deletedabout 8 years

Game Over - Mafia Wins!

The Setup

The Rules


Day 1

  • Day Start: Page 1

  • Impoetic replaces Retti: Page 3

  • JeffreyAaron replaces caroline: Page 6

  • Day 1 Ends in No Lynch: Page 11

Day 2

  • Day Start: Page 11

  • JeffreyAaron is lynched: Page 11

Day 3

  • Day Start: Page 11
  • Vancyon is lynched: Page 18

Last Voting Log: Page 18 (Final)

about 8 years
Lovers Mafia or me?
deletedabout 8 years
i want to put it out of its misery
about 8 years
actually town wouldn't say it nonchalantly like that as if the vote today isn't the deciding vote of the game
about 8 years
I want a cc. I'm good with ccs. I will win, and u will lose. unlessy ou're town. but if you're town you won't vote me. i think.
about 8 years
please vote me
deletedabout 8 years
i'll probably end up voting impoetic today
about 8 years
Gerry what was your reasoning for speedvoting justdance?
about 8 years
I think so. don't do that.
about 8 years
unvote: justdance666

oh wait it's lylo isnt it lmfao
about 8 years
Vote: justdance666
about 8 years
Why else, other than what I just said?*
about 8 years

N1ed says

im not even sure if I'm specifically asking for team reads here, but like wait yes I am. if there's 2 mafia that voted that who are they

well actually if I tr gerry the team is you and ian but I'm not sure if that makes sense

OKAY maybe I should try most to least optimal lynched fmpov:

might switch ian impoe and vancy interchangeably but yeah I think that's most to least likely town win

weren't you JUST SAYING vancy was scum becuase maf weren't both on the BW??? Your sr on me is stupid and un-explainable. Get it off, get it off, get it off!

Why wouldn't you be a team with vancy?
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

Mafia might not be able to bus with logic like that at this point in time and I don't see N1ed as the type of player that would.

How is justdance's speedhammer not a scummy vote fypov?

for some reason I feel like that speed hammer being scummy implies that me and ian are some easy team, and since I can see the faulty logic in it, I don't want to be the hypocrite that scum reads ian for it

but I guess that's a possible thing
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

if n1ed is mafia that seems like something he'd say if his partner were on the BW though.

well if I were mafia I wouldn't be team with vancy anyway ya dumb dumb
about 8 years
Mafia might not be able to bus with logic like that at this point in time and I don't see N1ed as the type of player that would.

How is justdance's speedhammer not a scummy vote fypov?
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

N1ed says

hey wait

vancyon was the only person not voting jeffrey and was voting town

so like

is that towny or scummy, i can't really process how there'd be 2 mafia in the votes for some reason but I guess it's possible

I'm avoiding team reads but idk if that's 100% true, especially since you just brought it up

im not even sure if I'm specifically asking for team reads here, but like wait yes I am. if there's 2 mafia that voted that who are they

well actually if I tr gerry the team is you and ian but I'm not sure if that makes sense

OKAY maybe I should try most to least optimal lynched fmpov:

might switch ian impoe and vancy interchangeably but yeah I think that's most to least likely town win
about 8 years
if n1ed is mafia that seems like something he'd say if his partner were on the BW though.
about 8 years
With the day going this slowly I could see both mafia being on that bw.
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

I'm in love with mist's writing

N1ed I don't see what you mean about there being no scummy votes there other than yourself????

idk I just think that I would scum read me for my vote, I don't even know if I agreed with the vote (clearly I should not have if I did), but I knew the importance of town sticking together.

also since there was one vote on me it could look to someone else like I was trying to get the vote off of me but idk
about 8 years

N1ed says

hey wait

vancyon was the only person not voting jeffrey and was voting town

so like

is that towny or scummy, i can't really process how there'd be 2 mafia in the votes for some reason but I guess it's possible

I'm avoiding team reads but idk if that's 100% true, especially since you just brought it up
about 8 years
I'm in love with mist's writing

N1ed I don't see what you mean about there being no scummy votes there other than yourself????
deletedabout 8 years
hey wait

vancyon was the only person not voting jeffrey and was voting town

so like

is that towny or scummy, i can't really process how there'd be 2 mafia in the votes for some reason but I guess it's possible
deletedabout 8 years
go team
deletedabout 8 years
it also dropped from 60% to 40%
but also went up from 33.3% to 40%


also I mean our odds of winning
deletedabout 8 years
oh wait lol there's no night, cool

okay so I wanted to say that i feel like the only person on d1 that would have a specifically scummy vote is my if I'm gonna be honest lol

but also impoetic flipped to it so idk

IDK maybe what I'm trying to say is gerrys vote was towny and I suppose that's right
