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Spamming in sandbox games

almost 9 years

Is spamming in sandbox games against the rules? I was given a vio for spamming in a sandbox game which I'm not too fussed about. But what I am fussed about is the inconsistency with which this rule is applied.

The original report against me: - Moderated by Haze

My appeal: - Moderated by Hibiki

My 2nd appeal: - Moderated by antikrist

What irks me is that, while providing evidence of this rule not being applied elsewhere, my second appeal was sustained without any reasoning given or any mention of the other report.

Report against yoyo for the exact same thing: - No vio given because "The site rule for spamming in game doesn't apply to unranked sandbox games"

There was a previous thread made on the topic by Vilden which was deleted for I don't know what reason [img]

Mods, I want to know once and for all. Is spamming in a sandbox game an offence.

almost 9 years
I don't understand the concept of reports preceding rules when it should be the other way round, nor do I understand the inability of Hibiki to just get off the high horse for once and admit they screwed up, but hey, at least Pam is a reasonable person.

Also, since spamming has been banned for disrupting games, can we also report users for suiciding after being voted or for intentionally breaking games? To what extent have the rules changed if "disruption" is no longer allowed in Sandbox?
almost 9 years
the mods have always been ruining training lobby but now that want to ruin sandbox too?

Great community here... wow
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

well, no, because a single spamming violation isn't really that big of a deal

This right here shows how out of touch you are with the community. Just because it isn't a big deal in your eyes doesn't mean everyone feels the same. A vio given under dubious circumstances should always be dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

actually, 100% of the time, appeals of sustained appeals are supposed to be closed without consideration

This is another "rule" that apparently all mods did not know about. Antikrist did not say "they're meant to be closed", he said "they're usually redundant".

Hibiki, honestly, I understand that this is what you're used to doing. But you need to accept that this many people cannot be wrong and we're not arguing for the sake of arguing. There is a genuine, valid point being made here that the ruling is not listed anywhere and is not being applied consistency. You do not need a retaliation to every point being made, you can sometimes accept that mods aren't always right and reply with a bit more grace and humility. This will get you far more liked in the community. Look at SimplyPam for example, in one short sentence he/she 1)Accepted that an error in communication has been made and 2)Assured that it will be rectified.
That is all we were looking for.

Hibiki says

moderators get +10 forum votes

I did not know this, my apologies for accusing antikrist of breaking the rules.
almost 9 years
Breaking news: bad mods are bad

Entire population of absolutely nobody is surprised
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

well, no, because a single spamming violation isn't really that big of a deal

Screw you kindly. Every vio is a big deal.
almost 9 years
Moderators are trash and they will always be. I want to be admin again, so i can finnaly shake you up a little...
almost 9 years
well, no, because a single spamming violation isn't really that big of a deal
almost 9 years
moderators get +10 forum votes
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

spamming disrupts both ranked and unranked games, which is why it is handled that way. hima, the primary sandbox moderator, has been handling reports that way for a long long time. it's nothing new

Shouldn't you find it alarming that for a "long, long time" you guys have been handling reports in a way that wasn't communicated to the community?
almost 9 years

Pretty much shows who support the mods anyway. Just remove the vio no one cares about spamming in sandbox, only little kids
almost 9 years
Just explain to all mods for sandbox to give violations for Spamming.

And if they keep not doing it, remove them as moderators lol.
almost 9 years

Isn't exploiting the voting bug against the rules as was mentioned in an announcement a while back?
almost 9 years
wertyo i should hire you to do my complains. No one takes me serious on important matters because i cant explain it well. But i have made great points, just like you had.
almost 9 years

Hibiki says

spamming disrupts both ranked and unranked games, which is why it is handled that way. hima, the primary sandbox moderator, has been handling reports that way for a long long time. it's nothing new

You have, like antikrist, given me the argument of "this mod has handled it this way previously".

Do I know there has been a precedent? No. Do I know that it's a violation? No. Is it stated in the rules that it's a violation? No.

I completely understand that this is how you guys have done it in the past. But again, you're failing to accept my point that it's not mentioned anywhere for the MASSES to see.
almost 9 years
actually, 100% of the time, appeals of sustained appeals are supposed to be closed without consideration
almost 9 years

antikrist says

You do realize most of the time appeals of appeals are redundant, correct? If it was an original appeal, yes, I'd comment. Appeal of an appeal? No.

and yet in this case the appeal of the appeal was in the right. just stop posting.
almost 9 years

antikrist says

You do realize most of the time appeals of appeals are redundant, correct? If it was an original appeal, yes, I'd comment. Appeal of an appeal? No.

His second appeal cited a report that was handled differently. If you closed his second appeal because it was a second appeal without reading it, that's a whole separate matter. When there is a second appeal you should honestly be putting more work into it than your first tbh.

You said you close second appeals because they're redundant... so you follow up possible redundancy by closing a report with no more information to the reporter?
deletedalmost 9 years
@Pam- Are you going to update the rules page as well, though?
almost 9 years
spamming disrupts both ranked and unranked games, which is why it is handled that way. hima, the primary sandbox moderator, has been handling reports that way for a long long time. it's nothing new
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Thank you SimplyPam. That's literally all I needed to hear and this whole fiasco could have been avoided.
deletedalmost 9 years
I understand your point of view, in the rules it does say we only moderate game violations in ranked games. We're at fault here because we haven't let Sandbox players know that spamming is violable in unranked, that being said I'd just note it and announce in the Sandbox lobby that we are going to moderate spamming so everyone is on the same page. This is just a problem of communication that we will handle.
almost 9 years
"Most of the time"

You said it yourself. You clearly didn't pay attention to the report and sustained it without reading into it in depth. That is not your job as a mod. You are again backing your fellow mod without providing any basis and again shown your lack of communication skills with the masses.

I'm aware now that gardenfulloflies has taken over the matter and I thank you for passing it on to someone to make a judgement.

You have repeatedly dodged questions, given selective answers in a true politician style. This is no way to lead.

But, honestly, you need to remember that just because it's in a complaints forum, this is not a personal attack on mods. Everything is dependent on how they react. If you had said at the start "I'm sorry for this happening, I'll look into getting a ruling made", nobody would have complained. You need to treat everyone as equals, not as inferior. It's communication 101. I think you've run out of things to say antikrist, I'll let garden take over now.

Thanks for responding to the thread
deletedalmost 9 years
I don't think its fair for some people to get punished for something and others don't depending on which mod has reviewed the report. If a mod is saying it's a violation and another mod is saying its not then its just sending out two different messages.

If the mind of the mods have changed about whether it is a violation then you have to let the people know before because you just can't enforce it now like it is a violation without telling the people beforehand