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Forum Mafia 16

about 8 years

Hey guys welcome to Forum Mafia 16 with your hosts Sonia and Gerry! sign up below (kudos to mist for using her rules thing)

The Mafia have won!

I. The Schedule:

72 hour days and 24 hour nights.

If the majority of night actions have not been submitted by the end of the night, I will extend the night another 12 hours. This will only occur once per night at most.

II. The Setup:

(Changes from previous forum mafia games are in bold)

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below

  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.

  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.

  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.

  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day. **

  • One mafia makes the kill each night. They will be the only one to visit the target.

  • On death, players flip their full role by default.

  • Members of the mafia may both make their role action as well as the factional kill on the same night.

III. The Roles:

IV. The Rules:

Please note the addition of the Twilight phase (in short, discussion after the hammer has occurred is now allowed until I am present to begin the night phase). Also, supermajority rules are in effect with no time limit. also

Editing your posts is not allowed. Use the EBWOP function (Edit By Way of Post) if you need to restate something or fix a spelling error.

V. Game Mechanics:

Meetings between players (mafia, masons, templars) will be facilitated in whatever way is most convenient for the players, as long as I can access these communications. Skype, Discord, QuickTopics, or Private Messages which include the moderators are all fine. Votes must be made in the format Vote: Playername. Bolding is done using the tags [b][/b].

about 8 years

N1ed says

oh sick vote: JeffreyAaron

if ultra is mafia and planned this out so elaborately he wins anyway and idk dude

also it's weird bc I'm not like extremely phased by solaces lynch??? after it hit like 3 hours to lynch mafia I'm pretty sure we were lynching town no matter where we went with that lmao

I will never unvote N1 after this post.
deletedabout 8 years

papuito says

Wait so ultra was reaction testing?

i think so

idk what to believe now FML
about 8 years

UltraAug says

that was my attempt at an rnx test because i dont know what im doing

did you need to ask that pap
about 8 years
Wait so ultra was reaction testing?
deletedabout 8 years

UltraAug says

wow okay

that was my attempt at an rnx test because i dont know what im doing



/me commits suicide!
about 8 years
Ok. Vote: N1ed
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

I'm a town sided role blocker with a hint the amount of vanilla townies = amount of Mafia PRs + town PRs

can you explain this
like what did the role pm say not like specifically but like specifically

also UGH unvote: JeffreyAaron
about 8 years
soda i think it was soda did it a few games ago on me and i thought it was smart?

damnit how do i play this game
about 8 years
UltraAug and N1ed being Mafia is painfully easy and I said this yesterday when I voted N1ed and D1 when I voted Ultra. Sorry for my pro reads and sorry you all weren't listening to me yesterday babies. Also, you saying you're an unlimited parity cop is absurd and not even because you're confirmed to me. Your claim is shi* and is an obvious reach for a win on this likely being MYLO then.

Vote UltraAug
about 8 years
wow okay

that was my attempt at an rnx test because i dont know what im doing


about 8 years
reminder that we still have 3 days to get more content
about 8 years
I'm a town sided role blocker with a hint the amount of vanilla townies = amount of Mafia PRs + town PRs
deletedabout 8 years


guys if this is correct and jeff flips scum we are in a VERY good position because I personally don't think this is mylo and like YO we might actually have a town win or at least lynch a mafia

(at least we finally have a confirmed mafia in 2 people and that's really exciting idk)
deletedabout 8 years
oh sick vote: JeffreyAaron

if ultra is mafia and planned this out so elaborately he wins anyway and idk dude

also it's weird bc I'm not like extremely phased by solaces lynch??? after it hit like 3 hours to lynch mafia I'm pretty sure we were lynching town no matter where we went with that lmao
about 8 years
pap are you kidding me

i claimed at daystart yestorday

i claimed 1 shot so mafia wouldent kill me
im 2 shot parity cop

n0 soda n1 pony same alingment
jeff and soda are not tho
about 8 years
Ultra what is your role
about 8 years
if they killed me it woulda cleared pony

or something

idk the logic
about 8 years
Sorry about the mishammer.

So the cc is Jeff vs UltraAug, I wonder - Ultra, as the only PR claim, wasn't night killed.

Just something to consider.
about 8 years

about 8 years
oh yeah i found that jeff is mafia

vote jeff

different alliengments whatever
about 8 years
Omg were alive still and poor impoetic thats a very interesting kill
about 8 years

Impoetic says

solace has specific towntells but is overall scummy. basically solace is not a player i can ever read.

I guess I'd be closest to voting Emmy or Justdance today but unfortunately that's PoE which I know is bad in forum mafia, at least when I do it, and maybe i'd vote n1ed. I would certainly hammer n1ed before nling again. in fact yeah i'd be willing to vote n1ed for his lines just now lol

i tabbed back a few pages to look at impoetics reads

if anyone cares
about 8 years
this is a story that does not rhyme I guess I'm not that poetic guess you'd call me Impoetic the vanilla townie

Deadline is May 21st at 11:59

Go find that mafia!
about 8 years
Final Vote Log 2.9

(L-4) N1ed - papuito, PonyLove
(L-6) emmy -
(L-6) justdance666 -
(L-6) UltraAug -
(L-5) JeffreyAaron - solace
(L-6) Mori -
(L-5) Impoetic -
(L-6) papuito -
(L-6) PonyLove -
(L-0) Solace - UltraAug, Impoetic, N1ed, justdance666, emmy, Mori - LYNCHED

Not Voting: JeffreyAaron

After a lot of deliberating, and finger pointing, they finally decided on their lynch. Dragging Solace to the podium, he didn't even have time to give his last words.

Solace, the Vanilla Townie, gave no solace to town's hopes.

You have 24 hours to send in night actions if you have them.