain to me how a prod is related to being mafia at all, i really fail to see your point here
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

N1ed says

everyone just got a prod except for me, justdance, and vancy

LOL what is this

so this wasn't something you knew factually, it's just something you assumed?

it's not an assumption if I got a pm specifically stating the rules of a prod
deletedabout 8 years
for example, vancy gets a prod in exactly one minute (rip)
deletedabout 8 years

N1ed says

everyone just got a prod except for me, justdance, and vancy

LOL what is this

so this wasn't something you knew factually, it's just something you assumed?
deletedabout 8 years
like I can see how it could be a slip, but then again, that doesn't make sense. how does a mafia in a group chat have the advantage of knowing what pms the host sends out over any other player

deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

how would you getting messaged earlier let you know that other people got messaged now

I got a prod for not posting for 24 hours. I then noticed that 3 people hadn't posted in 24 hours, and spoke accordingly.

my dude idk what you're trying to prove here
deletedabout 8 years
mr Ian are you trying to say that you wouldn't be able to know if someone got prodded at any given point in the game

i mean I can see your point here, but if a theoretical partner of mine got prodded, i don't think it would make sense to put it im a group chat.

my partner didn't even get prodded lol
deletedabout 8 years
how would you getting messaged earlier let you know that other people got messaged now