you know what suicidal people with strong willpower do? they kill themselves.
either way, i've said my piece. i am genuinely concerned for you but i don't want to repeat myself or come off as overbearing. it's not my place to "diagnose" you. i just do not want something to happen to you that i could've helped in some way prevent.
i'm very sorry that you view this that way, because your brain isn't going to suddenly fix itself. sure, depression can come and go in waves, but hitting the deck and praying for the best isn't going to be a viable long term solution.
yea but the art of living is in finding a way to keep doing it, because the alternative sucks yo
also bearissoslow, you sure have gotten fragile it seems... maybe you feel vulnerable, but you're still you. no one is holding you back from being you.
deletedover 8 years
This isn't just tell me nice things, moreso that I needed a distraction like I said before
deletedover 8 years
Yeah I wanted to feel worth, but also I wanted different outlooks about how I should deal that isn't just hospital related
I don't want my life stifled and to be treated a mental just so my family has another thing to cut me down for, sorry
deletedover 8 years
i'm totally willing to be a sap for attention bait if it means not risking the chance of this being serious
tatami pls retti has said like 10 times he doesnt just want to hear "get help" i know u like slow but pls
deletedover 8 years
"seek help lol" is the equivalent of "don't get hit" in fgc. yes, it sounds dumb and overly simplified, but it's actually the best advice you could give someone who needs to take a first step in bettering themselves
deletedover 8 years
it's unfair and not right to actually put it upon other people on this forum to convince you of the value in life. this sounds harsh but it's reality. you can try a suicide hotline and that might help, they're (typically) good at counseling people in emergency mentalities and also have (presumably) good bases of reference.
what you should do is, like i said, actually go out of your way to seek help. it's a very difficult thing to do but you are conversing with someone who went through this process. if you have any sort of brain chemistry dysfunctions, it is extremely important you get those diagnosed and get proper treatment for them. no amount of internet therapy will help with that. i do not want to see you in this state and i think i speak for everyone when i say that.