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Forum Mafia 16

about 8 years

Hey guys welcome to Forum Mafia 16 with your hosts Sonia and Gerry! sign up below (kudos to mist for using her rules thing)

The Mafia have won!

I. The Schedule:

72 hour days and 24 hour nights.

If the majority of night actions have not been submitted by the end of the night, I will extend the night another 12 hours. This will only occur once per night at most.

II. The Setup:

(Changes from previous forum mafia games are in bold)

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below

  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.

  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.

  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.

  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day. **

  • One mafia makes the kill each night. They will be the only one to visit the target.

  • On death, players flip their full role by default.

  • Members of the mafia may both make their role action as well as the factional kill on the same night.

III. The Roles:

IV. The Rules:

Please note the addition of the Twilight phase (in short, discussion after the hammer has occurred is now allowed until I am present to begin the night phase). Also, supermajority rules are in effect with no time limit. also

Editing your posts is not allowed. Use the EBWOP function (Edit By Way of Post) if you need to restate something or fix a spelling error.

V. Game Mechanics:

Meetings between players (mafia, masons, templars) will be facilitated in whatever way is most convenient for the players, as long as I can access these communications. Skype, Discord, QuickTopics, or Private Messages which include the moderators are all fine. Votes must be made in the format Vote: Playername. Bolding is done using the tags [b][/b].

about 8 years

N1ed says

Impoetic says


about 8 years
i don't think that's true

OK maybe it is but consider this: maybe jeffrey isn't sure of his sr on you because he *gasp* doesn't know scum, and so it isn't as important to him as the liberation of african-american people was to King
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says


deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

N1ed says

N1ed says

Impoetic says

N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that, dude?

every time I do something stupid I have to quote this now

You ARE stupid, stupid!

deletedabout 8 years
1) people have scum read me before gasp
2) the amount of time he spent on that proportional to his life is the same proportion as jeffrey has unreasonably wanted to vote me to this games total length probably
3) idk I mean you've heard of him and I have so that's 100% so far
about 8 years
Quote it now.
about 8 years

N1ed says

N1ed says

Impoetic says

N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that, dude?

every time I do something stupid I have to quote this now

You are NOT stupid, stupid!
about 8 years
no one really wants to start a revolution in forum mafia with the time limit of 1 day
deletedabout 8 years

N1ed says

Impoetic says

N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that, dude?

every time I do something stupid I have to quote this now
about 8 years
3) why do you think he's a famous historical figure?
about 8 years
1) I'm pretty sure King wasn't the very first person to ever hold his views
2) he didn't do that in less than a day
deletedabout 8 years
i spent 5 minutes editing that holy god

idk impoetic I disagree. no one agreed with like, martin luther King jr and look what he did
about 8 years
Sorry, I meant to vote: Solace
about 8 years

N1ed says

why does 1 vote change everything?? if he believes in it enough and one vote DOES change everything, why wouldn't he be that 1 vote?

it's a matter of whether there was anyone else who agreed with his vote, that was not him

Unvote: N1ed
about 8 years
DUDE WTF vote: n1ed
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that, dude?

deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that?

i attempted to make a joke by twisting your words but it was medium quality so I laid off

why does 1 vote change everything?? if he believes in it enough and one vote DOES change everything, why wouldn't he be that 1 vote?

idk but like i feel like anyone would be at least a little mad in my position rn
about 8 years
N1ed, what's scummy about not wanting to vote someone because the lynch won't go through and voting them when there's a chance it will go through? Why are you twisting people's words like that?
about 8 years

justdance666 says

i want to lynch solace for not reading the game


vote: Solace
about 8 years
Voting Log 2.5

(L-4) N1ed - Jeff papuito
(L-6) emmy - Impoetic
(L-5) justdance666 - Mori
(L-5) UltraAug - Emmy
(L-5) JeffreyAaron -Solace
(L-6) Mori -
(L-5) Impoetic - justdance666
(L-5) Solace - UltraAug
(L-6) papuito -
(L-6) PonyLove -

Not Voting: N1ed, PonyLove, ,

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch! If 6 isn't reached it will be considered a No Lynch

Day Two ends In less then 6 hours better find that mafia!

Town is currently set to: No Lynch
deletedabout 8 years
lol what am I even doing
deletedabout 8 years
okay there's a good chance I'll actually have SOME time today but idk

i have a hunch that I'm gonna get mishammered off of a misconception between being antitown and scummy if I get hammered today so yeah idk man

I have literally like an anger with papu/jeff rn that I can't put into text and may not even be justified but like ARGH i will get to that later but holy god

also im annoyed bc I just realized that no one has seen me with votes and so ya

OKAY so jeff had an odd fos on me. that's fine.
jeff decides to not provide reasoning, begs for traction, and votes me.
even if you have explained why you have that read you haven't specifically provided evidence and like jesus christ dude, I'm starting to get another hunch that you're town and like yeah lemme elaborate on that hang on

papu, who I outted a scum read on earlier and can still easily see being mafia (like, very easily idk just yeah), seemingly randomly came into the game and decided to try and actually pick up traction to me and like ACK i can see what is being done here if she's mafia and I'm gonna kms

"can I vote my scum read?"
"nah, town won't let me :(((("
*1 vote later*
"aha!!! vote: N1ed"

like come on
btw I'm pretty sure I have a mafia in these two???

idk I think that anger is justified but yeah make sure you know whether something is antitown or scummy
deletedabout 8 years
i want to lynch solace for not reading the game
about 8 years
solace has specific towntells but is overall scummy. basically solace is not a player i can ever read.

I guess I'd be closest to voting Emmy or Justdance today but unfortunately that's PoE which I know is bad in forum mafia, at least when I do it, and maybe i'd vote n1ed. I would certainly hammer n1ed before nling again. in fact yeah i'd be willing to vote n1ed for his lines just now lol
about 8 years
I forget why but I had a mild tr on n1ed earlier