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Banned Users in Games

deletedover 8 years

Just a reminder not to allow banned users into your games, as it may result in the shut down of the game without warning. Please help us keep the lobby fun for everyone!

over 8 years

bdog1321 says

cub says

np fuccboi

over 8 years

cub says

np fuccboi

deletedover 8 years
snowday pls remember me
over 8 years

Snowday says

what is a banned user?

over 8 years
what is a banned user?
over 8 years

cub says

np fuccboi

over 8 years
unsticky this
over 8 years
Cory is the change this lobby needs
over 8 years
Cory for president
Put CoryInTheWhiteHouse

Also I didn't realise I was on tumblr.
deletedover 8 years
Taking bets on how long until the we all forget about this and move on to the next big drama event
over 8 years
np fuccboi
over 8 years

cub says

Floor says

What is the point of banning someone repeatedly that makes themself noticeable dozens of times. Cory can just make an account without cory in it and, wow, all a sudden you're still getting offended by someone with a different name now that you're not 100% sure is cory!

If you want a more enjoyable life get thicker skin, not control over others. That's how this scenario is.

at first i thought your post was unpopular but then i saw 6 people liked it and 1 mod disliked it which is why it has -4 points

Thanks for clarifying your confusion cub. I always wondered what went on in the mind of a cynical [redacted]
over 8 years

Floor says

What is the point of banning someone repeatedly that makes themself noticeable dozens of times. Cory can just make an account without cory in it and, wow, all a sudden you're still getting offended by someone with a different name now that you're not 100% sure is cory!

If you want a more enjoyable life get thicker skin, not control over others. That's how this scenario is.

at first i thought your post was unpopular but then i saw 6 people liked it and 1 mod disliked it which is why it has -4 points
over 8 years
"stop being offended at words"
*getting offended at someone someone sometimes being kicked from lobbies*
over 8 years
Lmao heterosexual white male
deletedover 8 years
lmao bdog
over 8 years
"Just stop being offended" - heterosexual white males, probably.

Checkmate atheists.
over 8 years
Cory da real mvp. Stop being such cucks, grow a spine, and stop getting offended at words.
deletedover 8 years
I was the best cory tbh o wait
over 8 years
Musume isn't Cory, Cory isn't a pizza.
over 8 years

Musume says

It's all the same cory

except when it's Musume
over 8 years
thats so weird. The cory I knew way back when was a total but she never said anything too bad. People just ignored her mostly and eventually she simmered down. The stuff she said was typical internet troll "You suck youre the worst I hate you you B*tch I hope you die yadda yadda" but they never went out of their way to attack someone personally. I've seen people worse than that that have never been banned and still play.
deletedover 8 years
It's all the same cory
over 8 years
OKAY IM CONFUSED... Is there two different corys. the chick I know never talked about trans or gay people she only called people B**ches and c*nts said they sucked at the game and then talked about the 31 one year old she was dating.

is Kory different than Cory.. this is getting confusing
over 8 years

Montagne says

Golbolco says

rockgirlnikki says

Golbolco says

Actually, Nikki, Garden doesn't seem to care about Cory one way or the other.

Then why is there an entire forum about Cory? Sigh.

The site mods probably mandated it, or Potentate made it out of her own free will. Garden seems to think that Cory getting banned over and over again is a minor nuisance.

If you knew the history of Cory, something rockgirlnikki mentioned in her post - you would understand the argument that she's trying to make. Yet again, you're trying to involve yourself in the centre of attention.

I have seen many cory's in my six years here and Cory is nothing compared to what I've seen. People just need to get thicker skin I realize with cory if you ignore the dumb they say THEY STOP


they used to call me every game and when they realized I didn't care THEY STOPPED